My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 640 Heavenly Demon, Alien Race

After killing this ten-layered demon, he felt relieved and licked his lips.

Complete your mission, fight or retreat, naturally do whatever you want.

His eyes were scorching, and his divine sense swept over him, but he quickly turned his attention to the next ten heavy demon.

However, with a cup of tea, Chen Fan had already killed seven or eight tenth-level monsters, and even more low-level monsters...

Although there were many creepy demons invading, most of them were weak. Most of the tenth-level demons Chen Fan killed were in the early stage of the tenth level, and very few in the middle stage.

As a whole, the warriors on the human side are still at a disadvantage.

There are always a large number of demons slaughtering.

However, it has to be said that Chen Fan's attack on the evil spirits also relieved a lot of pressure on the human side.

According to this rhythm, Chen Fan alone can completely solve the crisis of the mine invasion.

Just when Chen Fan had dealt with another ten-fold demon and was running at high speed.

The ground trembled suddenly, crashing.


The bottom shell was opened, the soil rolled, and a terrifyingly large hand was pulled out from under it, which was two or three feet high, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

Even though Chen Fan had noticed in advance, the hairs on the back of his neck were still standing on end.

But facing this terrifying big hand, Chen Fan didn't rush to fight back.

call out!

At this very moment, behind Chen Fan, in the empty air, a spiritual light suddenly flickered, and a figure rushed over, but it was a warrior in white with a long sword in his hand!

His body became bigger and bigger with the momentum, and the long sword in his hand was also enlarged year-on-year. In an instant, it became seven or eight feet in size, and the long sword smashed down on the huge palm.


The ground cracked and the soil flew up.

This man in white is naturally the supervisor elder who followed behind Chen Fan!

Although this elder was mainly responsible for supervision, he naturally had to help when encountering an attack by a master far superior to Chen Fan.

It is impossible to let the disciples of Jianzong die in vain.

What's more, Chen Fan has already killed enough three ten-layer demons, and he has already completed the true test.

Just then.

With an angry roar, a deep crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and a terrifying existence with wings on its back and shadows all over suddenly appeared!

"Heavenly Demon?!"

Chen Fan hid behind the white-clothed giant, with a delicate expression on his face.

Although the demon is extremely weird and has special abilities, it can't affect Chen Fan. For Chen Fan, it is no more difficult to kill than a human warrior of the same level.

But the Heavenly Demon is different. The Heavenly Demon is not only highly dangerous and powerful, but also has extremely tenacious vitality and very strange methods. It is much more harmful than the Demon!

And this Heavenly Demon is even more powerful than the Heavenly Demon that Chen Fan encountered when Dagan and Yuan Demon Sect fought, but it has already reached the Dao Fruit level!

And with the appearance of this celestial demon, streaks of black streamers scattered around his body, exuding a frightening aura of despair!

Chen Fan is also more sure that what happened in the Jialan Kingdom this time is probably supported by the Demon Sect!

There was also a look of solemnity in the eyes of the elder in the white shirt, and he glanced at Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, you continue to kill other demons, and leave this demon to me!"

He saw Chen Fan's performance in his eyes. Chen Fan's killing ordinary tenth-layer demons was like killing chickens and dogs. The situation was dangerous at this time, and he needed his help to break the situation!

Chen Fan glanced at the demon, and immediately cupped his fists and turned away.

Headed towards the next ten heavy demons.

With no one staring at him, his actions became more ruthless, and his attacks were even more reckless.

As for the warriors on the human side, they are still at a disadvantage, but it is gradually turning around!

If things go on like this, it will be a matter of time before these demons are killed...

And in the darkness, a pair of golden vertical pupils were silently watching this scene:

"Split Sky Sword Sect actually sent that guy Su Changqing, it seems that Sword Sect is not that slow."

"But Su Changqing alone is not enough. I don't know, if Su Changqing dies, who will the Sword Sect send?"


The dark pit, inside the mine.

"Hoo hoo!"

Two streamers of light shuttled rapidly through the dark potholes, Mo Chengkong wiped the cold sweat from his head, and turned his head to look to the side:

"Junior Brother Zhang, hold on a little longer, and we will escape—"

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Where is the person next to me, Junior Brother Zhang? He is clearly a firstborn monster with compound eyes and hands like sickles!

And when he saw the compound eyes of the other party, his heart was shocked. At this critical moment, he fell into a trance.



A black sword collided with a "sickle".

There was a loud sound in Mo Chengkong's ears, and the terrifying impact surged in front of him. Following the impact, he moved backwards. Although blood flowed out from the seven orifices, it was not too serious. regained consciousness.

Fear and joy were written all over his face, and then he looked at a figure in front of him in astonishment:

"Junior Brother Chen? It's you?!"

The sword field rippling around Chen Fan's body, the pressure from the sword field made Mo Chengkong sigh to himself.

He didn't care about being surprised, and reminded with a solemn expression: "Junior brother, be careful, this monster will affect people's senses..."

Chen Fan nodded, with a subtle expression on his face.

"It turned out to be such a foreign monster!"

He had seen such monsters during the assessment in the battle hall.

I also have some understanding of such monsters.

Its ability is very strange, not only can affect people's senses and judgment, but also can absorb moves in the form of energy, and has the ability of a special camouflage!

Chen Fan also knew that he had fought against this monster more than once, and he must not give him any chance to deal with this kind of guy, and he must not delay.

He also simply activated the "White Emperor Armor"'s true energy boost state.

The momentum rose countless times in an instant, and then activated "Lei Peng's Illusory Body", rushing up instantly.

This monster can absorb energy shocks, long-range sword energy is useless, you have to fight it in close combat!


Chen Fan's eyes were closed directly, and he didn't look at the compound eyes of the monster at all, and the Feiying sword slashed down.

This monster is powerful, but under the circumstances of being on guard and understanding enough, its strength could not be displayed at all, and it was cut into two pieces by Chen Fan's sword!

The two parts of his body fell to the ground, still twisting and rippling, Chen Fan moved his mind, and the invisible sword energy swept across the sword field, but cut the remaining body into countless pieces of flesh!

This monster is powerful, but it's a pity that it should only correspond to human tenth-layer mid-stage fighters.

The reason why he ran after Mo Chengkong was purely because of his strange methods. Mo Chengkong didn't understand him, so he couldn't deal with him.

Although Chen Fan was only present as a clone, but with the increased state of the White Emperor's true essence, coupled with the double-level sword domain, the power of this sword can also be compared to Dao Fruit.

Killing it is naturally simple.

In fact, even if Chen Fan stood there and let the monster fight, its attack would hardly penetrate Chen Fan's "White Emperor Armor" and hurt him.

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