My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 684: A Family...

"What happened between you and this person?" Chen Fan asked directly, stepping forward from behind Hu Jiuguang.

These people were obviously extremely dissatisfied with Su Pingcheng, but some people answered without hiding it.

It turned out that these two teams happened to meet in the surrounding area, so they formed a team together. They were originally going hand in hand...

"Then Su Pingcheng seemed to have discovered something in the surrounding area, and we were discovered by the Demon Gate, so he left alone, even ignoring the members of his team..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, but he frowned deeply.

A Blood Asura is powerful, but in fact it should not be difficult to deal with Su Pingcheng's strength, let alone Rong Yixian, if the two join hands, Blood Asura would not dare to stop them!

"There is no reason for Su Pingcheng to abandon Rong Yixian and the others...unless he has other ideas..."

Chen Fan licked his lips and looked at everyone: "Where did you meet Su Pingcheng, and where did you separate, tell me!"

These people hate Su Pingcheng more than Momen, so naturally they won't hide anything.

"If Su Pingcheng really finds something special...he shouldn't be too far away, maybe he's hiding around!"

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, his mind was racing with thoughts, but he waved his hands, releasing the shackles on these true disciples of the Sword Sect.

"Let's go, go to the northwest, you should be able to escape!"

Speaking of which, Chen Fan and Hu Jiuguang both turned into phantom lights and disappeared in front of them.

Xuan Yingying and other warriors looked at Hu Jiuguang and Chen Fan who had left in astonishment, every expression was very subtle.

"Hu Jiuguang, and the man from the Demon Sect...why did you let us go?"

Although these people were stunned and amazed, they just had a chance to survive, so naturally they would not stay any longer.

They also didn't think that Chen Fan would point them to a wrong path. After all, if they wanted to kill them, the two of them wouldn't make things so complicated.

Immediately, the group took several unconscious brothers and sisters and headed towards the northwest at high speed.

Chen Fan did not lie to them. The Demon Sect disciples are indeed the weakest in the Northwest. With the strength of these people, it should not be a problem to be found and killed.

Watching the disciples of the Sword Sect leave, Chen Fan had no intention of keeping up with their protection.

Whether they can leave alive depends on their luck.

"Su Pingcheng found something nearby, and is still hiding around..."

The first thing that Chen Fan thought of was naturally the gate of the devil's prison.

It's just that if he really found the location of the gate of the devil's prison, why didn't he mark it directly and summon the master of the sword sect to come over?

The disciple orders of Jianzong's expedition disciples have set corresponding restrictions, and the mark can be triggered when encountering the "gate of the devil's prison".

The first person to mark can also get the Xuanmu Wanjin Pill.

This kind of elixir has the effect of prolonging life, so it is very precious, and it will be tempting even after a long life.

"Anyway, Su Pingcheng is still hiding around, it should be good..."

A murderous look flashed across his face.

He immediately asked Hu Jiuguang to send a letter to Xue Xiuluo and others, asking them to continue searching nearby.

At the same time, the two are also looking around.

Chen Fan directly stimulated the power of the Demon Killing Eye, but there was no gain...

But not long after, it was Hu Jiuguang who received the sound transmission from Blood Shura again.

The person actually discovered Su Pingcheng's location.

"This family is a good scout..." Chen Fan was also in a delicate mood.


"Blood Shura, you idiot, do you really want to fight me to the death!"

Su Pingcheng squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the many disciples of the Demon Sect who were rushing to get involved in front of him, and a look of irritability flashed across his face.

But there is no one around him, and he is acting alone.

"Just because of you guys, you dare to trouble me, it's really dead..."

During the flickering of his sword, all the demon disciples and monsters in front of him turned into corpses.

And not far away, Xue Shura wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked solemnly at Su Pingcheng who was constantly harvesting his own life, and a strong fear flashed across his face.

This Su Pingcheng is much stronger than Rong Yixian.

Even he is no match at all.

If he hadn't reported the information to Hu Jiuguang, he would have chosen to run away immediately, and he wouldn't have fought this man to death!

While Su Pingcheng expressed his ruthlessness and calmness, he was actually quite anxious and uneasy in his heart. After all, this place is too deep, maybe there are masters behind Blood Shura.

If he waited until things got serious, he would definitely not be able to stop the masters from attacking.

He also didn't want to get involved with these people at all. After cleaning up the surrounding monsters for a while, he immediately turned around and turned into a streamer, and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Xue Shura gritted his teeth and chased after him.

Although I am not his opponent, I can still do it with a little entanglement.

Both of them are at the Dao Fruit level. Although Su Pingcheng is strong, he can't easily deal with Blood Shura.

And Xue Shura is not very powerful, but he is good at pestering people.

Su Pingcheng was holding a long sword, and a strong evil spirit and irritability flashed across his handsome face, and his whole body was full of inspiration:

"Blood Shura, you really think I'm afraid of you!"

Seeing Su Pingcheng's appearance like this, Xue Xiuluo didn't dare to take the initiative to confront him at all, and turned his head and ran away.

Su Pingcheng immediately chased him out with a horizontal sword.

The air waves rolled, but the surrounding fog did not dissipate at all.

Su Pingcheng, who was flying at a high speed, suddenly looked terrified, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

Then he saw the outline of a huge figure suddenly appearing in the thick fog above his head, and a huge fox mouth stretched out from the thick fog instantly, biting towards him.

"Hu Jiuguang?" Su Pingcheng's face instantly showed a deep panic.

In the misty dragon fog formation, even Daoguo masters can't see clearly what is too far away.

While chasing the enemy, Su Pingcheng was at high speed again, and by the time he found Hu Jiuguang hidden in the thick fog, it was already too late.

The huge fox held a huge long knife between its two paws and swung it down suddenly.


Su Pingcheng's Dao Domain was instantly torn apart, and the restless impact slammed in all directions, but the huge hand fell on top of his head.

Su Pingcheng gritted his teeth and raised the sword in his hand.


There were streaks of aura around his body, but he threw the wine cup and Fox Jiuguang cut it off with a sword, and his whole body fell heavily into the ground like a meteorite.


Just after landing, it flew high again, but turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

But before he could run far, a figure suddenly appeared in the empty air, which was not inferior to Hu Jiuguang's attacking sword.

The sword light with cold killing intent tore into pieces the lingering spiritual light around Su Pingcheng's body, and the sword light with raging murderous aura also completely forced his body back.


The spirit weapon clothes on Su Pingcheng's body were instantly torn apart, and his body was thrown backwards and hit the ground again heavily.


When the person tried to support his body, he found that his body was already like porcelain, with dense cracks appearing on his body!

Apparently, he possessed some kind of special body-refining method.

The corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at Chen Fan who was floating in the air in front of him, and from the corner of his eye he glanced at Hu Jiuguang who had arrived from behind, but there was a hint of helplessness and irritability in his eyes...

Yes, Chen Fan only saw helplessness in his eyes, but he didn't have the so-called despair.

He took a deep breath, and did not continue to run away, but looked at Chen Fan with a tangled look on his face.

He didn't recognize Chen Fan after his disguise, and naturally he couldn't recognize Chen Fan's soul breath with his spiritual sense.

Chen Fan smiled, but he raised his hand and unfolded the "Scroll of Painting", and the enchantment was formed immediately.

At the same time, Chen Fan's face returned to its original state: "Senior Brother Su, we met again—"

Su Pingcheng looked at the young man holding a black sword in front of him in astonishment, the corners of his mouth twitched, his face was full of shock and subtlety: "You...Chen Fan?"

He glanced at Hu Jiuguang from the corner of his eye, "It turns out that Chen are from the Tongtian Demon Sect!"

Chen Fan smiled and said nothing, but he didn't refute at all, and drew his sword.

The killing intent surged.

Su Pingcheng raised his hands helplessly, he had experienced Chen Fan's swordsmanship just now: "Don't kill me, we are actually a family——"

Chen Fan's sword light paused, and his expression became somewhat subtle.

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