My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 619 Leaving the Desert

"It's because of these things that we have been chased by the Sha people for so long..." Cheng Shifei was embarrassed, and naturally he didn't dare to hide anything.

Chen Fan frowned slightly, and swept his consciousness towards these things, but he also noticed these items, each of which exuded a powerful aura, and they were all extraordinary.

In fact, if Master Bai hadn't reminded him, he really wouldn't have taken these things too seriously.

He has a lot of Dao artifacts in his hand. Among these items, except for the jasper scepter, I am afraid that none of them can match the Dao artifact level.

It's just that Master Bai's words shocked him.

Divine consciousness also involuntarily swept towards the golden wine glass.

He had heard of the legend of Shenting several times, but this was the first time he really came into contact with something that had an exact relationship with Shenting!

Needless to say its function, its origin alone is worth Chen Fan's shot.

It's just that he pretended not to care on the surface.

Shaking his head and looking at Cheng Shifei and others:

"I promised to take you through, but it is impossible to resist such a master for you, so get off the boat."

Cheng Shifei's face was extremely ugly, "Here, senior, you are also a Daoist, so it shouldn't be difficult to stop this Sha Clan man, right?"

In Cheng Shifei's view, Chen Fan was able to swiftly kill the Sandman in the late stage of the tenth level, and he was naturally a master at the Dao Fruit level!

Chen Fan shook his head: "I can indeed stop him, but I still have to take risks. It's not worth it for me to do this with just one piece of Blood Yang Tianzhu."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "The strong Sha tribe can catch up in ten breaths at most, three please—"

Cheng Shifei had an ugly expression, and hurriedly said:

"If senior can step forward to block this strong Sand Clan man, our Baiyun Society will definitely pay the price to satisfy senior."

Chen Fan shook his head, but looked at the many objects in front of him, but frowned and said:

"Choose one of these things for me, and I promise to help you."

Cheng Shifei noticed Chen Fan's expression, and said helplessly, "We have sacrificed so much for this thing, and finally escaped from Nanyunmo. These things..."

Chen Fan shook his head directly and said: "Then please go down, maybe if you return these, the strong Sand Clan might let you go."

As soon as these words came out, the three of Cheng Shifei also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chen Fan's words also hit the most helpless point of the three of them.

If it really comes to the most critical moment, it is not impossible to give up these things.

But even if the three of them gave up, the strong Sand Clan would probably not let them go!

Chen Fan also sneered when he saw the expressions of the three people: "You can mix into the Holy Land of the Sand Clan and get so many things, I only want one? How to choose, do you need me to say more?"

When Chen Fan said this, Cheng Shifei also sighed helplessly, but gritted his teeth and nodded, "I can't give you this jade scepter, but you can choose any other things!"

Among the seven or eight items, the most extraordinary one is the jasper scepter.

And although the wine cup exudes a mysterious atmosphere, most of it is more like a pure sacrificial object. These people don't have Lord Bai's eyesight and experience, so how would they know that this thing is related to the legendary God's Court!

A look of displeasure flashed across Chen Fan's face, and he frowned.

That Cheng Shi felt bad, Fei hurriedly said: "In addition, I can give senior a piece of Blood Yang Tianzhu!"

Chen Fan's expression did not ease because of this.

And at this moment, another roar sounded from the outside world, and at the same time, a shout of anger sounded.

It was like a thunderbolt, but everyone couldn't understand the language at all.

The entire battleship also began to shake violently, Cheng Shifei's expression was terrified, and he was also extremely flustered:

"Two knots, no... I'll send another three knots of Blood Yang Tianzhu, senior, please do it!"

Only then did Chen Fan nod, and instantly turned into a streamer and rushed out of the battle boat.

At the same time, the strong men of the Nasha tribe had also arrived.

As the people of the Sand Clan marched, they were accompanied by a terrifying sandstorm. This sandstorm was very terrifying. If there were no warriors with tenth level strength, just getting close to him might not even save their lives!

Chen Fan did not exaggerate his strength.

It is indeed the peak of Dao Fruit, the strength close to the realm of longevity.

And even if it was Chen Fan, the avatar was unlikely to be his opponent. He also immediately entered the Hall of Stars with the avatar, and switched his main body to come out.

With double berserk and White Emperor Armor's limit increase, it still easily dealt with this person from the Sand Clan, and obtained another Sand Core!

It's a pity that although the power level of this sand core is high, there is no flow of dao rhyme on it, it is just pure high-energy condensation.

But after all, this sand man is at the Dao Fruit level, so the value of this sand core is needless to say.

And with so much energy gathered in this small core, if Chen Fan detonated the power inside, I am afraid that even the immortal master will be injured accidentally.

After finishing off the master of the Sand Clan, Chen Fan himself immediately went into the Hall of Stars, changed his avatar to go out, and returned to the battle boat.

Seeing that the fluctuation subsided and Chen Fan successfully returned, Cheng Shifei also heaved a sigh of relief.

Then Cheng Shifei took out three pieces of Xueyang Tianzhu with heartache, and asked Chen Fan to choose two items.

In fact, Cheng Shifei has made a lot of money. If Chen Fan is not a good person, he might just kill people and seize treasures!

Apart from the golden wine glass, Chen Fan also chose a gray slate. He felt a special seal on it. Among the many items, he was most interested in it except the jasper scepter.


After killing the Dao Fruit master of the Sand Clan, he did not encounter the master of the Sand Clan to pursue him again.

It's been a smooth journey.

middle domain.

In the desolate desert sky, a huge machine warship pierced the sky.

Sitting in the cabin of the flying boat, Chen Fan frowned as he watched the green smear on the edge of the vast desert below.

"Finally left the desert!"

Cheng Shifei and the other three next to him were even more relieved.

The Sand Clan will hardly leave Nanyun Desert, so leaving the desert basically means their safety!

In fact, leaving the desert, the space disorder will disappear, and the three of them can directly activate the escape talisman to escape.

The three of Cheng Shifei were also delighted, and immediately bid farewell to Chen Fan and asked to disembark, but Chen Fan did not stop him.

He has already benefited, and there is no reason to keep the three of them.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they got off the boat. After all, Chen Fan's strength is here. If Chen Fan really wants to kill people and seize the treasure, the three of them can't stop them at all.

The organ flying boat continued to move forward.

Soon entered the rolling green hills.

Looking at the magnificent scene below, Luo Fangyan also excitedly said: "After leaving the desert, walk northwest for half a day, and you will arrive at 'Yundeng Mountain', which is also where my mountain gate is located!"

Chen Fan smiled, "Miss Luo can contact other people in the sect..."

Luo Fangyan, however, had a look of sadness flashing across his face: "Since the death of the master, I am the only one left in the Void Sect."

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