Canghai Sword Emperor is Simo's apprentice.

After getting Chen Fan's information and token, he immediately went to the southeast domain.

As a long-lived person, he is also a peerless master at the level of swordsmanship, and people from Dagan and Lingshen Daozong dare not provoke him at all.

Even Dagan was forced to temporarily open the gate of the Gorefiend Secret Realm, and only stayed in it for half a day before leaving.

After returning to the Central Region, the Canghai Sword Emperor also returned to the Sword Sect for the first time.

And convened all the senior officials in the sect and held a meeting.

Except for the elders of Jiange.

In the true biography of Jianzong, all the disciples above Daoguo also gathered together.

Of course, they are all still in the sect.

Cang Haijian brought back a piece of news that shocked all the elders in Jiange.

Si Jiandi, who disappeared thousands of years ago, is still alive, but trapped in a special place!

All the senior leaders of Jianzong were naturally astonished.

" could it be that Si Jiandi disappeared for a thousand years without any news coming back. Canghai Sword Emperor, how did you know Si Jiandi's whereabouts?" Someone asked doubtfully.

Canghai Sword Emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes swept over the crowd, and finally settled on a young man in black.

This young man is none other than Zhan Jianming, who is number one in the true biography!

Canghai Sword Emperor said indifferently: "Someone came to me with the master's token..."

Canghai Sword Emperor did not hide the situation.

The fact that Chen Fan brought back the Sima Token and asked to enter Jianzong was also disclosed...

Elder Lu sat in a corner, his mouth twitching.

He is a member of Canghai Sword Emperor, and he pays the most attention to Chen Fan.

I thought that Chen Fan might be the descendant of Canghai Sword Emperor, and he also took great care of Chen Fan, but now I know that Chen Fan is not a peerless genius that Canghai Sword Emperor values ​​at all, but just a lucky little guy!

Others just lamented that Chen Fan was lucky.

Only Zhan Jianming looked at Canghai Sword Emperor with a gentle smile on his face and said:

"Could it be that lucky boy named Chen Fan who asked for a place in the true test?"

The tone was calm, even showing respect for Sword Emperor Canghai.

Canghai Sword Emperor turned his head to look directly at him, and said with a smile: "I asked to give it to him. I think his cultivation base is not strong, but he is somewhat extraordinary. Do you... have any opinions?"

Zhan Jianming's expression froze, but he didn't show any dissatisfaction. He smiled: "How dare the disciple criticize the things that the Sword Emperor is happy with."

Chen Qing, who was sitting in the corner, suddenly said:

"I have come into contact with this Chen Fan. His cultivation base is not strong, but he is full of confidence in his bones. Even when facing me, he is respectful on the surface, but in fact he has no fear at all..."

"It seems that in his eyes, a higher level of cultivation and realm is nothing special... I think he can become a new true heir of my sword sect!"

Zhan Jianming looked at Chen Qingru, but the smile on his face grew stronger...


The Jianzong high-level meeting dispersed.

Elder Lu also called Yu Jin over immediately.

Yu Jin looked at Elder Lu in surprise, with an expression of disbelief:

"Here, elder, are you sure that this news is true? Then Chen Fan is so confident, I still think that Chen Fan is a disciple of Sword Emperor Canghai, or a genius discovered by Sword Emperor by chance. How could he be just lucky?"

Elder Lu shook his head: "This matter was said by the Sword Emperor himself. He only said that he was a martial artist from the southeast region, with extraordinary talent, but he didn't say anything extraordinary..."

Yu Jin also frowned and shook his head: "This, Southeast Region? Could it be that this son is a disciple of Lingshen Dao Sect?"

The main sect in the southeast region is the Ling Shen Dao sect.

Only the Lingshen Dao Sect is known to the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Elder Lu shook his head: "If you are a disciple of Lingshen Dao Sect, how could you come all the way to worship in my Sword Sect?"

The restrictions on accepting disciples among major sects are very strict, how could it be so easy to switch to another sect so easily.

Yu Jin couldn't help but sighed.

The original sense of expectation for Chen Fan in my heart has also been lowered a lot.

The Southeast Region is too remote.

Even the Lingshen Dao Sect, which ranks among the top ten sects, is no match for the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Not to mention, Chen Fan came out of nowhere.

His upper limit and lower limit are probably not very high...

Elder Lu has a delicate expression:

"Anyway, the Sword Emperor is willing to give this assessment opportunity. This kid is not cultivated enough, so he dares to accept it directly. Naturally, he has something to rely on."

"Since he entered the sect because of the Sword Emperor, he is a member of our lineage, so we can treat him as we should!"

Shaking his head, he also turned around and left.

Hearing this, Yu Jin was extremely depressed.

The reason why she is so ardent towards Chen Fan and doesn't even care about offending Zhan Jianming's family of warriors is naturally impossible because of how passionate her character really is.

Instead, they aimed at Canghai Sword Emperor behind Chen Fan.

If Chen Fan really had any close connection with Canghai Sword Emperor, let alone offending Zhan Jianming's subordinates, even if he really offended Zhan Jianming himself, it would not be a big deal.

Although Zhan Jianming is also immortal, there is still a gap compared to Canghai Sword Emperor.

It's just a pity that Chen Fan's identity was revealed, he had only met Sword Emperor Canghai once, and he might not have a good relationship with Sword Emperor himself...

It made Yu Jin very depressed.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and regretting is useless.

And she herself is not the kind of character who is afraid of getting into trouble.

She immediately picked up the disciple order in her hand and sent a message to Chen Fan.


Chen Fan frowned and put away the sun-shielding mirror in his hand.

He rubbed his aching forehead.

The information he can deduce to this haunted demon is very limited, and he can only deduce very limited information.

This guy was recently infected and became a demon!

And the place where it was infected is just around the corner!

"The residue of the demon god can infect living beings and become evil spirits..."

Chen Fan also had a special reverie in his heart.

There is no doubt that there are people who are behind the evil spirit's attack.

It's just that these ghosts may not be infected by the residue of the demon god brought by the demon gate, but...

It is very likely that around the Xuanjin veins, there are demon god remnants!

The person behind the scenes is using the power of the demon god's remnant to create a ghost, so as to invade the Xuanjin vein.

It's just that there are still many doubts in it. Why don't the people behind it attack in a unified way, but in batches...

And why not make full use of the power of the demon...

Chen Fan was full of doubts: "Is it not strong enough? Or did it on purpose?"

Shaking his head, he put away the scroll of painting.

But it was found that the token was flickering.

Only then did he discover Yu Jin's message.

Seeing the uploaded letter, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows again.

Canghai Sword Emperor returned to the sect, and has made public the reason why he was able to join the sword sect...

Chen Fan never thought of hiding this matter, and to him, it doesn't matter much whether the matter is exposed or not.

shook his head.

And at this moment.

"Brother Chen Fan, Senior Sister Zhao and the others are back, and Senior Brother Mo is going to hold a strategy meeting! Please come over!"

The door of the quiet room was knocked, and the voice of a warrior came in.

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