above the sky.

Zong Zhengxiu, who was riding a huge spiritual eagle, delicately stroked the token in his hand, with subtle surprise on his face:

"There is such a thing! I still think that Chen Fan is some kind of extraordinary mission, it turns out that he is just a lucky guy..."

The man licked his lips.

When he learned that Chen Fan was not someone that the Canghai Sword Emperor valued, he was just lucky enough to get the Simo Token and get the chance to enter the Sword Sect.

The fear he once had towards Chen Fan also completely disappeared.

And without fear, many things that I dared not do before can continue to be done...


Chen Fan stood up with a frown and pushed open the door, there was already a warrior waiting outside.

This martial artist is only a martial arts ninth level.

Very polite.

"Have the other senior brothers of Jianzong come to the No. 1 mine?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

"Senior Sister Zhao and all the senior brothers came back. Brother Mo wanted to re-divide the team, so he called back all the senior brothers around."

Chen Fan nodded.

He followed him out of the room and quickly entered a hall.

In the hall, apart from the disciples of Jianzong who came to carry out the mission this time, there are also many top ten masters from the Jialan Kingdom.

Chen Fan quickly saw Liu Yunfei in the crowd, and he also took the initiative to go forward, exchanged a few words with him, and then asked again:

"Senior Brother Liu, if you go here, what will you gain?"

Liu Yunfei shook his head: "It's not much different from other places. These ghosts seem to have come out of the ground, elusive...there are no traces left..."

The result was not what Chen Fan expected.

Soon the bearded brother Mo walked in.

The so-called strategy meeting was nothing more than a regrouping of tasks after Zhao Xizhu and the others returned.

The top ten masters of Jianzong and Jialan Kingdom are basically responsible for guarding the No. 1 and No. 2 mines.

The possibility of an attack on a small mine is extremely low. Even if it is attacked, it will only be one or two tenth-level demons. Naturally, the degree of attention it receives is different from that of the remaining two major mine veins.

"Junior Sister Zhao, you stay in the No. 1 mine and sit in charge, and I will go to No. 2!"

Brother Namo was smiling and very polite.

The two are the strongest in the true biography of Jianzong's appearance, and both are in the third level of the Dao domain!

Zhao Shezhu also nodded slightly.

After the distribution of the ten heavy warriors.

Brother Mo glanced at the remaining warriors.

"Next, I will arrange the division of labor for the warriors of the 10th level and 1st level. Yan Hongchi, Zhou Hairong, you go to the No. 12 mine..." Brother Mo pointed to the people present one by one.

Some warriors who were not ten heavy were assigned to certain small mines.

Chen Fan also frowned.

Because according to this standard, there is a high probability that he will be assigned to a small mine.

As expected, Senior Brother Mo quickly called his name, "Chen Fan, you can go to the No. 27 mine!"

Except for the three major mines, the larger the number, the smaller the mine.

For example, in the sixth-layer mine that Chen Fan supported before, only one or two tenth-layer monsters attacked the entire mine, which shows that the people behind it don't take it seriously at all.

The No. 27 mine is almost the most remote and smallest mine in the entire Xuanjin Vein.

Liu Yunfei looked over enviously.

His people are eager to go to such remote mines, because even if they encounter an attack, the scale of the attack will definitely not be too high.

But Chen Fan shook his head resolutely: "Junior brother wants to go to No. 1 and 2 mines!"

The No. 27 mine was far inferior to the No. 6 mine that Chen Fan had supported before. Chen Fan even wondered where he went and whether he would encounter more than ten monsters attacking him.

What kind of true inheritance assessment task do I still do!

The bearded man frowned around his body, and said a little rudely: "This is the second time you have disobeyed my order—"

His eyes were cold, staring at Chen Fan:

"You have to listen to this order if you don't! You have to go on the 27th!"

The aura around him was so cold that all the warriors present were shocked.

Several true disciples also raised their eyebrows, but they all looked at Chen Fan strangely.

Where does this kid have such courage.

Zhao Xizhu next to him saw this scene, but he waved his hands and said, "Senior Brother, why do you do this? Since Junior Brother Chen is not afraid of danger and is willing to go to No. 1 and 2 mines, let him go!"

Senior Brother Mo snorted coldly, shook his head and said:

"Junior Sister, as the leader of this mission, I need to guarantee my authority. This order doesn't matter, but I still have to give it!"

Senior Brother Mo looked determined, but a strangeness flashed between his eyes for a moment. Others didn't notice it, but Chen Fan had a strong spiritual sense, so he noticed it keenly.

Compared with before, his behavior is obviously a little abnormal.

Chen Fan smiled, but shook his head, and said bluntly:

"Senior brother, you still seemed to ignore me before, why did you suddenly become so strong towards me and insisted on interfering with my actions? Did someone tell you that I came here for the 'True Disciple Assessment'? Want you to deliberately make things difficult for me?"

He also didn't hide anything at all, and directly told the truth.

With a sneer in his heart, the relationship between himself and the Sword Emperor was only revealed. I am afraid that Senior Brother Zhan Jianming started to act again.

As soon as this statement came out.

Several warriors around were all surprised.

The warriors who didn't take Chen Fan seriously looked at each other in blank dismay.

Especially a few true disciples.

They also know the difficulty of the real test if they can pass the test. Chen Fan is only at the ninth level of Martial Arts, but he started the test directly. They couldn't help but be surprised!

Queen Jialan couldn't help but look back at Chen Fan.

I also understood in my heart why Chen Fan acted alone!

"True disciple examination?" Liu Yunfei stared at Chen Fan beside him with wide eyes.

As soon as he joined Jianzong, he got the opportunity of "True Inheritance Disciple Examination". Who is this disciple of the descendant of the great man who reaches the sky!

And the corner of the "bearded man" twitched, his eyes flashed with subtlety and surprise, but he still insisted:

"I don't know what you're talking about! So what if you're really conducting the 'True Disciple Assessment'?"

"Everything should be based on the overall situation. I am the team leader for this mission. I am responsible for coordinating the team and assigning tasks. You have to listen to me!"

The more this person behaved like this, Chen Fan also confirmed that he must have contacted some people in Jianzong during this period of time and received instructions from others!

He narrowed his eyes and sneered:

"I'm completing the True Inheritance Disciple Assessment, but it just happens to coincide with your tasks. Strictly speaking, I'm not under your orders, senior brother!"

"Brother, you still don't know. During the assessment of true disciples, the elders of Jiange will personally supervise? Are you really sure that some small actions you do will not be discovered by the elders of Jiange..."

As soon as Chen Fan said this, a strangeness flashed in the eyes of the bearded senior brother Mo, and Chen Fan actually saw a touch of joy in it, but the joy was fleeting and turned into anger.

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