My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 700 Treasure and Greed

At the level of longevity, each layer has a huge gap.

It is very difficult to leapfrog the battle.

But there are always some outliers.

Some warriors with extraordinary talents who comprehend some super powerful ways or terrifying supernatural powers, or some divine beasts with powerful bloodlines and natural supernatural powers like Hu Jiuguang.

The Chaos Primordial Demon can also be counted as the latter.

Chen Fan didn't know if there were Chaos Primordial Demons on the Shanhai Ranking. If there were, the ranking would be even higher than the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox.

A peerless master of the third level of longevity may be able to defeat the second-level chaotic primordial demon, but if he wants to kill him, he must burn everything like Chen Wudao, sacrificing his future and cultivation...

Of course, the primordial demon that Chen Fan and the others faced was not as terrifying as Rama.

It doesn't have any sanity, it just relies on instinct to fight.

It's just that the evil power possessed by these creatures is far more terrifying than ordinary evil spirits. Even Lian Yun, Shi Zhongyu and other immortal double masters will shrink their hands and feet, and have to take the influence of evil spirits into account.

Of course, the real key is its immortality.

The four of them took turns fighting for quite a while, but the monster's injuries always healed in seconds.

This is even more terrifying than Hu Jiuguang's purple ghost fire, and his recovery ability.

"It's no way to go on like this!"

The Lianyun Witch roared, and after avoiding another attack from Kaiyuanmo, she suddenly turned her head to look at Chen Fan: "You are a warrior from Yuanmozong, and you know the most about Chaos Sea... but is there any way to deal with this guy? ?”

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

The young emperor of the Yuan Demon Sect that he killed in Daqian had the Chaos spar in his hands. Obviously, the Yuan Demon Sect had a lot of connections with this kind of demon leader.

And the Yuan Demon Sect has developed the most in the Chaos Sea.

But the problem is that Chen Fan is not a member of the Yuan Demon Sect at all, and his understanding of the Yuan Demon Sect is limited to some introductions in the Hunyuan Demon Sect.

Where would you know how to deal with this guy.

Of course, his "Hongmeng Sword" seemed to restrain this guy's immortality, but Chen Fan didn't want to expose his trump card too early.

He turned to look at Lian Yun:

"This chaotic primordial demon is too powerful, and the methods in my hands are difficult to be effective... However, what the chaotic primordial demon possesses is not the true immortal body..."

"You don't need to keep your strength anymore, let's fight with all our strength, as long as we kill it a few more times, it will be fine."

This chaotic primordial demon doesn't know how to escape, what Chen Fan said is really a way.

However, Lian Yun rolled her eyes and the corners of her mouth twitched: "What kind of solution is this?"

Other demon sects don't know as much about primordial demons as primordial demons, but they also know certain characteristics of these creatures.

And although this primordial demon is not too strong in itself, it is at least at the second level of longevity. If it hadn't been transformed into a demon, there would be no way for the four of them to win together!

In fact, it has been transformed into a demon, which has transformed from a difficult mode to a medium difficulty for the four of them!


Although the strength that Yuanmo can exert has become weaker, it is extremely difficult to kill it once.

It is still an extremely unrealistic choice to count on hard consumption to kill the Chaos primordial demon...

Chen Fan looked embarrassed, and said, "Do we have to fight this guy to the death, can't we temporarily seal or trap him?"

The Witch Lianyun frowned, and pointed to the same closed door on the other side of the hall:

"To enter the treasury, we need the key on the guardian. If we can find the key, we don't need to kill him...just..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at the chaotic primordial demon who kept waving his limbs to attack.

He scanned it with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find any tokens on him.

The voice of the Lianyun Witch sounded again: "The key is probably inside its body. If we don't kill it, there is nothing we can do..."

And at this moment, Hu Jiuguang's angry voice sounded: "Let's directly attack the gate of the treasure house and destroy the gate of the treasure house, right?"

Chen Fan Lianyun was paddling by the side, while Hu Jiuguang was maintaining the state of a giant fox at this time, holding a long knife, but colliding with the primordial demon head-on.

There is the origin technique that Chen Fan left in his body just now.

The impact of the evil force on this primordial demon can't affect Qihu for a while.

Hu Jiuguang's words also made Lianyun's expression freeze, and then hesitatingly said: "The gate of the treasure house is not the gate of the outside entrance, the power of sealing is much stronger..."

But Hu Jiuguang roared angrily: "No matter how powerful it is, it can always be destroyed, right? Is it less difficult than killing this guy?"

Lian Yun thought for a moment, but she no longer hesitated, and turned her head to look at Hu Jiuguang: "You hold this primordial demon, we will find a way to destroy the gate of the treasure house!"

Hu Jiuguang's body was full of dark purple flames, and his momentum was fierce. He swung his giant knife forward and collided with Yuan Mo head-on.

It was only for an instant, but he took a few steps back!

He roared: "Impossible! I can't stop this monster alone!"

In terms of bloodline, the chaotic primordial demon is no worse than Hu Jiuguang, but in terms of strength, Hu Jiuguang is more than a notch worse.

He was able to block the primordial demon, firstly because his body was strong, and secondly because the other party had no mind and only knew how to fight by instinct.

Chen Fan also said: "I'll help him, you and Shi Zhongyu find a way to break through the gate of the treasure house, you must do it as soon as possible!"

Lian Yun also nodded immediately.

After the chaotic primordial demon was infected by the force, he naturally didn't know how to perform his duties as a guardian, and just attacked the enemy Hu Jiuguang like a madman.

"Hu Jiuguang, we don't need to have sex with him, we have to find a way to entangle him..." Chen Fan frowned and shouted.

Hu Jiuguang was not a fool either, his body shrank immediately, his speed was faster and he was much more flexible.

The two of them didn't confront the primordial demon head-on, they just kept avoiding it, slashed from time to time to build up their hatred, and didn't let the primordial demon have the opportunity to harass Lianyun and the two.

Even after such a long time, the gate of the treasure house is still extremely tough.

After waiting for three or four hours, Lianyun and Lianyun finally broke through the gate of the treasure house.

Chen Fan and Hu Jiuguang immediately gave up on continuing to fight with the primordial demon, and rushed into the gate together.

But the primordial demon charged over, but his body didn't know how to shrink, and he slammed into the tall wall, but he couldn't get through at all!

The surrounding walls were obviously not made of ordinary materials, they were smashed on by Yuan Mo, and they roared continuously, but they were not broken after all!

Lian Yun also took out another treasure, sealed the gate, and cut off the breath of the four people. The primordial demon bombarded for a while, but soon stopped.

After becoming a demon, he has already lost his sanity, but he is relying on instinct, which is very stupid. He can't sense the enemy's breath, so he naturally doesn't know how to continue attacking.

Only then did Chen Fan heave a sigh of relief, and began to look around.

He frowned and looked at Lian Yun: "Is this the treasure house you mentioned?"

This place does not look like a treasure house at all, it is simply a lava cave, with a thick sulfur breath and blazing high temperature intertwined.

The lava cave was extremely deep, and Chen Fan's suppressed consciousness could not penetrate further.

Lian Yun licked her lips, and looked around with bright eyes: "What's the hurry, come with me!"

Lian Yun led Chen Fan and the three of them forward all the way, walked out for a quarter of an hour, passed through the lava cave, and soon entered the empty hall with a wide view.

As soon as he stepped in, in the empty rectangular hall, streaks of aura shot into Chen Fan's eyes.

Various spars and minerals are scattered all over the place.

"Green Spirit Jade, Red Blood Stone..." Each one is extremely precious, and the lowest value is more than "Purple Marrow Soil".

But here, they are piled up like hills, randomly scattered on the ground, and the number is extremely terrifying.

Value cannot be estimated.

And many of them are ores needed for "White Emperor's Armor Restoration".

Even though he was as rich as Chen Fan, he still took a deep breath.

"too exaggerated……"

Compared with these ores, the "Purple Marrow Soil" that Chen Fan dug up at the beginning is like playing house.

And among the precious ores scattered and piled up at random, there are three gorgeous boxes shining with dazzling golden light. They are solemnly placed in the center of the room, piled up among the many precious jades and ores.

Don't think about it, what is hidden inside must be a real precious treasure that far surpasses the ores outside!

Greed flashed across his eyes, and he quietly glanced at Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu behind him.

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