My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 610: The Only Vitality


Sang Ning raised her eyebrows.

Scanning the surroundings with spiritual consciousness, Chen Fan's figure was not found either.

A gleam flashed in his eyes, but when he waved his hand, a blood-colored spar appeared in his hand. The bloody light on the spar was stirring, but it scattered around irregularly.

"I can't sense that kid..."

He frowned, but he didn't leave. Instead, he waved his hand, and a bloody light rippled from his body, completely covering everything within a few miles.

He had a premonition that Chen Fan hadn't completely left, and was still around...

In fact, Sang Ning guessed right.

Chen Fan suddenly disappeared, but got into the Star Palace.

The main body of the Hall of Stars turned into a speck of dust amidst the turmoil in the sky.

After entering the Hall of Stars, Chen Fan did not relax.

Although the Hall of Stars once even surpassed Chen Wudao, the situation is completely different now.

At the beginning when his avatar was outside, Chen Wudao thought he had killed Chen Fan, and his condition was extremely bad, so he didn't realize that the Star Palace was also within Chen Fan's expectations.

But this time, he disappeared suddenly. This Sang Ning's strength surpassed that of Chen Wudao. Chen Fan didn't dare to guarantee whether he could discover the secret of the Star Palace!

Chen Fan, who entered the Hall of Stars, was urging Yuanzhu to recover from his injuries while observing the situation outside.

Sang Ning sealed off the surrounding area, and was also cruising constantly, as if looking for something unusual.

Chen Fan recovered quickly from his injuries, but he frowned tightly.

Sang Ning did not leave, so it is possible to discover the anomaly in the Hall of Stars.

Master Bai was standing on top of Chen Fan's head, with human concerns flashing across his face:

"It's a pity that Chen Fan's cultivation base is too low, and the damage suffered by the 'White Emperor' is too great. You can't win if you fight hard..."

"Right now, we can only hope that this guy won't discover the secret of the 'Star Palace'..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, his thoughts turned rapidly, but he couldn't think of a suitable solution at all.

He also thought about sending the avatar to die, but he was afraid that if the avatar died, his spiritual consciousness would not have the chance to return to the main body.

His strength is too terrifying, and his spiritual realm is far beyond Chen Fan.

Chen Wudao shattered his emptiness, his state was too bad, and he didn't know the difference between Chen Fan's body and clone. It's normal if he couldn't find it, but now Chen Fan didn't have the slightest confidence to hide it from him!

"And Xiaodie is also outside, I'm afraid she will be forcibly taken away by her. This time we will lose a lot..." Lord Bai couldn't help muttering.

Chen Fan shook his head helplessly.

Naturally, he also has resentment in his heart, but he also knows that in this situation, the most important thing is to survive.

I can't care about anything else.

As time passed, Sang Ning still did not discover the secret of the Hall of Stars, but he did not leave, but sat cross-legged on the ground, not knowing what he was doing.

Chen Fan recovered from his injuries long ago, but he didn't dare to leave the Hall of Stars at all.

I had to wait anxiously, looking for opportunities.

In the blink of an eye, nearly three months have passed. In the Palace of Stars, Chen Fan, who had been observing the outside world, suddenly changed his expression.

Outside, Sang Ning, who had been sitting on the ground without taking any action, suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

A coldness flashed across the corner of his mouth: "It took nearly three months to sweep every grain of dust with my spiritual sense, and I finally found the problem..."

He raised his hand, the invisible force surged, smoke and dust billowed in all directions, and the dust transformed by the Hall of Stars moved with his spiritual consciousness, and he pinched it in his hand!

"It's over!"

Chen Fan's heart sank completely.

He thought that the other party hadn't acted this month and had no choice but to sit on the sidelines, but he didn't expect him to be so persistent.

There are more than billions of dust around, and some fine dust is drifting all the time. To ensure that there is no repetition or omission, the spiritual consciousness scans every dust, even if it is only a small area, it is an extremely complicated work.

At least, for Chen Fan, who possesses the divine consciousness of the heavenly realm, he doesn't have the energy, nor the ability to do so.

"No wonder this Sang Ning can become the leader of the blood god, he really is not an ordinary person..."

In addition to Chen Fan's admiration, there was also a determination to burn everything together in his heart.

At this time, Master Bai saw Chen Fan's determination, and hesitated, "Chen Fan, there may be another way..."

"It's just that I can't guarantee that this method will definitely work, and you may also be affected..."

Chen Fan was startled, but his eyes were firm: "Master Bai, please tell me!"

When things got to this level, Chen Fan had no other choice. He would never sign the "Deed of the Gods", and he didn't want to die.

Master Bai took a deep breath: "Do you remember the deformed blood demon you made from that blood demon secret realm?"

Chen Fan was startled, but frowned deeply. He thought of what King Shentu had said back then, and also thought of the deep fear he felt when he concealed the mirror and deduced it.

King Shentu said that you can teach this blood demon a lesson at will, but never try to kill this blood demon, because you will find some special mutation.

It's just that Chen Fan doubts whether a mere tenth-level deformed blood demon, even if there is a mutation, can threaten a long-lived third-level master who is close to Jindan.

Master Bai said with worry on his face:

"I felt a deep-seated fear from that guy. It can make me feel fear, even if it is impossible for a master who surpasses longevity. I even vaguely remember that when the ancient desolate sect was destroyed, there was the same similar aura. There's a big secret behind this guy..."

Chen Fan nodded, no longer hesitated, and immediately turned into a streamer, rushing towards the hall where the blood beast was held.

At this time, he had no choice but to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.


outside world.

Sang Ning's eyes flickered, holding the Palace of Stars in his hands, the playfulness and curiosity on his face became heavier.

Although Chen Fan's strength is not very good, he has a lot of good things in his hands.

This also made Sang Ning more interested in Chen Fan.

His whole body was full of blood, and the muscles on his arms were knotted. It seemed indifferent, but in fact he concentrated all his strength on his hands.

But no matter how powerful he used, he still couldn't destroy or hurt the Hall of Stars!

The Taoist instrument itself is extremely hard.

And the Hall of Stars is not an ordinary Taoist artifact, needless to say the material.

A sneer flashed across Sang Ning's face, but he stopped exerting himself.

Now that I have discovered the secret, take the dust back and study it slowly, there is always a way to crack it.

And at this moment.

Suddenly, a ripple like water flashed across the grain of dust, and then a figure suddenly appeared in front of Sang Ning.

It was Chen Fan.

A smile flashed across Sang Ning's face, and he looked at Chen Fan coldly: "You can't sit still at last!"

For Chen Fan, he wasted so much time, so it was inevitable that he would feel restless in his heart.

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