My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 608: Sang Ning

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, his pupils turned back and forth, but he didn't choose to summon Xiaodie to leave immediately, but communicated with Master Bai in the Hall of Stars.

Looking at the person on the side.

The master didn't show any malice.

Under Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness, this person has always been non-existent, and his breath is not visible at all.

Of course, it's not that the person is really not threatening, but because the person is too strong and has reached a state of returning to nature!

"I wonder if your Excellency is...? Why are you looking for me?" Chen Fan took a deep breath.

The young man propped his chin and looked at Chen Fan with a smile:

"My name is Sang Ning, and I'm also the leader of the Blood God Sect. My Blood God Sect is because you suffered an indiscriminate disaster from the Yuhua Sect. You just killed one of my disciples. Why do you think I'm looking for you?"

Chen Fan was terrified immediately, the "Escape Wings" spread out behind him, and the Escape Wings could move fifty feet, but they only moved less than half a foot!

Sang Ning raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Fan.

"Hey, it's interesting. Within the scope of my domain, within a thousand feet, any escaping talisman is meaningless. Your technique is somewhat mysterious..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

The heart sank completely.

What kind of strength is this old monster? He doesn't need any space-locking formation at all. Just standing here, the space will be blocked, which is too terrifying!

Perhaps only Chen Wudao and other people who have mastered the supernatural powers can move away.

The corner of his mouth twitched, while his spiritual sense communicated with Master Bai, making it ready to summon Xiaodie at any time.

On the other side, he also took a deep breath and looked at Sang Ning:

"I don't understand what Senior Sang said. The reason why I killed this Ling Luo was because this person killed me first... Also, I have nothing to do with the Yuhua Sect, so how could I cause the Blood God Sect to suffer an indiscriminate disaster? ?”

Sang Ning smiled and said bluntly:

"Master Gu Yuefang disclosed the news of the Emperor of Earth Spirit to Yuhuamen, and Yuhuamen sent an old man with a third level of longevity. He was one step late, thinking that the Blood God Sect had snatched the Emperor of Earth Spirit, but in my blood god There was a riot in the sect, and I don’t know how many congregants lost their lives..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he finally understood why the Blood God Sect warrior in Gu Yue City squatted to guard him.

At the same time, I was glad that I absorbed the Emperor quickly enough and left in time.

Otherwise, if you encounter the three great men of Changsheng from the Yuhuamen, you may have to shed a layer of skin if you can escape.

He took a deep breath and said helplessly: "This is not what I wanted, it's just that Gu Yuefang misunderstood, and I haven't seen the 'dihuang' at all..."

Sang Ning waved his hands, his face showing a pondering expression:

"According to what you said, this matter can indeed be said to be a misunderstanding, even if you killed my sect's Nei Lingluo, it can be said to be a passive resistance... However, I sensed the resentment of my Blood God Cult warriors in you. Should you kill me to teach others? Is this also a misunderstanding?"

Chen Fan's heart stagnated again and he coughed a few times.

I am even more afraid of this old thing in my heart.

Shiro was killed by him earlier.

Although he didn't know how he knew about it, he knew that it would be pointless not to admit it at this time.

He bit the bullet and explained:

"I once went to the Kunwu Secret Realm, and I did have no choice but to fight with a Dharma protector from your teaching. Seniors should have heard of places like the Kunwu Secret Realm. If I don't kill people, I will die. I have no choice..."

Sang Ning nodded, with a look of approval:

"Based on what you said, what you did was really helpless. If I were in your position, I'm afraid I would make the same choice."

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then he heard Sang Ning's "just" again, and his heart raised his throat again.

"It's just... no matter what the reason is, it's true that you killed my congregation. As the leader of the Blood God Sect, it's justifiable for me to attack you, right?"

Chen Fan's heart froze, he took a deep breath, but said: "Senior, don't make such jokes. If senior wants to take action against me, he wouldn't tell me so much, would he?"

Sang Ning laughed:

"I like to talk to smart people. Ling Luo is my favorite disciple. The reason why I came here was to kill you to avenge Ling Luo and take away the 'Emperor of the Earth'..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Chen Fan had just killed Ling Luo, but he had just counted his harvest a little bit, and he didn't even have the time to make a cup of tea. How did this guy come after him?

Could it be that he also has the supernatural power of long-distance teleportation similar to Chen Wudao?

Of course, it is more likely to be the effect of some special treasure.

Sang Ning stared straight at Chen Fan, and continued:

"However, after waiting, your specialness made me change my mind. Compared with Lingluo's hatred and desire for the emperor, what I want to know more is you, the regicide from Daqian, Chen Fan's secret..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched again.

How does this person know everything!

In fact, Chen Fan had exposed his "God-Defying Blood" and strength many times during Daqian and Daqing. The Blood Demon Secret Realm was in Daqian, so he would naturally pay attention to the affairs of Daqian.

Although the "Star God Seal" was strong, Chen Fan couldn't exert its full effect.

The word-keeping formula of the "Star God Seal" can isolate the impact or detection of the spiritual consciousness of the masters below the second level of longevity, but it can't do it any higher!

This Sang Ning is obviously above the second level of longevity, he can see many secrets of Chen Fan's body at a glance, and even directly revealed Chen Fan's identity!

His eyes are full of greed:

"Being less than thirty years old, you can kill the Emperor Dagan, the Longevity Warrior, and my disciple Ling Luo, and you can also cultivate the 'Blood Fusion Art' to the fifth stage. I am very curious about you. .”

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a simple piece of paper fluttered down in front of Chen Fan.

"Sign this thing, and I will spare your life."

See this paper.

"The Deed of God?!" Chen Fan's expression changed.

Sang Ning nodded lightly: "It's best that you recognize this thing, so I won't waste my time. Now that you know it, sign it."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

He had accidentally obtained a "Deed of Imperial God" from a disciple of the Demon Sect.

This thing is a special kind of contract.

After signing, it will completely distort and change a person's self-will, completely serve the other party as the master, and completely consider the other party.

For some warriors, life may be the most important thing, and in order to survive, it is nothing to put others first.

But for Chen Fan, he would rather die than accept such a contract!

In fact, if the other party only wanted the "Earth Emperor", Chen Fan gritted his teeth and it was not unacceptable, but the "Deed of the Royal God" had already exceeded the limit of Chen Fan's tolerance.

It's just that although he had a decision in his heart, he also pretended to be extremely entangled.

But Sang Ning said indifferently: "Don't worry, I will give you time to think——"

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and suddenly shook his head and waved his hands: "No, I'll sign!"

After saying these words, he stepped forward and walked towards the deed of the gods.

Sang Ning also looked at this scene with a smile: "I said you are a smart person."

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