
The earth trembled, and the mine, which was already a mess, completely collapsed at this time.

Floating in the air, Chen Fan frowned and looked at the ground that was constantly roaring and cracking. Under his spiritual consciousness, he also sensed the confrontation between the two Dao fruits, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although the strengths displayed by the two are extremely terrifying, there is still a gap from the level of longevity. Hu Jiuguang's ability to kill longevity is definitely not limited to this strength, and it should not be fully demonstrated.

The man no longer hesitated, but turned his head resolutely, turned around and rushed into the distance.

The chaos continued, and when Chen Fan passed by, Jianyu automatically killed all the demons that were still causing chaos.

Chen Fan had already killed most of the ten heavy demons before, and the remaining few could not cause any trouble.

Soon came before the formation enchantment.

This moment.

A lot of warriors gathered and were attacking the outer formation barrier, and Mo Chengkong was among them.

His face was full of panic and anxiety.

It's just that this enchantment is extremely stable, not even a gap appears.

"Junior Brother Chen, it's good that you're fine!"

Seeing Chen Fan's arrival, Mo Chengkong heaved a sigh of relief, then gave a wry smile, looked at the auras under the mine, and also frowned and said:

"I didn't expect that the Xuanjin Vein of Jialan Country would attract a peerless monster like Hu Jiuguang... Fortunately, Elder Su is here!"

Mo Chengkong also seemed to know about Su Changqing.

"Elder Su may not be able to resist for too long." Chen Fan did not exchange too many greetings with him, but turned his head to look at the surrounding warriors who were working hard to break through the formation, "Let's quickly break through the formation and kill Fox Jiu The news of the light's appearance will be sent back to Jianzong!"

A flash of anxiety flashed across Mo Chengkong's face, and he said helplessly: "There is something wrong with this formation, it has been tampered with, and we alone may not be able to break it without a single hour."

"I have a little understanding of the formation." Chen Fan raised his brows, pointing to a certain node in the enchantment:

"Let's attack here together, this is where the formation is weak!"

As soon as Chen Fan said this, the warriors around him also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mo Chengkong stood up immediately, "Everyone, listen to Junior Brother Chen Fan, let's attack here together!"

All the warriors around were called by Mo Chengkong, and then they all nodded and stood up.

Chen Fan stepped forward, and the Xingshen imprinted the formula to move it, and at the same time he slashed down with the Flying Shadow Sword in his hand.


A flash of spiritual light surged up, and there was a crack in the formation that many ten-fold alliances could not break through for a long time.

"Sure enough!" Everyone was excited.

In fact, it was just a cover for Chen Fan to let these people attack together, in order to avoid attracting too much attention.

As streams of light surged, the cracks became bigger and bigger, and soon the entire barrier of the banning formation was completely dimmed!

When the formation was broken, Chen Fan was the first to rush out, but when he saw the outside scene, he couldn't help being startled.

Outside the formation, warriors from both sides are still fighting fiercely.

After breaking through the formation outside the mine.

The outside world is covered by a larger barrier.

The translucent huge dark red hemispherical barrier covered everything within dozens of miles around.

Not far outside the mine, two warriors were fighting fiercely.

One side is Zhao Yuzhu and the disciples of the Sword Sect led by him, while the other side is not the demons and the like, but the queen of Najialan country, the national teacher, and other native warriors of Jialan.

When the formation was broken, both sides who were fighting fiercely were shocked.

"Junior Sister Zhao...what's the situation?" Mo Chengkong was also stunned, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his face was full of astonishment.

When Zhao Yuzhu saw Chen Fan, Mo Chengkong and others coming out, his face was also happy, and he said loudly:

"I was waiting outside with a few juniors and juniors, but a barrier was raised around me, and this queen of indigo suddenly attacked me!"

A subtle look flashed across Chen Fan's face.

"It's no wonder that these ghosts can enter the formation without a sound. There really is an inner room..."

It's just that he didn't expect that this Nei Jian turned out to be Queen Jialan herself.

This Jialan dared to make a move at this time, because he believed that Mo Chengkong's other people would not be able to use the formation, so he wanted to kill Zhao Xizhu and others to silence them, but who would have expected the existence of this alien Chen Fan.

Not only have they dealt with most of the evil spirits, but they also brought along an expert elder who can temporarily block Hu Jiuguang!

Mo Chengkong's expression changed drastically, "Junior Brothers and Sisters, let's take action together to help Junior Sister Zhao!"

Seeing such a scene, the masters of the Jialan Kingdom who had just escaped from the mine were also puzzled. Someone looked at the Queen Jialan: "My lord queen, this..."

But seeing that Jialan Queen's eyes flashed fiercely:

"Don't listen to this person's nonsense. She suddenly attacked us. We are just passively resisting... Come quickly and help!"

The people of Jialan Kingdom naturally trusted their queen more, stepped forward one after another, and stood beside her.

The two sides immediately had a scuffle.

It's just that the warriors on the side of the Jialan Kingdom, the strongest queen is only in the middle stage of the tenth level, and her ability to stop Zhao Xizhu is already the limit. How can she stop the stronger Mo Chengkong.

But it quickly collapsed.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Queen Jialan rolled up Gong Huanxiang and turned around to run. The speed was so fast, but Zhao Xizhu couldn't catch up, so she had to turn her head to deal with others.

Chen Fan's eyes froze, and he quietly escaped from the melee as a thunderbolt, chasing after the two of them.

Chen Fan's figure suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared again.

There are two ways for him to exchange his body and avatar.

One is when a certain body dies and the spiritual consciousness is transferred, and the second is when the avatar is in contact with the main body, and he has a portable cave like the Hall of Stars, so he can naturally transfer his body at any time!

Very convenient!

And at the same time that he replaced the deity, he also summoned Xiaodie.

These two escaped extremely fast, but they couldn't compare to Xiaodie.

He was quickly chased by Chen Fan.

"It's you? How dare you catch up alone?!"

Queen Jialan also stopped at this point, frowned and looked at Chen Fan with fear and anger.

He was wearing a golden armor, holding a silver spear, and his tall stature brought great oppression.

"Jianzong disciples, you all deserve to die!"

However, warriors in the middle stage of the tenth level can contend against the true inheritance of the third level of the Sword Sect Daoyu, and their strength is naturally quite extraordinary!

Chen Fan felt his anger, but raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that Jianzong once did something excessive to Jialan Country?

Without waiting for him to ask, the Jialan Queen had already opened up her Dao Domain and charged forward with a long spear in her hand.

"Looking for death!" Chen Fan tilted his neck, and at the same time as the sword field unfolded, he slashed out with a sword.


A sword shadow flew over.

Although he is a martial artist in the middle stage of the tenth level, he couldn't even stop Chen Fan's sword. In an instant, the Dao Domain burst, blood rushed, and a long spear was thrown high with the arm holding the long spear.

It fell to the ground with a lot of blood.

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