My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 701 The Real Treasure

Because of the force.

Chen Fan always pays attention to his own state of mind, and does not easily act rashly.

But at this moment, seeing piles of precious ore randomly piled up on the hall, even if he was as rich as him, his heart was aroused with strong greed.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu behind him, and murderous intent welled up in his heart.

After killing the two of them, these three boxes and the precious ore in this room are all his own!

At the very moment when greed and murderous intent surged into his heart, Chen Fan's body froze suddenly, and the Star God Seal in his sea of ​​consciousness erupted, and a cool breath rushed into Chen Fan's mind.

Chen Fan froze for a moment.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong!

These ores are indeed very precious and extremely valuable.

But the problem is that he knows all the ores present and knows their value...

There wasn't a single one he didn't know.

It even happened that many of them were precious ores that Mr. Bai needed for restoration.

This is a big problem.

The time when the Silver Demon God lived was unknown tens of thousands of years ago.

To say that Chen Fan knew all the treasures and ores left behind by him, and it was such a coincidence that many of them were what he needed, he would never believe it.

And just when Chen Fan had doubts in his heart.

A call sounded faintly in his ear.

"Chen Fan! Chen Fan!"

Chen Fan was shocked, "Master Bai?"

Master Bai's call gradually appeared in Chen Fan's ears from far to near.

Chen Fan's eyes blurred, but the surrounding scene also changed suddenly.

The same emptiness, but there are no precious ores everywhere, only black flowers with a strong evil aura.

There are no mineral gemstones in the black flowers. Although there are indeed three boxes in the huge empty room, each of them gives people a sense of decay and dilapidation, and also exudes a strong "spiritual force". precious.

He was stepping on among the flowers, and the black flowers under his feet twisted and entwined around Chen Fan's body. At the same time, an evil force continued to seep into his unprotected body!

The itching from his lower body made him startled and he became more awake.

"These flowers made me enter the illusion, and they are still eroding my body!"

His "Origin Technique" has stopped functioning, and those evil breaths are constantly infecting and destroying Chen Fan's body.

Even the origin qi in his body is automatically in the corner, under the defenseless passive attack, Chen Fan can still feel the negative emotions in his brain expanding...

Cold sweat dripped down Chen Fan's head, but his mind moved immediately, the "Origin Technique" activated, and at the same time, the aura around him flourished, and the White Emperor Armor emerged.

With the force leaving the body, Chen Fan's mind finally regained clarity.

"You finally woke up!"

Master Bai's relieved voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart: "You didn't react at all when I called you just now, and you deliberately suppressed it, so that I couldn't use the power of the White Emperor Armor to resist the erosion of these magic flowers..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

He naturally understood that he was under the illusion.

If the "Star God Seal" hadn't played a role at the critical moment, even if he had the "Origin Technique" to restrain his evil power, he would probably have to use it here.

"It's because Lianyun, the witch, told me before that there may be many precious ores in this treasure house. I have greed in my heart, so I fell into the illusion..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he was very happy in his heart.

Thanking Mr. Bai, Chen Fan turned his head to look at the other three who were also blushing and lost their sanity.

The power emanating from this kind of flower is different from the previous wave of power. It is not a large amount of power used at one time, but slowly erodes a few people.

More like boiling a frog in lukewarm water.

All three of them were strong in cultivation, and Hu Jiuguang, who was weaker, still had the Genesis Qi infused by Chen Fan, so there was nothing wrong with him for a while.

Chen Fan rushed in front of Hu Jiuguang in an instant, and the sword light surged, wiping away all the black flowers on his body.

These black flowers have strange abilities and can make people fall into illusions, but in fact, the main body has no defensive ability. Under Chen Fan's sword light, they are easily chopped into pieces.

"Wake up, Hu Jiuguang!" Chen Fan clapped his hands on the top of Hu Jiuguang's head, and injected Genesis Qi into Hu Jiuguang's body again.

Without the influence of the black flower, the person quickly regained consciousness.

He looked at Chen Fan in front of him bewilderedly, and looked around blankly, and then his expression changed.


It is also terrified.

After that, the two also looked at Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu with subtle expressions.

After figuring out the current situation.

"Do you want to deal with them now?" Hu Jiuguang's eyes flashed fiercely.

Chen Fan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "No rush..."

He glanced at the two who were still falling in the black flowers, and didn't take the opportunity to make a move, nor helped them get out of the environment, allowing them to move towards the place where the black flowers were more dense.

However, he stepped forward to those boxes that looked almost decayed.

These three boxes are not placed here, but are connected to the earth and cannot be taken away.

Chen Fan frowned, and went forward to observe for a while, but he couldn't find the lock or mechanism.

But it directly entered various boosting states, and suddenly slashed up with a sword.


It's just that the rotten-looking box blocked Chen Fanfei's shadow sword.


With Chen Fan's strength, even without using any sword moves, a simple swing is enough to blow up a hill in the outside world.

But when the sword was slashed out, it didn't have any effect at all, and even the ground didn't shake at all.

Chen Fan's eyes widened, his eyes became more fierce, and he slashed out with a sword again.


This time, "Seven Killing Swords" was used!

It's just that there was still a clang, and a spark was generated, but it was as if a mortal raised a knife and slashed on the metal.

Chen Fan could only feel his numb and trembling arm, and the tiger's mouth was about to burst into blood...

"Outrageous." The corner of his mouth twitched, and he put away the sword in his hand.

He turned his head, and Hu Jiuguang also looked at him in surprise: "Shall I try?"

Chen Fan shook his head, "No need!"

Hu Jiuguang had to concentrate on suppressing the treasure chest that he couldn't break through with all his strength, so his strength was suppressed even more, and it was even more impossible to break it.

After all, this is the Emerald Palace, and it is normal that the things left by the Demon God King cannot be destroyed by themselves.

Chen Fan turned his head to look at Shi Zhongyu and Lianyun, who were almost slowly transforming towards the demon...

Swinging the sword, he wiped away the magic flowers around the two of them.

Soon the two also regained consciousness.

The two were affected by the magic flower, and the erosion was more serious. Although they regained consciousness, they still meditated cross-legged one by one, and it took a long time for their faces to improve.

"Thank you both for saving each other." Lian Yun's face was pale, and she gave them a strange look.

Chen Fan waved his hand, then turned his head to look at several boxes in the room, and licked his lips.

"These boxes are the treasures in the treasure house?"

Lian Yun giggled, nodded and stepped forward.

But he quickly took out a crimson feather.

As the feather was taken out, the surrounding temperature also increased by several points.

When Chen Fan saw the feather, he raised his eyebrows.

Even with his physical fitness, he still felt the terrifying high temperature around him.

Even the black smoke power next to him detoured around the feather.

And he who has comprehended the Dao Domain of Fire can even feel the Dao Rhyme in it!

I'm afraid this feather is not only a special keepsake here, but also a kind of treasure!

But when Chen Fan looked at the feather, it looked a bit like the black bird feather that he used to exchange for treasures in the Yuanshang Secret Realm!

"The feathers of birds don't always look much different. Treasures with the Dao of Fire Rhyme may not necessarily be the same thing." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't think too much about it.

Holding the feather in her hand, Lian Yun stepped forward, stretched out her hand, and opened the first box with ease.

"It's that simple?"

Chen Fanhu Jiuguang also stepped forward.

Lian Yun sneered and shook her head: "Simple? The Jade Palace has been closed for so many years, and this feather came out of it. It came to me, but I don't know how many twists and turns it has gone through..."

It's just that he obviously didn't intend to introduce Chen Fan and Chen Fan in detail.

As the box was opened, streams of black smoke rose from it.

The already strong force in the hall increased a bit.

All of them frowned, guarding against death, isolating all the evil forces from their bodies, and stepped forward one by one.

He looked towards the box.

The lingering black smoke is dense, and blood-colored crystal jades are randomly scattered in the box...

"Huh!" Hu Jiuguang's eyes widened, another black smoke rose above his body, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a black smoke flashed in his eyes again.

Chen Fan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air: "These... are all the marrow of origin blood?!"

He swept over with his spiritual sense, and there were nearly 300 red crystal jade in this box!

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