Hearing Chen Fan's threat.

Hu Jiuguang froze for a moment, his tail drooped again.

For monsters like Hu Jiuguang, who were expelled by the clan since childhood and then joined the Demon Sect, they also experienced many ups and downs in order to survive.

No matter what other people do, he puts his own life first.

Hu Jiuguang's face was depressed, and he was filled with infinite unwillingness, but compared with his own life, everything was nothing.

This is the difference in mood.

Some people, even if their strength is not even a master, would not sign such a contract.

But Hu Jiuguang, who can even kill Changsheng, has terrifying strength, but in his opinion, freedom is far less important than his own life!

Hu Jiuguang looked at the "God's Deed" Chen Fan was holding, and under Chen Fan's threat, he chose to sign it without much hesitation.

Chen Fan made no secret of his murderous intent. If he didn't sign, he would die, but Hu Jiuguang didn't want to die.

The two quickly signed the "God's Deed", and Chen Fan also had a second servant!

But Hu Jiuguang was completely loyal to Chen Fan from the inside out, from soul to body.

With just a contract, the relationship between the two has undergone earth-shaking changes.


Hu Jiuguang stuck out his tongue and stared at Chen Fan eagerly.

Looking at the scorching eyes of this little fox, Chen Fan felt a little chill in his heart when he thought of his previous appearance.

Although this guy is beautiful in person, but he is a male, it will inevitably make Chen Fan feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this guy is just an ordinary pet now, as long as he doesn't think of his human form, he can accept a lot of mentality.

Chen Fan also summoned Yuanzhu to heal his wounds, and then asked:

"I noticed that your tail is missing. Could it be...you have nine lives, and every time you die, you will lose a tail!"

The little fox's eight tails were all frantically shaking, and it was extremely eager to Chen Fan, and replied:

"Yes and no, this is my innate supernatural power. The tail can indeed replace life, but I have to abandon the original body and practice again..."

"If I am killed again in this state, there is no way to replace my life. So I will not activate this state easily, because it is too dangerous. And I don't know how long it will take to restore my original strength... "

Chen Fan also nodded.

Although the restrictions are not small, this talent and supernatural power is already enough to defy the sky.

However, the fact that this fox is endowed with supernatural powers is enough to show that it is not an ordinary fox demon.

However, since he is gifted with supernatural powers, he naturally cannot teach or study them. Chen Fan also has a lot of regrets in his heart.

"Do all the monsters in your group possess such supernatural powers?" Chen Fan was also curious.

Hu Jiuguang shook the fox's head, but there was a strange flash in his eyes:

"I am a variant of the Sky Fox lineage, the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, a powerful beast listed on the Mountain and Sea Rankings, and my ordinary siblings are not as powerful as me!"

His words were full of disdain for his own race and his own arrogance.

It seems that past experiences have made it very dissatisfied with its kind.

Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "What is the Shan Hai Bang?"

But Hu Jiuguang hurriedly explained respectfully.

It turns out that the Shanhai List is a special ranking list for racial talents.

Everyone on the list is a population or individual with supernatural powers or powerful strength.

Many of them are legendary races, for example, the four ancient god races are among the top few.

It's just that it's rarely seen in the present world.

It's not even certain that it exists.

According to Hu Jiuguang, the nine-tailed celestial fox is ranked fifty-sixth on the list. It is already an extremely powerful monster. Hu Jiuguang himself has never seen a second nine-tailed celestial fox!

It seems that it is nothing to be ranked fifty-sixth in the Shanhai list.

But you must know that this is not a list of ethnic groups that exist in this world. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many thousands of years, how many races have left traces, the nine-tailed sky fox can still be ranked fifty-six, which is quite strong!

And the nine-tailed celestial fox with such a heaven-defying talent can only be ranked fifty-sixth, and it is unimaginable how terrifying the monsters are in front of it.

Chen Fan suddenly remembered something: "Before you sent someone to attack Xuan Jinmai, the so-called 'predator' is in this list?"

Hu Jiuguang was taken aback for a moment, then said solemnly:

"If it's a real predator, it's indeed ranked at the top of the mountain and sea list, and it's a terrifying creature that can be ranked in the top 20. The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox is absolutely incomparable..."

Chen Fan was stunned but couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "You mean the one I killed earlier is not the real predator?"

Hu Jiuguang nodded solemnly: "The predator is a demonized creature, it only knows how to kill, it doesn't have too much wisdom, and it can't exert the power of the predator at all."

"Otherwise, even if you can kill a mid-ten-layer predator, it will never be so easy..."

Chen Fan frowned: "You said... demonized creatures?"

Hu Jiuguang nodded: "This predator, like other demons, is an existence infected by the residue of the demon god!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, the so-called demon man should be referring to the haunted demon!

Chen Fan licked his lips.

He also took the opportunity to ask the fox about the exact mission and plan of coming to Jialan Country.

Hu Jiuguang, as the majestic four demon stars of the Heaven-reaching Demon Sect and a peerless great demon who can live shoulder to shoulder, came to this small country, so it is naturally impossible for him to come to this small country just for the sake of this mysterious golden vein!

The follow-up mineral deposits of the Xuanjin Vein are endless, and although the value is high, mining is a big problem.

Temporary production is meaningless at all.

Even if all the mines that have been dug up are taken away, they are not worth much money.

"This plan is a joint operation between my Tongtian Demon Sect and the Hentian Demon Sect. In order to find a special item hidden in the Jialan Kingdom, I am just a pawn. Powerful masters are sitting in the background..."

Hu Jiuguang answered Chen Fan at 1510.

He has also heard of the two major demon sects of Tongtian Demon Sect and Heantian Demon Sect. Although they are not comparable to the Yuan Demon Sect, they are also terrifying forces that can be listed among the top ten demon sects in the mainland.

It's just that at this time, the two big magic gates are put together, and the comparison of the two names makes people have to wonder if there is some conflict between the two, and the cooperation between the two is also strange.

And Chen Fan's expression was no longer as calm as before: "You said...the two great demon sects have sent immortal masters?"

In such a small place as Jialan Country, being able to come to the four magic stars of Tongtian Demon Sect is already a great thing, and there are other immortals, even Chen Fan has no confidence to be able to compare.

But Hu Jiuguang hastily said:

"Master, don't worry, the longevity of the two major demon sects has not arrived in the Jialan country at this time! After all, Changsheng is a person who has picked up the Dao fruit and walked out of his own way. If he appears in the Jialan country, the goal is too big, and he will definitely be killed." People from Jianzong noticed..."

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