My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 686: The Gate of Hell

"Do you know the specific strength of Zhan Jianming?" Chen Fan's voice was cold, and he did not hide his murderous intentions at all.

If he was weaker, he would have been cheated to death by Zhan Jianming.

Naturally, he had thoughts about this true elder brother.

When Su Pingcheng heard Chen Fan's words, his heart moved, and he narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Although Zhan Jianming has not been promoted to longevity for a long time, it is said that he has not only realized it alone, but has already attained the second level of longevity..."

"It is said that there are still a few Dao fruits that have condensed Dao Fruit, including a Sword Dao, and Dao Fruit may be picked at any time!"

Chen Fan was also shocked when he heard the words.

He frowned deeply.

As a martial artist who also possesses multiple dao domains, he deeply understands how terrifying the strength of more dao domains he has mastered.

Su Pingcheng had a delicate expression:

"If it wasn't for Zhan Jianming who couldn't bear the loneliness and used other ways to break through longevity...and didn't break through with the way of swords, many people said that he would become the third sword emperor of the Sword Sect."

"It's just that even if he doesn't break through with swordsmanship, his strength is probably not weaker than ordinary sword emperors. In the second level of longevity, there are probably few people who can match him."

After the cultivation base reaches Changsheng, every level is like a moat.

Zhan Jianming has reached the level of Dao and fruit in several ways, including the way of swordsmanship. Even such a genius can't fight beyond the level.

But he can't beat the third level of longevity, and it is difficult to kill him at the third level of longevity.

And even though the current Chen Fan has killed more than one Changsheng, he still dare not say that he can defeat Zhan Jianming head-on!

He frowned deeply: "No wonder this Zhan Jianming was able to wrestle with Canghai Sword Emperor..."

Although Canghai Sword Emperor is a master of swordsmanship, his cultivation seems to be only at the second level of longevity. Needless to say, he is stronger than Zhan Jianming, but he is not completely crushed.

It has to be said that Zhan Jianming's strength is still far beyond Chen Fan's imagination.

Relying on himself and Hu Jiuguang, it is possible to suppress Zhan Jianming together, but it is still too difficult to kill him.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and he raised his head to look at Su Pingcheng again: "Where is the exact location of the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison'?"

Su Pingcheng turned his hand and took out a nearby map: "Please look at the map, you two, we are here at this time, and the 'unique place' is here..."


After half an hour.

"It's here."

Amidst the bloody mist, Chen Fan and Hu Jiuguang followed Su Pingcheng and soon came to a mountainous area.

Chen Fan frowned deeply and urged his divine sense to scan, but he didn't find anything unusual around him.

The fog is not thicker than other places, and the number of monsters around is not much higher.

He frowned and looked at Su Pingcheng.

Su Pingcheng quickly said: "There is a special concealment formation arranged here. I have confirmed it through a special method. The 'Gate of the Devil's Prison' is here."

But the man flipped his hand and took out a small apricot-yellow flag. He waved the flag, but saw ripples like water flashing in the air.

Chen Fan's consciousness spread around, and only then did he notice a strange aura in the valley in the distance.

Chen Fan went to check immediately, and soon found traces of the formation.

"There really is a hidden formation!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

If it wasn't for Su Pingcheng using the power of the apricot-yellow flag, he really wouldn't have noticed that there was a formation hidden around him.

Chen Fan looked at the apricot-yellow flag in Su Pingcheng's hand, and he was also very subtle in his heart, and secretly warned himself:

"A person who can reach Daoguo cultivation level is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person. Maybe the strength is not as good as mine, but there may not be other means under his hands..."

Su Pingcheng also put away the apricot-yellow flag, and said: "This formation is extremely clever, even I can only break through it, let the two of you check the situation inside, it is not enough for you to enter it..."

"No need!"

Chen Fan activated the Po Zi Jue, leaving Hu Jiuguang outside, he stepped directly into the formation.

As soon as he stepped into the other end, Chen Fan also immediately entered the "Hidden Void" state.

Chen Fan sensed that the True Inheritance Token began to vibrate hotly.

"The gate of the devil's prison is indeed here!"

There are special restrictions set in the token of Jianzong's True Inheritance. If you encounter the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", you can arouse your power and mark the location of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison".

The first Jianzong disciple who activates the "mark" is the one who discovers the location of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" and will be rewarded with the Xuanmu Wanjin Pill!

It's just that Chen Fan restrained the power of the true order, and didn't activate the marked "Gate of the Devil's Prison" immediately.

Now is not the time.


Chen Fan was whistling in the sky, but he saw a group of crowmen wearing armor and holding long blades whizzing past the sky.

"It's a monster patrolling around!"

He patrolled his eyes and looked around.

The sky and the earth are densely populated with monsters of various colors.

Thousands of demons of all colors gathered in this small mountain lair

Apart from the arakkoa and the earth yaksha, there are occasional rumors among the monsters that this monster is wearing a heavy armor and has a pig-like head. The minimum size of this monster is more than ten feet.

Chen Fan also knew that such monsters were called "trolls".

Trolls are monsters that are much higher in level than Yaman and Yaksha, and they are all above tenth level.

Chen Fan operated "Concealment", and moved forward little by little.

Suddenly he faltered.

But he sensed a terrifying sense of consciousness sweeping the surroundings, but he didn't find Chen Fan who was hiding in "Hidden Void"!

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to maintain this "concealment", quietly cruising in the valley, and soon saw a magnificent gate in the distance like a sea of ​​monsters.

But sitting around the gate was an extremely huge figure with an extremely terrifying aura. The figure was holding a huge bow, and his whole body was full of evil spirits.

"This should be the so-called 'gatekeeper', the guy who just swept away his consciousness should be this guy..."

His body is huge, and his plump body is piled inside the silver armor, which makes people daunting.

Chen Fan turned his head to look at the "gate" next to him that was shining with dim light.

This gate must be the "gate of the devil's prison".

The Gate of the Devil's Prison is said to be a gate, but it does not function as a "gate". It is more like a beacon in itself, connecting the Devil's Prison and the Kingdom of Jialan.

By itself it is very fragile.

Of course, apart from the densely packed monsters and "gatekeepers", there should also be other protective treasures for defense. No matter how fragile it is, it is difficult for ordinary people to pass through the heavy protection and destroy it.

Although Chen Fan was able to avoid the "gatekeeper"'s detection, he didn't have the confidence to directly destroy the gate of the devil's prison.

He licked his lips, and after confirming the location of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison", he didn't dare to act rashly, and quietly walked out of the formation, and soon got out of the formation.

It has to be said that the power of the star god seal is miraculous.

Under the "Pozi Jue", even a formation of this level could not stop Chen Fan at all.

Out of the formation, Chen Fan looked at Su Pingcheng, and his thoughts were tumbling: "Zhan Jianming intends to plot the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison'. It seems that he is confident and has a way to break through the 'Gate of the Devil's Prison'..."

There was a stern look in his eyes, but he turned his head to look at Hu Jiuguang and Su Pingcheng, and a bold plan flashed in his mind.

Zhan Jianming's strength was formidable. Although Chen Fan was dissatisfied with him, he didn't intend to put himself in danger and fight him to the death.

If you want to deal with Zhan Jianming, you don't necessarily have to use your own strength...

He gave Hu Jiuguang a wink, and the two immediately avoided Su Pingcheng and came to the corner.

"Who is the demon lord that you Tongtian Demon Sect sent this time, and what is his specific strength?"

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