My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 705 Giant Spirit

And the other side.

In the spacious room, watching Hu Jiuguang leave.

Lian Yun's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and then she looked at Shi Zhongyu with her closed eyes beside her, with playfulness on her face:

"The relationship between these two guys is really good. People from Yuan Demon Sect and Tongtian Demon Sect are actually getting together, haha..."

Shi Zhongyu sneered and licked his lips:

"The two of them are leaving at this time. I'm afraid they are discussing something, and they may even have some plot. But it doesn't matter, he can't be our opponent."

Lian Yun also had a sneer on her face:

"If it weren't for their strength, the two of them wouldn't be able to get here at all, especially that idiot Hu Jiuguang, who is in a bad mood... But it doesn't matter, we will attack them immediately when a guardian falls. Neither will survive!"

Lianyun is also insidious, it turns out that he has not just reached an agreement with Chen Fan.

No wonder they didn't have any objections to the treasures that Chen Fan had taken away that had been eroded by evil forces.

Shi Zhongyu's eyes flashed with blood, and he let out a "hum", but his eyes were bent into a slit, and there was a strong sense of playfulness in his eyes.


Inside the dark and empty lava cave.

A barrier suddenly disappeared, and the figures of Hu Jiuguang and Chen Fan emerged.

After Chen Fan spent another two sticks of incense and used the "Origin Technique" to expel the evil forces on the two origin blood marrows, he did not continue.

The two returned to the treasure house, and Hu Jiuguang's expression returned to his previous indifference.

Lian Yun opened her eyes and stood up: "How about it, did you find anything else?"

Chen Fan shook his head directly.

Shi Zhongyu sneered and said: "If you have finished repairing, then let's move on. We'd better go faster, the more time passes, the more people will enter the Emerald Palace, and sooner or later they will be discovered..."

He turned his head to look at the fiery red door next to him.

Lian Yun's gaze also became hot and complicated:

"Get ready, the guardians of the next level may have the strength to kill us in seconds!"

But this time the four of them did not continue to smash the door.

Lian Yun took which feather and came to the fiery red door, the red light flickered.

The door opens automatically.


A surge of hot air gushed out of it.

The four looked at each other, and then walked into the gate one after another.

On the other side of the gate is a huge hall.

The magma above the earth forms a complicated and mysterious pattern vertically and horizontally.

The empty hall was unobstructed. Although everyone's spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed, the view here was exceptionally good, and Chen Fan's gaze was instantly directed to the center of the hall.

A tall statue stood like a guard next to a huge golden bird's nest.

The statue is fifty or sixty feet high, holding a huge ax in its hand, standing upright in front of the bird's nest.

The bird's nest is much larger, with a radius of a hundred feet. The golden light is shining, and the whole body is composed of a kind of golden silk thread intertwined, and between the golden threads, there are flashes of colorful light.

Chen Fan looked over, and among the gold threads were various ores and gemstones, exuding strong energy and sparkle.

Among them, Chen Fan recognized only a few ores, but they were all extremely precious, even more precious treasures than "Purple Marrow Soil".

These ores are even more than what he saw in the illusion just now!

Needless to say, the so-called bird's nest should be the real treasure in the "treasure house".

At this time, he also thought of what Lianyun Witch once said, that there are many precious ores as decorations in the treasury, the value of which is dozens of times higher than that of the entire Xuanjin Vein in the outside world!

Lian Yun's eyes were also burning, she turned her head and said, "I'm not lying!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and his greed rose again.

Inside the Emerald Palace, there are ghost powers left by the Silver Demon God everywhere.

The greed in the heart is easily aroused.

It's just that Chen Fan is the power that activates the "Star God Seal" to keep the words. At the same time, the source energy spreads all over the body to ensure that the body will not be eroded by the evil force, so the evil force did not take the opportunity to enter.

It's just that no matter how powerful his spiritual sense is, he still can't penetrate the dazzlingly shining bird's nest, and can't see what is hidden in the bird's nest.

Lian Yun pointed to the statue in front of the bird's nest: "Be careful with that statue—"

Chen Fan and the others nodded.

In the huge and empty hall, except for the bird's nest, there was only one statue, and the few people naturally focused on it.

It's just that the statue's face is blurred, and people can't feel the slightest force, so there's nothing wrong with it.

Of course, no problem is the biggest problem.

In this kind of place, there is a lot of force in the air, but there is none on this statue.

It's too abnormal!

The four of them gathered together and moved forward cautiously, when they came to about three hundred feet before the bird's nest.

Accompanied by a clicking sound.

A turbulent golden light rose from the sky, and the stone-like skin of the huge human statue in front of the bird's nest peeled off bit by bit, and a terrifying aura surged from its body.

Chen Fan couldn't help squinting his eyes, the sky was filled with golden light, and the huge statue was striding forward with a huge ax in hand.

In fact, this statue is not much different from the chaotic primordial demon in the previous level.

But this guy exudes a terrifying aura that makes people desperate.

The golden light was gone, but only then was there a surging force surging in all directions on his body.

And with the eruption of this evil force, Chen Fan and the other four retreated wildly.

The giant also showed its true face again. It is similar to a human in appearance, except that it is bigger and has a third eye between its brows.

When Chen Fan saw the giant's appearance clearly, his expression froze slightly.

He has seen this monster, even fought against this monster.

That was in the Yuanshang Secret Realm, during the assessment of the battle hall, and this guy was the opponent he met in the third level!

He even killed the opponent after he mastered the "double rage"...

But you must know that at that time, he was only dealing with the peak of transformation, which is the assessment of the ninth level.

This giant does not have the fancy abilities of the Predator and Chaos Primordial Demon. It has only one advantage, and that is that it is powerful enough.

But it was precisely this advantage that Chen Fan was so desperate that he was powerless to deal with it.

At the same time, Master Bai's astonished voice suddenly rang in Chen Fan's ear: "It's the blood of the Giant Spirit?"

Chen Fan's heart moved immediately, and he asked, "Master Bai, do you recognize this guy?"

Lord Bai's serious voice sounded in Chen Fan's ear:

"Remember what I told you that there is a Giant God Court among the Four Great God Courts?"

Chen Fan was taken aback, his expression became more subtle, and he also felt withdrawn: "This thing came from Shenting?"

Mr. Bai said: "You don't need to be too nervous, the blood of this giant spirit is not pure enough, it should be a different species with the blood of giant spirits... But that 'Silver Demon God' is really not a simple person, the Giant God Court is one of the four great god courts. , the one with the smallest population, and the one that values ​​the purity of their bloodline the most..."

Master Bai's tone was also subtle.

And Chen Fan also took a deep breath, sent a voice transmission to Hu Jiuguang to remind him to be careful, and at the same time quietly took a step back.

But this time, the giant stepped forward, raised the battle ax in his hand, and a murderous intent flashed in the three golden pupils stained with black lines.

"Intruder, damn it..."

When the voice exploded like thunder among the two of four, the raging force rushed towards their faces in an instant, and the expressions of the four of them changed drastically.

"Can talk, have sanity?"

Shi Zhongyu gritted his teeth and turned to look at Lian Yun next to him, furious:

"You tricked us!"

The fact that this giant can say this also means that the person has not completely lost his sanity.

The giant's body was magnificent, and the four of them had already opened a sufficient distance, but each of them trembled uncontrollably.

In terms of momentum alone, it is even more terrifying than the thousand-handed old man and the sword emperor that Chen Fan has seen!

It is definitely more than the existence of the triple longevity!

For an existence above the third level of longevity who still maintains a certain degree of rationality, the strength that can be achieved is far from what they expected.

"Lianyun, I won't play with you anymore, do whatever you like!"

Chen Fan lost all greed in an instant, turned his head decisively, and summoned Xiaodie, "Let's go!"

Let me tell you something, this book will not publish new chapters this year, dear readers, see you next year (2022)~~

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