My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 615 Nanyun desert

Luo Fangyan also looked over in surprise.

She didn't even notice it.

Chen Fan's expression froze, but he smiled, and said casually, "Everyone has my tracking marks on you."

But he didn't lie, the Star God Seal "Yu Zi Jue" can indeed be counted as a tracking mark.

Everyone was stunned.

Zhongli Hongyi next to him also narrowed his eyes, looking thoughtful.

Luo Fangyan was a little unhappy, and said, "You don't believe me? Afraid I'll lie to you?"

Chen Fan smiled, "If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't just make a verbal promise with you and help you enter Gu Yuefang to save people!"

In fact, it was Gu Yuefang who provoked him first, and Lingyun Sect was considered his "subordinate".

In the final analysis, Chen Fan was confident enough in his strength. If Gu Yuefang was a power at the level of the Lingshen Dao Sect, Chen Fan would not be stupid and talk hard to him.

Luo Fangyan felt that what Chen Fan said was right, and his original dissatisfaction disappeared in an instant, and he nodded with a smile.

How could this girl know about Chen Fan's identity and her entanglement with Gu Yuefang, and she thought that Chen Fan was worthy of close friendship.

After exchanging a few words with Luo Fangyan, Chen Fan looked at Zhongli Hongyi: "I don't know what the master Zhongli's plan is in the future?"

Zhongli Hongyi sighed, and said helplessly: "I plan to leave the Southern Region with my disciples and go to the Central Region to develop..."

Although Gu Yuefang fell apart, the strength of the remaining part cannot be provoked by Lingyun Sect.

Hu Tian didn't know where he went, maybe he was still in the corner of Mogul in the southern region, he didn't dare to stay here anymore.

As for the southeast region, it is impossible for him to go back. The west region and the east region are too far away, so the best choice is the southwest region and the central region.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, but looked at Luo Fangyan: "If I remember correctly, Miss Luo is from the Central Region..."

It is no coincidence that the person chooses to go to the Central Territory.

Luo Fangyan nodded and said:

"It was I who asked Uncle Zhongli to return to the Central Region with me. I am familiar with the Central Region, and I know a special shortcut from the Southern Region to the Central Region!"

"Brother Chen Fan, don't you also want to learn the 'Void Hidden Sword Art' from me? You can only learn it by going to the Central Region and returning to the old place of my sect...I don't know Brother Chen Fan..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words.

"I have no opinion!"

In the surrounding area, he also found all the fragments of the Heavenly Book that he could find.

Although there is still a page where the beginning has not been found, but the position cannot be deduced, and it is useless to continue to stay.

And he didn't intend to stay in the Southern Region, as he was too close to the Southeast Region and the Great Wilderness.

It is inconvenient to place one's relatives in the Hall of Stars.

The central region is the largest region in the entire continent, with the strongest strength. Chen Fan has long expected it in his heart, and it is just right to be able to take advantage of the trend.

Luo Fangyan nodded, and then said:

"The shortcut I know to go to the Central Territory is to enter Nanyunmo first and go to a place called Devil's Gap. The Devil's Gap is very mysterious, but it is somewhat dangerous..."

"When I came here, I relied on a hidden treasure passed down by the sect to pass through smoothly. This time there are so many people, but I'm afraid I will encounter a lot of danger...I'm afraid I will trouble you, Brother Chen Fan... ..."

Zhongli Hongyi and the others also stepped forward one by one, paying tribute to Chen Fan, entrusting them, and even promising rewards for Chen Fan's guards!

Chen Fan also smiled and nodded, not taking it seriously.

With his strength, unless there are certain peerless and fierce places or secret realms of the level of Kunwu Secret Realm, he really doesn't pay attention to ordinary dangers!

In fact, Lingyun Sect was originally a branch of Star Sect, and Chen Fan, the cheap Sect Master, should have fulfilled his corresponding obligations.

He is quite satisfied with Zhongli Hongyi's character, and he also intends to subdue these people and do things for himself.

And he planned to take this opportunity to settle the matter, find a safe place, and settle down the people in the Hall of Stars.

Although these people from Lingyun Sect are not worth mentioning compared to Chen Fan's strength, they can help protect his relatives and friends...

A group of people decided on various matters.

Zhongli Hongyi said helplessly: "There are not many people left in my Lingyun Sect, but half of them have been injured. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in a short time..."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed, and he said with a smile, "I have my own way."

As soon as his consciousness moved, he released the warship that had been left in the Star Palace for a long time.

He got this mechanism warship from the Dagan prince.

Incomparably precious.

Even princes rarely take it for general travel, because it consumes too much.

And because of the combination of the Ancient Desolate Sect's mechanism technique, this flying boat does not need to be controlled by humans at all. It only needs to set the destination and fill it with enough resources, and then it can complete the automatic driving.

It's just that this thing doesn't have spiritual consciousness, so naturally it can't be as flexible as Xiaodie, but it's big enough, with all kinds of facilities available, and there are many rooms.


And when they saw the huge flying boat that suddenly appeared in the open space, everyone looked over curiously.

Not to mention the value of the flying boat itself, just talking about the storage space that can hold such a huge flying boat is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

It's just that the people present also knew that Chen Fan was a peerless master, so they didn't dare to have any thoughts in their hearts.

Luo Fangyan's eyes flickered, looking excitedly at the huge battleship in front of him, his divine sense swept over it.

On the other side, on the side of Lingyunmen, many warriors including Zhongli's father and daughter, when they saw the unique flag pattern of Dagan on the battle boat, they all looked stern, but no one dared to speak nonsense.

But Chen Fan also noticed that these people made eye contact.

Chen Fan smiled and looked at Zhongli Hongyi, but he also saw Zhongli Hongyi unnaturally look away.

Chen Fan laughed.


Mechanical warships shuttled in the desolate desert.

Chen Fan sat in the cabin of the flying boat, frowning and looking at the vast desert below.

His spiritual consciousness seemed to be burdened with a heavy burden, and the range that his spiritual consciousness could cover was greatly reduced.

In this huge desert, it has been greatly restricted.

"Nanyunmo is one of the nine magical lands in the mainland, and it is the natural boundary between the central region and the southern region... Entering the desert, the further you go, the greater the wind and sand, and the more restricted your vision will be. Consciousness will also be weakened and blocked by wind and sand."

Luo Fangyan sat opposite Chen Fan, also looking down at the ground:

"If a martial artist with no passing experience enters it, even if it is a master of Taoism or longevity, he may lose his way..."

Chen Fan also couldn't help but startled, "Nine Wonderful Lands?"

He has a map of the mainland in his hand.

Knowing that the entire Southeast Region is not worth mentioning compared to the mainland.

Living in a corner and only looking at maps, he naturally doesn't know enough about these things.

Luo Fangyan nodded: "The Nine Wonderful Lands are the nine most mysterious and mysterious places in the entire continent, and Nanyunmo is the least dangerous of the Nine Great Wonderlands..."

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