My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 620 Canghai City

Chen Fan was taken aback, but he quickly said:

"My condolences to Miss Luo."

The sadness on Luo Fangyan's face was fleeting, but he smiled and said:

"Master's talent is insufficient, he failed to step into the 'Yu Leap' realm, and his longevity reached the limit and passed away... It's a joy and death, which is a good thing!"

Chen Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

I also feel weird in my heart.

Luo Fangyan is a tenth-level martial artist, and he still has a powerful swordsmanship inheritance. He is obviously not very old. Chen Fan always thought that his master would be a powerful person, but he did not expect that he was a martial artist under the tenth level.

The more so, the more Chen Fan felt that Luo Fangyan was extraordinary.

Master Luo Fangyan's talent is not good, that is to say, Luo Fangyan stepped into the tenth level entirely by himself!

This is quite rare.

However, thinking of Luo Fangyan's pure heart, Chen Fan was not surprised.

One of the ten levels of mood, I am afraid that it will not hinder the person in the slightest.

Even his people probably didn't know the difficulties of the ten levels of barriers before this. The more so, the easier it is for them to break through this level of barriers.

And he also felt strange in his heart, there was only one person left in the Void Sect, how on earth would Luo Fangyan let himself learn the "Sword Hiding in the Void".

The mechanism flying boat passed through the green hills, and not long after, a black spot approached in the sky.

But several warriors who also rode flying spirit weapons approached.

These people are all wearing standard armor, and their strength is not bad. They are all warriors at the seventh or eighth level of martial arts, and the leader is even more powerful at the tenth level!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. These people didn't seem like robbers, they didn't know what they were doing here.

He turned his head to look at Luo Fangyan next to him, but the girl also looked blank.

Chen Fan had no choice but to get out of the cabin, and then looked at several people through the protective formation on the mechanical flying boat.

"What are you guys doing?"

The martial artist on the flying spirit weapon politely clasped his fists at Chen Fan:

"Young master, we are warriors who maintain law and order in Canghai City. Your flying boat has entered the airspace of Canghai City, and there is no registration record..."

Chen Fan also suddenly understood.

And then directly opened the protective formation of the flying boat, let these people board the battleship, after simple registration and recording, these warriors left politely one by one.

Chen Fan also had a subtle expression.

It is indeed different in Zhongyu, and the order is obviously different from other places.

Registering a flying boat is thankless, but it is very useful for maintaining order.

After bidding farewell to the group of warriors, Chen Fan also curiously asked Luo Fangyan.

"Could it be that Canghai City is very powerful, and any patrolling warrior is ten heavy?"

Luo Fangyan nodded: "Canghai City is the top three big cities in Yuan Shenzhou, and it is also the largest city under the jurisdiction of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. There is a sword emperor sitting in the town, and it is under the jurisdiction of Canghai City for thousands of miles—"

Zhongyu divides Kyushu, Yuan Shenzhou is a state located in the southwest of Zhongyu, even if it is only a state, it does not need to be much smaller than other regions in the mainland, Zhongyu is too big.

Chen Fan's expression froze slightly.

"Did you just say Sky Splitting Sword Sect?"

Luo Fangyan nodded, curiously said:

"Could it be that Brother Chen Fan has also heard of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect? That's right, although the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect has not been included in the top ten sects in recent years, its background is stronger than the top ten sects in all regions except the Central Region." Stronger, it is normal for the reputation to spread.”

Chen Fan's expression was subtle. He had not only heard of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, he also knew a long-lived master of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, Simo who was trapped in the Blood Demon Secret Realm.

Chen Fan still has the token of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect given by Simo!

Restraining his complicated emotions, he asked again:

"Is the sword emperor referring to the immortal master?"

Luo Fangyan nodded:

"Only those masters who have comprehended the Dao of Sword can be called Sword Emperors, but the Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect is no better than before, and there are only two Sword Emperors in the sect at this time!"

"The one in Canghai City is the one who broke through thousands of years ago. He is called the Canghai Sword Emperor. Canghai City was not originally called this name, but it was changed because he chose to sit here."

Two Sword Emperors, and only one?

Chen Fan was speechless.

It is precisely because he is also a person who comprehends the way of the sword.

Only then did Chen Fan realize how terrifying the way of the sword is.

A martial artist with the same cultivation base and the same conditions, even if his strength is one level higher, and a martial artist who comprehends the ordinary way, it is impossible to be an opponent of a swordsman.


There are thousands of ways of swordsmanship, even if they understand the same way of swordsmanship, everyone will be different.

Strength will also vary.

The kendo transformed from Wanjian's sword intent like Chen Fan's is extremely inclusive, and it is also stronger than ordinary kendo fighters!

However, this Canghai Sword Emperor, who has advanced to a thousand years of longevity, is probably already extremely terrifying in strength.

"Split Sky Sword Sect, Canghai Sword Emperor..."

Chen Fan's heart was also pounding.

In my heart, I couldn't help but want to see what the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect is like.

In such a huge sect, there should be no shortage of geniuses who comprehend the way of swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, he was also eager to move.

His kendo advances slowly, and he needs to see more powerful swordsmanship and compete with different kendo masters to improve.

Although the Sky Splitting Sword Sect is not among the top ten sects, its strength is extraordinary, at least not comparable to the Spiritual God Dao Sect.

The strength of each domain is too different. If it is not for the various sects, I am afraid that the vast majority of the top ten sects will come from the central domain.

He suppressed the inner impulse.

Learn the technique of hiding the sword in the void first, and then talk about other things!

Urging the warship to move forward, it took half a day to reach the destination.

But the mountain gate in Luo Fang's cigarette holder is extremely dilapidated.

On the lonely hill, there are only a few dilapidated yards.

Chen Fan has always been able to pass on the "Hidden Sword Art in the Void" to the hermit sect, no matter how few people there are, the force should be very high, but now it seems that it is a big disappointment.

Even under Chen Fan's spiritual sense, he found traces of bandits...

Apparently Luo Fangyan had been away for too long, and the mountain gate was taken.

He shook his head and lowered the flying boat, and the warriors of Lingyunmen naturally expelled these bandits with ease!

The Bandit King is no more than the strength of an ordinary grandmaster, and he is considered powerful among ordinary people, but compared to the warriors of Lingyunmen, the gap is still huge.

It is worth mentioning that although the mountain gate was dilapidated, the aura around it was reasonable. Lingyunmen immediately set up a large formation to gather spirits and began to rebuild the mountain gate.

And Chen Fan also got into the Hall of Stars.


Star Palace, in a certain sealed room.

Chen Fan also looked curiously at the golden wine glass in his hand.

It is exquisite and bright, and it is studded with gemstones of various colors, but Chen Fan still doesn't know how to use this thing and what kind of effect it has.

Even he took out the solar occultation mirror to deduce the golden wine glass, but found nothing.

"My strength is too weak, and the sacrifices are not enough, so I can't deduce the secret behind this wine glass at all..."

Feeling helpless, he took out the gray slate again.

I used yellow spring water to wash off the outer seal, but found a special map recorded on this stone slab!

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