My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 616 Devil Gorge

"The nine wonderlands each have their own characteristics and restrictions, but they also have one thing in common, that is, the space is unstable, and the 'empty talisman' cannot be activated..."

"It's just that, except for places such as the Chaos Sea and the Ruins of the Demon God, which are ranked a few places, which are extremely dangerous, although some other strange places have their own mysteries, relatively speaking, the danger is not too high."

Chaos Sea?

When Chen Fan heard this name, his heart moved.

It's not the first time he's heard of the name.

Some of the Great Eternal Demon Generals sealed in the Daqian came from the Chaos Sea.

This chaotic sea is located in the extreme north of the mainland, and has a lot to do with the demon sect and the demon boss. Although it is dangerous, there are also many opportunities.

As for the Ruins of the Demon God, he has never heard of them, and there is no location information about this place on the map in his hand, but it is not an ordinary place to be together with the Chaos Sea.

Luo Fangyan also didn't know much about the Nine Great Wonders, so he didn't say much, and quickly changed the subject:

"Generally, if ordinary warriors in the Southern Region want to go to the Central Region, they will choose to bypass the Western Region or the Eastern Region..."

Chen Fan was taken aback: "Eastern Region? Western Region? Isn't that a little too far away?"

Luo Fangyan nodded:

"No way, although Nanyunmo is relatively free of other strange land dangers, but it will not only confuse the direction, but there are also many desert monsters and alien races haunting it, and it may encounter natural disasters such as sandstorms at any time..."

"Weak fighters often take three or two years to successfully reach the Central Territory..."

Chen Fan couldn't help shaking his head.

Three or two years is really too long.

In fact, if Chen Fan is alone, the distance is not a problem. With Xiaodie, even if he takes a detour, he can reach the Central Territory within a few days, but the problem is that there is a boat full of people.

It is also impossible for him to expose the existence of the Hall of Stars casually.

Chen Fan also looked at Luo Fangyan: "You said this is a normal situation, that is to say, some people don't take a detour and go directly through Nanyunmo?"

Luo Fangyan nodded and said:

"Although Nanyunmo is dangerous, it has existed for a long time. With years of experience, some people have successfully passed through Nanyunmo, and they have mastered the fixed path. As long as they strictly follow the fixed route, it is true. Can successfully cross the desert."

"It's just that although it will be faster than detours, if we don't take shortcuts, even at the speed of this warship, regardless of external factors, we will still have two to three months to pass through Nanyunmo... "

To know.

The speed of the mechanism warship is absolutely no less than the speed of an ordinary tenth-level warrior bursting out with all his strength.

Being able to maintain the whole process like this, the speed of the journey is terrifying.

But even so, it will take two or three months, and this is without any surprises.

The difficulty can be imagined.


On the contrary, Chen Fan was quite excited.

The more difficult it is to reach the central region from the southern region, the more at ease he felt.

If you can arrive casually, the probability that you will be targeted by people from the Blood God Sect or the Spiritual God Dao Sect will greatly increase...

He also looked at Luo Fangyan again: "Didn't Miss Luo say, do you know the location of a shortcut? If we take that shortcut, how long will it take to reach the Central Region?"

Luo Fangyan smiled and said:

"Through that shortcut location, we will definitely be able to reach the Central Territory within five days!"


The war boat entered the desert within a hundred miles, and everything around it was completely covered by wind and sand.

People who don't have spiritual consciousness can't see things that are more than one foot away from them.

And the consciousness will be further weakened in the wind and sand, even the top ten experts cannot see things that are too far away.

Chen Fan completely handed over the control of the warship to Luo Fangyan.

Nan Yunmo said that there are many dangers, but under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to encounter monsters or aliens attacking in the vast desert in non-specific places.

A whole day passed, and apart from a few monster birds that bumped into him looking for death, Zhanzhou did not encounter any other attacks.

In such a special area, ordinary people can't survive at all, so there are very few sand bandits.

Closing his eyes and resting his mind, Chen Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and Luo Fangyan in front of him opened the window next to him, pointing to the hazy scene outside:

"The devil's gorge is here, brother Chen Fan, we may be attacked next, and we need your help, brother Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan also nodded, got up and came to the deck, sat cross-legged on the deck, wrapped the entire battleship with his spiritual consciousness that could not spread too far, and also investigated the surrounding situation.

The so-called Devil Gorge is really a special canyon.

The canyon is also covered by yellow sand and is extremely deep.

And as it progressed, the light also became dimmer, as if it had entered the night.

The wind howled in the sky, and Chen Fan's spiritual sense sensed that after entering the canyon, the surrounding monsters became much stronger.

Follow the battleship forward.

Suddenly Chen Fan opened his eyes, "Looking for death!"

A flying sword moved with his consciousness, flew out at high speed, and shot into the dark wind and sand.

Then a howl sounded, and everything returned to calm.

Although Chen Fan's consciousness was greatly restricted.

But it can also cover a range of hundreds of meters around.

Baizhang is not worth mentioning to Daoguo and longevity masters, but it is not a short distance, enough for Chen Fan to react and make a move.

Chen Fan retracted the flying sword and sneered.

He had sensed a vulture monster just now, with about eight levels of strength, so it was easily dealt with by him with a flying sword.

What surprised Chen Fan was that not long after he dealt with the vulture, a large number of vultures of the same type flew over.

"Haven't I heard that vultures live in groups?"

Chen Fan frowned, but he was not afraid.

With a move of consciousness.

Hundreds of flying swords flew together.


The first one of these vultures was barely ten heavy, and the others were all below ten heavy. Under Chen Fan's flying swords, they turned into a bloody mist in the blink of an eye!

Monster beasts have strong vitality, but they are much harder to kill than warriors of the same level.

However, Chen Fan's strength was too much, and it couldn't be easier to deal with a tenth-level low-level monster.

The people on the battle boat only saw the flying sword hovering above Chen Fan's head, flew out and flew back again, faintly heard the whining of birds and beasts, but they didn't know that Chen Fan had slaughtered a whole group of monsters and beasts.

In the days that followed, Zhanzhou was also attacked by monsters and beasts several times.

In fact, if the warships were not flying in the sky, there would be even more monsters to encounter.

This Devil's Gap is indeed extremely dangerous. Chen Fan even encountered monsters in the later stages of the tenth stage, which forced him to activate the White Emperor Armor's boost state and cut out a flying shadow sword to solve the problem.

Of course, the goal of a battleship cannot be compared with the goal of a single warrior.

If you act alone, you will naturally encounter much fewer attacks.

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