My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 641: Fox Nine Lights

Mo Chengkong watched in astonishment as Chen Fan killed the alien monster with a single strike.

He also immediately stepped forward and came to Chen Fan's side, clasping his fists with a delicate expression: "Thank you, Junior Brother, for your rescue."

Chen Fan waved his hand and explained:

"This monster's own strength level is not high. It should be the strength of an ordinary Dao domain second-level warrior. Brother, you can't take him down, I'm afraid it's because of his strange methods..."

Mo Chengkong smiled wryly and shook his head: "You are still good enough, Junior Brother..."

The strength Chen Fan displayed was naturally beyond his belief.

Even in his heart, he didn't feel that Chen Fan was really only at the ninth level of martial arts, and he was afraid that he was just hiding it before.

He was also extremely grateful that he had explained everything to Chen Fan before, otherwise he would have offended such a powerful junior for no reason, it would be a big loss!

Chen Fan waved his hand, narrowed his eyes and said, "Brother, please don't expose my strength to others..."

Mo Chengkong immediately raised his hand: "I, Mo Chengkong, swear by the law of heaven, I will never reveal the strength of Junior Brother Chen Fan to anyone!"

Chen Fan was also surprised, and nodded with a smile.

In fact, he dared to show some of his strength in front of Mo Chengkong, and he was not so worried about Mo Chengkong exposing himself.

It doesn't matter if it's exposed.

He didn't even show a tenth of his strength.

And just at this moment, the mine cave stretched out, and suddenly there was another violent tremor, and the suffocating breath burst out and rippled.

Chen Fan frowned, looked at Mo Chengkong, and then looked into the depths of the mine: "It's so strong..."

Even with Chen Fan's level of spiritual consciousness, before this, he had never felt this aura at all.

Mo Chengkong also looked worriedly at the depths of the mine: "Junior brother, we want to leave here..."

Chen Fan nodded, and was about to fly up, but turned around suddenly.


At the same time, an enchanting voice came from the depths of the mine:

"Interesting, I thought that Jianzong would be arrogant and would not send out any powerful people. I didn't expect that besides Su Changqing, there would be someone else who could kill this predator."

Soon, a figure in a white gown with fluttering feathers came out of it.

His body exudes a strong evil spirit, his face is extremely beautiful, and his middle-length hair is scattered randomly.

Sensing the aura on his body, Chen Fan couldn't help frowning slightly.

If he hadn't seen the appearance of a human being with his naked eyes, Chen Fan would have definitely regarded it as some peerless monster. This kind of monster aura is too terrifying.

The moment he saw him, a look of astonishment and fear flashed across Mo Chengkong's face, "You are... Hu Jiuguang?!"

Obviously recognized the person.

Then, he turned his hand and took out a talisman, crushed it directly, and at the same time reminded Chen Fan:

"Run away, Junior Brother Chen Fan! This guy is a disciple of Tongtian Demon Sect, a great monster at the level of Taoism, one of the four magic stars of Tongtian Demon Sect, and has a record of killing Changsheng head-on. Among them, only the top three can fight against him!"

Mo Chengkong shouted in fear, but he turned around and flew back.

When Chen Fan heard this, his eyes flashed with fear.

He had never heard of the Four Demon Stars of the Tongtian Demon Sect, but Chen Fan was very surprised that this monster had the record of beheading Changsheng with no strength of Dao fruit!

After all, even if he is not relying on external forces, it is impossible for him to fight against the immortal master.

He was able to kill Changsheng because of the combined effect of the blood of Nishen, the White Emperor Armor, and the supernatural power Hongmeng Sword.

Mo Chengkong's voice hadn't finished yet, but it had already turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan did not leave easily.

Hu Jiuguang looked at Mo Chengkong with a smile, but he had no intention of chasing him at all. Instead, he looked at Chen Fan, "Interesting, why didn't you choose to run away?"

The voice is still full of that charming taste.

However, Chen Fan scanned the Adam's apple in his throat, but he was not charmed at all!

His human charm ability is also a special kind of spiritual attack. As long as it is a spiritual attack, if it is below the third level of longevity, it cannot bypass the star god seal in Chen Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Not only was he not charmed, but he still had an extremely weird feeling in his heart.

This Hu Jiuguang is the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his life, but he is a male monster. Thinking of this, he feels a sense of shock in his heart!

He had a delicate expression and narrowed his eyes: "Is it useful for me to run away?"

Hu Jiuguang laughed loudly: "Interesting, interesting, the more you are like this, the more I don't want to kill you. It's just that you ruined my plan this time. Capital crimes can be avoided, and life crimes cannot be escaped. You will come to be in my hands." One of my little dolls..."


Behind Hu Jiuguang, tails shot vertically and horizontally, nine in total, as if nine steel whips extended and flew towards Chen Fan.

And just the power of the tail volley made Chen Fan feel extreme pressure.

Where its tail passed, the cave trembled, and falling rocks rolled.

With the strength of Hu Jiuguang, it is just the most common move, and it also has great destructive power.

A sharp light flashed in Chen Fan's eyes. Even with the White Emperor Armor, he did not dare to underestimate him.

After all, he is just a clone here, and what he holds in his hand is not the Feiying Sword but the Taihe Sword.

And at this moment.

"Hu Jiuguang, I will be your enemy!"

A mid-air voice sounded.

At the position above Chen Fan's head, there was a roar on the roof of the mine, but a sharp streamer cut down through layers of rocks, and flew in front of Chen Fan in an instant.

This is a flying sword with a sharp breath.

Ding ding ding!

The flying sword shuttled back and forth, and the sword light flickered, but it blocked the attacks of the nine tails behind Hu Jiuguang one by one.

It was Chen Fan's supervisor elder who landed slowly from the sky and arrived in front of Chen Fan in an instant.

When Hu Jiuguang saw the person coming, a look of disdain flashed across his face: "It's you, Su Changqing, you actually dealt with that Daotian Demon so quickly... It's just that you didn't choose to run away, but dared to stop me, that's really great!" courage!"

Su Changqing looked at Hu Jiuguang who didn't care, his eyes flashed with fear, and his pupils turned to Chen Fan:

"Chen Fan, you leave quickly, find a way to break the formation, and pass the news of Hu Jiuguang's appearance back to the sect. I will stop this person!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but he looked at Hu Jiuguang coldly, and immediately turned into a streamer and rushed out.


A red light flashed in Hu Jiuguang's eyes, but his body swelled instantly. He was not tall like an ordinary person, but he turned into seven or eight feet in an instant, and continued to swell, and the nine tails behind him also stretched rapidly one by one.

Streams of light rushed towards Chen Fan.

"Hu Jiuguang, your opponent is me!" Su Changqing flashed a sword light.


When Chen Fan rushed out of the mine, he also heard a huge roar behind him, and then a violent impact exploded in the mine, cracking the ground, and Hu Jiuguang's angry roar resounded all around:

"Su Changqing, I want you to die!"

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