My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 685 Su Pingcheng's Identity

Su Pingcheng's face was extremely complicated: "Hu Jiuguang, and... Junior Brother Chen Fan, you can't kill me, I'm not an ordinary sword sect master, we are actually a family..."

Chen Fan couldn't help being stunned.

But I heard Su Pingcheng continue to say:

"I am the disciple of Master Luo Wuqing, the Wuqing Demon Emperor of the Yuan Demon Sect. I am the 'Dark Son' sent by him to the Sword Sect! We are both members of the Demon Sect, so we can be regarded as a family!"

When he said this, even if he was in the same state of mind as Chen Fan, he couldn't help being stunned.

Hu Jiuguang next to him also looked stunned, never expecting things to turn out like this.

Thoughts were rolling in Chen Fan's mind, but when he looked at Hu Jiuguang, his expression was a little subtle.

"How did you avoid the entrance examination and oath of Jianzong?"

All disciples who join Jianzong will make a very strong "oath", and it is impossible to do things that infringe on the interests of Jianzong.

Su Pingcheng looked at Chen Fan helplessly:

"Junior brother, you are not the same as me. No matter how strong the oath is, there are loopholes... but to seize such loopholes, Lord Demon Emperor paid a high price. I didn't want to expose my identity easily, but if I die, the demon emperor will pay a high price." The emperor will definitely be furious..."

Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

That's right, there is such a special thing as the God's Deed in the world, so what is impossible?

No matter how strict Jianzong's review and requirements are for new disciples, it is impossible to completely avoid things like being planted as spies.

It's just that Su Pingcheng's majestic Daoguo, the peerless genius of Jianzong, is actually a spy planted by the Demon Sect, which still shocked Chen Fan a lot.

This also further shows how terrifying the Yuan Demon Sect is!

Chen Fan descended slowly from the sky with a delicate expression: "What evidence do you have that you are the disciple of Lord Ruthless Demon Emperor?"

In essence, Chen Fan didn't know the ruthless Demon Emperor Luo Wuqing at all.

It's just that he knows that the Yuan Demon Sect has thirteen demon emperors, and they all seem to be big men at the third level of longevity and above.

Hu Jiuguang also bared his teeth and looked over.

Seeing Chen Fan's behavior, the man was also relieved, turned his hands, and took a crystal stone the size of a human head in his hand: "This chaos crystal stone is a treasure given to me by the devil emperor, you should recognize it. "

Sensing the Chaos Stone, Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

He had obtained Chaos spar from the young emperor of Yuanmozong and the Chaos Yuanmo of Dagan, and he knew how powerful these things were.

"Chaos" is a special avenue that smelts the ways of various elements, which can help people understand the ways of elements.

And in Chen Fan's hand, there is also the secret method of absorbing the "Chaos Crystal" obtained from the Longevity Primordial Demon Rama.

The Chaos Crystal in his hand has been consumed for more than half in the past two years...

The chaotic spar in Su Pingcheng's hand was not smaller than what Chen Fan got from killing the Dao Yuanmo.

He directly reached out and took the chaotic crystal from Su Pingcheng's hand.

The corner of Su Pingcheng's mouth twitched, but in the end he didn't resist anymore, allowing Chen Fan to snatch it away.

Chen Fan checked and nodded:

"Sure enough, it is a Chaos spar. However, after all, the Chaos spar is not unique to the Yuan Demon Sect, and it is just a dead thing. You can get it, or you may have picked it up from other Demon Sect disciples. This does not explain anything."

As he said that, he unceremoniously collected the Chaos spar into his mustard stone.

Su Pingcheng's face was ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything. He just nodded honestly, but flipped his hands again. This time, he took out a black token, slightly excited, and a terrifying and evil force radiated from it. Come:

"This is the ruthless order given by the ruthless devil emperor. Only those who are approved by the ruthless devil emperor can activate it. Now, you should be able to confirm that my identity is not fake?"

Hu Jiuguang turned his head to look at Chen Fan, and nodded towards him.

Thoughts were rolling in Chen Fan's mind, but he looked at Su Pingcheng with burning eyes, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Su Pingcheng looked at Chen Fan's expression, and felt uneasy.

Although both belong to the Demon Sect, the relationship between the Demon Sects may not be good.

If these two people were greedy for their own treasures and wanted to kill people to seize treasures, the devil emperor's name alone might not be able to hold them back. He gritted his teeth, but turned his hands over again and took out two jade boxes:

"If you don't dislike it, these two things will be my gift to you."

As soon as the man raised his hand, the two jade boxes flew towards the two of them.

Chen Fan picked up the jade box, opened a gap, and saw heavy purple air coming out, and the vision was formed.

"Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill!"

A smile appeared on his face.

Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill is the unique pill of Jianzong Pill Pavilion, and it has a great reputation in the entire central region. It is very effective for ten-fold dancers.

He put away the jade box with a smile on his face:

"I didn't expect us to 'casually' stop a sword sect true biography, and it would be a family."

Su Pingcheng smiled "hehe", with an extremely embarrassed expression, "If I knew that Junior Brother Chen Fan and we are a family, and we are so powerful, I would definitely not listen to that Zhan Jianming's troubles for you."

And Chen Fan sneered, licked his lips, and said, "Your Excellency is hiding here, what are you doing?"

Su Pingcheng's expression froze, then he sighed helplessly, spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I hid in the surrounding area to wait for the big... Zhan Jianming to come..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, raised his eyebrows and said:

"What are you waiting for him to come over?"

The corner of Su Pingcheng's mouth twitched, he hesitated for a moment, and said honestly:

"Actually, I have confirmed that the location of the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison' is nearby, but this place is special and cannot directly communicate with the outside world..."

"I have reminded Zhan Jianming through a special method. I am now a human coordinate. Zhan Jianming can determine my location through a special method!"

Chen Fan remembered the compass he got from killing Zhan Yinguang, and his eyes flashed immediately: "The 'Gate of the Devil's Prison' is nearby?!"

Su Ping became looking for something, cruising around, even his own team couldn't compete with Rong Yixian and others.

Chen Fan made some guesses.

The location of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" is a top secret.

Among the people in the Demon Sect, only the leaders of the two major Demon Sects planned this time and those who guard the "Devil Prison Gate" know the exact location of the "Devil Prison Gate".

Others, even Lianyun and Hu Jiuguang didn't know about it.

Otherwise, Jianzong would not have offered a reward for a top-notch illusory elixir Xuanmu Wanjin elixir just for the location information of the "Gate of the Demon Prison".

Su Pingcheng didn't feel anything unusual about Chen Fan's performance, and continued:

"I am a disciple of Master Luo Wuqing. I was fortunate enough to see the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison'. I found a hidden place nearby. I have confirmed that there is indeed the location of the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison' through a special method... ..."

"So I thought about using the location of the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison' as a bait to lure Zhan Jianming into taking the bait and plot against him!"

Chen Fan had a sneer on his face.

Su Pingcheng said it well now, but in fact he might have other ideas.

In fact, a Xuanmu Ten Thousand Golden Elixir is not really important to Su Pingcheng, who is at the level of Daoguo and has a very long lifespan, and it is not worth it to deliberately deceive Rong Yixian's team.

But the opportunity to destroy the "gate of the devil's prison" is worth it.

If he could take the credit for destroying the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", he would be able to obtain the holy medicine!

Even the masters of longevity will be moved.

Of course, the defense of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" will naturally be extremely high. It is extremely difficult for Su Pingcheng to destroy nature with his own strength, but the problem is that he is still a member of Zhan Jianming's family.

If Jianzong and Momen were in a melee, Zhan Jianming would naturally be nothing.

But at this time, Zhan Jianming may not have the strength to destroy the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" by discovering the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" in advance and acting quietly.

If he can help Zhan Jianming destroy the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", Su Pingcheng should also get a lot of benefits, and he can also gain Zhan Jianming's trust even more!

After all, although he is a spy sent by the "Yuan Demon Sect" to Jianzong, he has nothing to do with Tongtian Demon Sect and Heian Demon Sect.

The failure of the plans of the two great magic sects had nothing to do with him!

Chen Fan sneered in his heart, but licked his lips at this moment, and then stared straight at Su Pingcheng: "Do you know the specific strength of Zhan Jianming?"

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