Although Changsheng and Daoguo are only one step away, there is a huge difference.

It seems that unless the gap between longevity masters is particularly large, they can be easily sensed.

And there are special Taos such as the Tao of Heavenly Secrets in the world, and there are too many causes and effects involved in longevity masters.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:

"You said, are you all looking for a special item? Such a it the residue of a demon god?"

Hu Jiuguang also had a dignified look on Hu Jiu's face.

"Master, you guessed right. There is indeed a place in the Jialan Kingdom that hides the remnants of the demon god, and it is not left over by ordinary demon gods..."

Chen Fan thought it was true.

He had previously deduced that the haunted demon that attacked the Xuanjin Vein was just generated nearby, and he had guessed it at that time.

Just now, Hu Jiuguang said that the predator was a demonized creature. In fact, Chen Fan had already made further guesses, and this time it was just a confirmation.

Hu Jiuguang also continued to introduce:

"In this way, the 'devil god residue' is a peerless weapon, but I don't know exactly which demon god it came from and what power it has..."

It also raised its fluffy paws, pointing to the ground:

"That thing is in the space fault under the Xuanjin Vein, and even the birth of the Xuanjin Vein is probably a manifestation of the power of externalizing this peerless weapon..."

"Even if all the Xuanjin veins here are dug up, a new vein will be regenerated ten thousand years later!"

Needless to say, the purpose of the Demon Gate to find the weapons left behind by the Demon God King.

The power of the weapon itself is terrifying, and the residue of the demon god left behind can infect and transform more evil spirits. It is a strategic weapon!

"Whether it's the demons or predators who attacked, they are all infected existences in the space fault under the Xuanjin Vein, and they are used by my demon sect..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he frowned deeply and said, "Why, you don't act honestly and secretly, but deliberately sabotage to attract Jianzong's attention?"

This is also a point of doubt in his heart.

The Demon Sect's attack on Xuanjinmai has too many deliberate elements, it seems to be deliberately attracting Jianzong's attention, but he doesn't want Jianzong to pay too much attention!

Hu Jiuguang also said helplessly:

"Naturally, it is impossible to take away the things left by the Demon God King. Even I, and the bosses behind my Tongtian Demon Sect and Heian Demon Sect, cannot directly collect such magic weapons..."

"The reason why my Demon Sect attracts the attention of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect is to attract enough masters to make blood sacrifices, so as to draw out the magic weapon deep in the Xuanjin Vein..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched again.

An item left by the Demon God King is beyond the reach of the Immortal Master. How strong should the Demon God King himself be?

He also couldn't help asking: "Then why did Queen Jialan cooperate with you?"

But Hu Jiuguang didn't care and said:

"Queen Jialan was bewitched by a master of immortality in my sect and she didn't know it. She stubbornly believed that the Sky Splitting Sword Sect had infringed upon the rights and interests of the Jialan Nation and cooperated with our Demon Sect!"

Chen Fan suddenly nodded.

I also secretly said it was a pity in my heart.

The Queen of Jialan, from an ordinary tribe, finally wiped out many tribes in the grassland and established the Jialan Kingdom, she is also a remarkable figure.

It's a pity that compared with the immortal masters of the magic sect, they are far behind, and they don't even know that their minds are affected.

He shook his head, but couldn't help but said: "So many people died this time, is it enough for the blood sacrifice?"

Hu Jiuguang smiled and shook his head:

"Master, you are thinking too much. This is just the first step of the plan. We are just a bait to Master and you Jianzong disciples. We will attract the real masters of Jianzong to come to the scene later..."

"Even if we plan to destroy the entire Jialan country in the future, and sacrifice all the souls of the Jialan country, we may be able to further open up the space gap. It is not certain whether it will be successful!"

Chen Fan also had a serious face.

In fact, if it wasn't for this alien who came to perform the true disciple assessment.

This wave of disciples who came to carry out the task will most likely be finished.

The sword sect will naturally send more powerful masters in the follow-up, but they don't know the details of the magic sect. In the end, there is a possibility that Changsheng will fall and suffer from being dumb.

The value of a master of longevity cannot be compared with ten black gold veins.

Not to mention the plan of the Demon Gate, I am afraid it is not a long life...

Chen Fan shook his head, his heart was indescribably complicated, but he was also full of fear of the Demon Sect.

Thoughts were rolling in his mind:

"Because of Su Changqing and my accidental penetration, Hu Jiuguang was exposed in advance. I'm afraid Tongtian Demon Sect will change its original strategy. I can't stay here any longer..."

He thought of retreating.

As for the secret of the "magic weapon" hidden under it, Chen Fan is not indifferent, but with his current strength, he still has no confidence to face the next master of the magic sect...

There are too many things involved behind this, and Hu Jiuguang, who is similar in strength to his own, is just a pawn. Although his own strength is strong, even if he uses all means, it may be difficult to gain anything.

At least this time is not the time to fish in troubled waters...

Shaking his head, he planned to retreat.

And he raised his hand suddenly, and took out Hu Jiuguang's mustard seed stone again.

"I haven't asked you yet, what's wrong with this mustard stone?"

At this time, Hu Jiuguang focused on Chen Fan, and immediately replied:

"The mustard stone was sealed with a 'soul-crushing magic' by a master of the Heaven-reaching Demon Sect that I invited. Anyone whose spiritual consciousness has not reached the limitless three realms or above will undoubtedly die."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

"Boundless Three Realms? Tell me in detail about the division of consciousness after longevity?"

Chen Fan actually knew it too.

The spiritual consciousness above the realm of heaven and man is immeasurable, and it is also the standard spiritual realm of longevity masters.

But his specific understanding is very limited.

Hu Jiuguang hastily said:

"Ordinary warriors, if they normally break through the tenth level, the 'god' will undergo a metamorphosis, giving birth to the consciousness of the 'god', and if there is no deliberate training of the secret technique of the 'god', the 'god' will also slowly improve with the growth of the cultivation base..."

"Breakthrough the Dao fruit, the general "God" will undergo a second transformation, enter the realm of heaven and man, and the martial artist "God" who has taken off the Dao fruit and achieved longevity will undergo a third transformation. This state is the "Immeasurable Realm" !"

"Go ahead." Chen Fan nodded.

Hu Jiuguang's mouth opened and closed: "Infinity does not distinguish between the early, middle and late stages, only the first, second, and third stages. It corresponds to the first, second, and third stages of the longevity master."

"Of course, this is just a standard situation. Some people are born with strong spiritual consciousness, but their cultivation level is not enough, so their spiritual consciousness can break through in advance, or they can also practice forging mystic techniques. There are many such people."

Chen Fan nodded, he was one of them.

However, he is a special case among the special cases. First, he strengthened the "God Forging Art", then he absorbed the spiritual body of the sun-shading mirror, and then he took two Bingxin Bodhi Pills of the virtual saint level, so that he was able to break through the heaven and man in advance. territory.

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