My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 706 Invincibility and Obsession (Happy New Year's Day)

Chen Fan asked himself.

At this time, under the limit state of multiple boosts, it might be enough to suppress Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu, but facing the third level of longevity, even the weakest third level of longevity, he can barely fight, and he can run away.

And this giant not only may be an existence above the third level of longevity, but also has the blood of a giant spirit, and his real strength may easily strangle him to death.

So he decisively summoned Xiaodie, but instead of running away immediately, he went to pick up Hu Jiuguang first...

On the other side, the corner of Lian Yun's mouth twitched, but her eyes were burning towards the bird's nest.

Shi Zhongyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and at the same time his body retreated wildly, he looked at the giant, and a strong fear flashed in his eyes.

In fact, the distance between the four of them is far more than a hundred feet!

The giant was still standing beside the bird's nest, but he didn't intend to move forward at all. After such a long distance, the giant ax slammed down.


The strong wind howled, and the pure and terrifying power stirred up heavy air waves.

The golden light exploded suddenly.

In this emerald palace, even the longevity strength, at this distance, the strength will be severely weakened.

None of Chen Fan and the others expected that the giant would come down with just one move without even closing the distance!

And the terrifying power of this move also changed the expressions of all four of them!

An irresistible force surged from the golden light.

The surging force like a wave instantly lifted Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu into the air, splashing blood everywhere.

Chen Fan on the other side had just stepped on Xiaodie to connect to Hu Jiuguang, and before he had even opened the distance, he felt the surging force rushing towards him.

The all-pervasive power came in an instant, and even Xiaodie couldn't avoid it.

Xiaodie's running speed was fast, but she still couldn't dodge under this sudden blow of the axe.

One fox, one person and one butterfly, instantly flew out with the violent force!


Even with the White Emperor Armor passed on his body, Chen Fan instantly turned into a blood blade, and an unknown number of bones in his body were shattered...

One must know that he was present at the scene, and his body was many times stronger than that of martial artists of the same level, but he was still seriously injured on the spot.

And even more exaggerated.

He was not hit head-on by the giant's axe, but was just slightly brushed aside by Yu Wei, and 90% of the impact was absorbed by the White Emperor Armor, so he became like this.

Hu Jiuguang on the other side was also bloody and bloody. Without the protection of the White Emperor Armor, his injuries were much worse than Chen Fan's. hinder.

On the contrary, Xiaodie, although she was also blasted out with the terrifying force, she still remained intact and did not suffer any damage, but was smashed a little far away.

Chen Fan and Hu Jiuguang are not bad, because of Xiaodie's speed, they opened up the distance in advance, and they can't hurt the root.

Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu are two people who are called tragic, and they are much closer to the giant than Chen Fan.

Especially Lian Yun, half of his body was blasted into powder by the terrifying golden light.

It's just that to achieve this kind of cultivation, the vitality is also very terrifying.

Not to mention that half of the body is destroyed, even if the head is blown, it is possible to survive.

In the remaining half of its body, the bones "chucked" and grew wildly, but they quickly formed the other half of its new body.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, activated the source beads, and his physical injuries began to recover quickly, but he recovered in an instant.

In fact, the giant's move is not very clever, but very simple, but its power is too terrifying, so the power it creates is also exaggerated!

In fact, if the distance between the four of them hadn't been far enough, and they were just sidelined by the opponent's moves, it would be impossible for none of them to die...

If he was hit by the opponent's ax head-on, his White Emperor Armor would definitely not be able to weaken 90% of the attack!

After the White Emperor Armor absorbed the purple marrow soil and repaired it for the second time, it was able to absorb 90% of the impact of the third level of longevity.

But further up, the degree of absorption is very small!

Just kidding, with his physical fitness and the strength of the White Emperor Armor, his attack was weakened by 90%, and he was almost seriously injured when he was rubbed to the point. He didn't dare to imagine how terrifying the attack power of the opponent's frontal ax would be. up.

While Chen Fan was recovering quickly, he also sent an order to Xiaodie, asking Xiaodie to pick him up, and then to Hu Jiuguang, who immediately turned into a streamer and went back the same way, continuing to rush towards the gate when he came.

He rushed out of the gate almost instantly, and only then did he finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to go all out and leave, he let Xiaodie stop with a "huh".

"Master?" Hu Jiuguang looked over in surprise.

Chen Fan turned around with a subtle expression.

Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu also turned into streamers and ran away one by one.

Their speed was far behind Fluttershy.

Among them, Shi Zhongyu was alright, obviously he had another card, but Lianyun was left behind.

What was surprising was that the giant behind them stayed where they were, and had no intention of catching up, but just slashed with an ax from a distance.

In fact, when the ax passed by just now, even Lian Yun, who was farthest from the giant, was separated from him by hundreds of feet!

In this Emerald Palace, where the pressure is so great, even the power of this giant's move will be greatly reduced with distance.

This time the giant's ax light spread.

Lian Yun, who landed at the back, was among them, and the flashing spiritual light around her body instantly collapsed. Although blood was still splashing all over her body, it was much better than last time, and she even used the momentum and the giant to pull away a larger area. distance.

Chen Fan, who had already reached the outside of the main hall, felt the surging impact from the opponent, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, his blood churning endlessly, but because he was far enough away, he didn't suffer much damage.

"Something's wrong..."

Ordinary haunted demons are very aggressive, just like the chaotic primordial demon before, wishing to chase you for the rest of their lives, until they could no longer sense the breath of the four of them, and then left.

But this end, from the beginning to the present, has not moved a step.

And as Lianyun and Shi Zhongyu moved further away, the huge ax raised by the giant did not strike down again, but was put away...

He remained motionless, and the terrifying force lingering all over his body also subsided.

The giant just watched Lianyun and the others run away quietly, without any intention of making a move or chasing after them, it seemed to have turned into the original statue again.

Soon, Shi Zhongyu and Lianyun, who were fleeing at high speed, also noticed that the giant did not continue to attack.

All stopped.

Chen Fan also urged Xiaodie again, took Hu Jiuguang into the main hall, and soon came to the side of Lianyun and the two, but did not attract the attention of the giant in the distance.

Shi Zhongyu licked his lips: "Why doesn't this monster chase us, with his strength, none of us can take his attack head-on..."

"Is it because of the bird's nest..." Chen Fan's gaze flashed, and he also placed it on the huge bird's nest behind the giant.

Lian Yun stood up again, looking at the giant in the distance with a delicate expression.

If it is truly sane, why is the behavior of this giant so rigid?

"Could it be that……"

Lian Yun's expression was delicate, but she raised her hand suddenly, a bone spur extended from her body, and then fell off and turned into a small bone figure jumping, and rushed towards the giant again.

And until the bone villain entered the giant's range of almost a hundred feet.

"Intruder, damn it..." The giant said the same words as before, and swung his ax again.

The terrifying power poured down with the axe, and the skeletal figure instantly collapsed into powder. The subsequent terrifying power smashed a huge deep hole in the tough ground, and the whole hall trembled violently!

Even with a long enough distance, Chen Fan and the others were still blown to the brim with blood.

It's just that seeing this scene, the eyes of all four of them flickered, and their expressions were excited.

Shi Zhongyu raised his eyebrows: "This guy can only say this sentence, he doesn't have much wisdom! It's still a demon, but it's special..."

Lian Yun nodded excitedly:

"The reason why it doesn't leave the bird's nest and doesn't let others approach it is probably because it still has the obsession to guard this place in its heart!"

There are still 364 days until the New Year's Eve. When I think back to the last New Year's Eve, it seems like it was just yesterday. Here, I wish everyone a happy 2023 in advance (.-ω-)

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