My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 609 Unrivaled

Chen Fan stepped forward, but he didn't take a few steps.


With a flash of inspiration, Xiaodie appeared under Chen Fan's feet, but she had already burst out with extreme speed, and rushed out without any delay!

Chen Fan had already communicated with Lord Bai in the Hall of Stars to let Xiaodie escape as quickly as possible after she came out, and at the same time filled Xiaodie with enough Yuanjing!

Xiaodie appeared in an instant, and ran away in an instant, the speed was so fast that Sang Ning raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Young friend Chen Fan, your chance is not simple. You actually have such a magical treasure..."

His eyes were shining brightly, but they were still playful and joking.

No worries at all!

Xiaodie urged Yuan Jing to burst out at the fastest speed, which could easily shake off the ancestor of the Zhao family who was at the second level of longevity.

It is definitely comparable to, or even surpasses, the speed of Changsheng triple!

It flew hundreds of feet away almost instantly.

But Sang Ning looked at this scene indifferently, grinning at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly raised his hand forward, his whole arm turned bloody, and then swelled instantly.

Chi Chi Chi!

The flesh and blood on the man's arm squirmed and swelled, and his palms almost covered the sky, and he caught up with Chen Fan who was running at high speed in an instant!

"Little friend Chen Fan, where are you going to escape to?"

A cold voice rang in Chen Fan's ear.

At the same time, the palm that covered the sky and the sun slapped the ground, like the Five Fingers Mountain that suppressed Sun Monkey. The roaring air and terrifying power made Chen Fan's hair stand on end and his scalp tingle.

He drew his sword in an instant.

The sword-drawing style plus the seven-kill sword, the double rage, and the state of the ultimate true energy increase, the top-level sword is cut out.


But it only made the palm stagnate a little, and didn't even break through the opponent's defense at all.

"How can it be?"

Chen Fan's complexion changed suddenly, and his body instantly turned golden, but he entered the state of "Immortal Vajra Body".

This "Imperishable Vajra Body", he has only completed the first stage, and he can't bless it too much, but it is better than nothing.

The illusory armor around his body emerged, and the white light flourished!

Master Bai had just swallowed 100,000 catties of "Purple Marrow Soil", and he had recovered a little bit, but Chen Fan still felt that he lacked confidence in the face of the opponent's big hand that covered the sky and the sun.

At the same time, Master Bai screamed in Chen Fan's heart: "Chen Fan, this guy is about to step into the Golden Core level, so Chen Wudao will not be an opponent, and Bai Huangjia can't stop him!"

Baihuangjia was far from recovering to his limit.

Attacks below the third level of longevity can offset 90% of the attack, but attacks at the third level of longevity and above can only withstand 40% to 50%!

The power of this giant palm slap is rare among the three layers of longevity.

Even after being weakened by the "White Emperor Armor", it is far beyond the full power attack of the ordinary second level of longevity!

Chen Fan's body is strong, but in fact, compared to the masters of the longevity level, he is still far behind.

As the huge palm fell, Chen Fan's golden body instantly cracked, his bones cracked and his bones splattered, and his whole body spattered with blood.

Chen Fan and Xiaodie were slapped on the ground together by the huge palm like a mosquito.

After a roar, huge deep ditches and ravines appeared on the ground.

Huge cracks spread to the surroundings, and a large amount of smoke and dust surged up.

Chen Fan's whole body was almost falling apart.

"Can't stop!"

The level of strength between the two is too different.

He immediately summoned the source beads and activated the "Origin Technique", and his injuries quickly recovered.

It's just that the source bead is similar to the "bead of life", the stored energy is limited, and after it is used up, it has to wait.

The energy storage effect of the "Original Bead" is also affected by the progress of Chen Fan's "Origin Technique". At this time, the "Original Bead" is enough for him to recover seven or eight times of such serious injuries at most.

This is already quite a heaven-defying effect.

When fighting against warriors who are similar in strength to him, I don't know how much advantage he will have.

But when it comes to dealing with Sang Ning, who is far beyond his own strength, he can only delay a few moves.

It doesn't make sense.


Seeing that although Chen Fan was soaked in blood, he still maintained his vitality, Sang Ning withdrew his palm, and a look of surprise flashed across his face:

"Interesting, even at the second level of longevity, if you receive such a palm from me, you may lose your skin if you don't die. You kid has so many tricks... I'm getting more and more interested in you."

"To be honest, I don't want to kill you anymore..."

With a thought, the "Deed of the Gods" floated and blinked in front of Chen Fan.

"I can... give you another chance at the end! Sign this thing, you can survive, and I can also make you the deputy leader of the Blood God Sect..."

Chen Fan stood up holding the Feiying Sword, and looked at Xiaodie who was already a certain distance away from him...

Xiaodie is a creature with a special mechanism, her body is also extremely strong, and she didn't suffer any serious damage from that palm.

But it's not a fighting type, and it doesn't recognize Chen Fan.

Chen Fan couldn't use Xiaodie's ability to truly be the number one flight mechanism of the Ancient Desolate Sect.

He raised his head, facing Sang Ning's terrifying pressure like a mountain, he stepped forward, raised his sword, and his face was full of evil spirit.

"you are dreaming!"

Chen Fan is a real person, but in such a situation, hypocrisy and obedience have little meaning at all.

It is absolutely impossible for him to sign the "Deed of the Gods"!

Seeing Chen Fan's appearance like this, Sang Ning also burst out laughing, "Interesting, interesting..."

As he spoke, his body disappeared instantly.

Chen Fan's eyes froze, and he turned his head suddenly, but Sang Ning appeared behind him in an instant.

The distance of hundreds of feet was crossed in an instant, and at this time the distance from Chen Fan was not even one foot.

The speed is so fast that it is even more terrifying than Xiaodie's limit!

Then his palm stretched out, and with a flick of his fingers, his palm swelled up again, and his fingers were even bigger than Chen Fan's whole body.

The terrifying finger popped out instantly.

The gust of wind wrinkled, and the bloody air flow rippled and scattered.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he felt a mountain-like pressure coming from that huge finger.

He gritted his teeth and moved forward.

call out!

Under the extreme state, his swordsmanship is enough to suppress a warrior of the first level of immortality, but now he can't even resist the strength of one finger.

boom! !

The ground under his feet was cracked, and the cracks spread in all directions. The sword in his hand was actually chopped on the finger that was thrown out by the person, but the flying shadow sword of the Taoist level could not even tear the skin on the finger of the person!

The muscles of Chen Fan's whole body were torn, and the blood spattered again.

The whole person was like a nail, which was smashed down by a heavy hammer and sank deep into the ground.

Sang Ning sneered, put away his palms, and looked at the ground where a lot of smoke and dust were scattered, but suddenly frowned.

But he found that after his move, he suddenly couldn't sense Chen Fan anymore!

With a thought, he gently waved his palm, and a large amount of turbulent smoke and dust was pressed into the ground with the wind of his palm. There was no shadow of Chen Fan at all in the huge deep pit in front of him and the cracks spreading all around.

" it missing?"

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