My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 716 Do you want a glazed cup?

In fact, Chen Fan has lost the initiative since the Xuanniao True Spirit pulled Chen Fan into the mind world.

If he didn't choose to use Yuanzhu to wake Wenbu up, he believed that Xuanniao would never care about killing himself casually.

After waking Wenbu up, although Chen Fan had caught this vitality, all his actions were passive.

He doesn't like to be passive.

But the problem is.

Neither Xuan Niao nor Wen Bu is an opponent he can resist now...

Of course, he still has the ability to flip the table at this time, that is the "distorted blood demon".

The power that the "Blood Demon" can erupt even surpasses the power of the Demon God King. Even the leader of the Blood God died instantly, and he can only survive under the protection of the so-called "Blood God". This thing is also Chen Fan. At this time the last hole card.

It's just that he also knows that now is not the time to "turn the table"...

He took a deep breath, and flew into the Tianjin nest following Wenbu.

Xuanniao just stood in the void, but it didn't mean to follow at all.

"Master, don't we follow in? If they do something sneaky..." Lian Yun couldn't help asking.

Xuanniao shook his head: "'Tianjin Nest' is my biggest cover, if this human being really refines 'Tianjin Nest', if I follow in, the true spirit may be trapped together, and I won't be able to get out... If you If you are willing to go in, you can follow them."

Lian Yun shook her head resolutely: "Nothing, nothing."

Xuanniao hummed again:

"You don't have to worry, as long as these guys are still in my mind world, the initiative will be in my hands. Even if this human being refines the 'Sky Gold Nest', as long as he wants to leave alive, he can only abide by the rules with me. agreement."

Lianyun nodded suddenly when she heard the words, and waited outside obediently...

But after Chen Fan and the others entered within half an hour, there was a sudden commotion from the "Sky Golden Nest", and raging flames rose up.

At the same time, streaks of black smoke rose from it, and a large amount of evil force was dispelled from the Sky Gold Nest.

And streaks of aura rose from above the Sky Gold Nest.

Xuanniao squinted his eyes, and his eyes also flickered with strong anticipation: "The Tianjin Nest was indeed refined by that human..."

As time passed, the aura on the golden nest became brighter that day.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing bird song sounded, and at the same time, the originally blazing fire on the bird's nest became tens of times more intense.

Accompanied by thick fire.

A huge fiery bird phantom flew out of the bird's nest, but it was integrated with the humanoid body outside the black bird.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Accompanied by Xuanniao's loud laughter, a terrifying heat rippled outward from her body.

His body turned into a sun, and the dazzling fire light completely eclipsed everything around him.

After a long while, he restrained the intense flames on his body, and looked at the location of the "Sky Golden Nest".

The extremely embarrassed Chen Fan and Wen Bu rushed out of it.

Goodbye Xuanniao, obviously he still looks like a human being, but it made Chen Fan feel like he couldn't look directly at it.

Looking at her, it was like an ordinary person looking directly at the noon sun.

This woman is too dazzling and eye-catching.

She nodded to Chen Fan and Wen Bu with satisfaction: "You are very smart, you didn't play smart with me, and you didn't threaten me. If that's the case, I'll let you go—"

Her eyes flickered with fire, the surrounding scenes changed, and the fiery red oval eggshells disappeared.

Chen Fan and others returned to the previous hall.

Returning to the Emerald Palace, Chen Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In Xuanniao's mind world, Xiaodie's speed is meaningless no matter how fast she is, but when she goes outside, she has a little bit of confidence.

Of course it's just a little bit.

After Xuanniao's deity was unsealed, her strength naturally recovered even more. If she had the heart to deal with Chen Fan, Chen Fan would still be pulled into the world of mind by her in an instant.

However, besides Xiaodie, he had also preliminarily refined the "Tianjin Nest".

After absorbing some of the remaining information, and grasping part of the power of the Tianjin Nest, the Tianjin Nest is said to be a nine-star Taoist artifact, but its function is extremely simple...

It is the "birdcage" specially made by the Silver Demon God for the black bird, but it has and only has the power to restrain the black bird!

If the two sides are really torn apart, Chen Fan activates the power of the "Sky Golden Nest", and with Wen Bu's help, it is not certain who will live and who will die.

Xuanniao was willing to release Chen Fan and Chen Fan honestly according to the agreement, not only because she really kept her promise, but also because she was afraid of the power of "Sky Golden Nest"!

Of course, Chen Fan only removed some of the internal energy when refining the Heavenly Golden Nest, and there was still a lot of energy on the entire Taoist instrument. Before Chen Fan completely eliminated it, the power it could exert was very limited. He really didn't have much confidence when he was really dead.

Xuanniao floated in the air, his face was full of excitement, he turned his head to look in a certain direction, closed his eyes slightly, and opened them: "Those idiots have been here for so long, and they haven't even opened the inner seal of the central tower. How long will it take?" Time can trigger the 'Liu Lizhan'!"

What Xuanniao said was in the middle of the Emerald Palace, where Junhao and the old man Qianshou were. They have not yet broken through the seal and let Liulizhan appear in the world.

She suddenly turned her head to look at Wen Bu beside Chen Fan: "I remember that you used to go to the Central Tower frequently, would you follow me and help me win the 'Liu Lizhan'?"

Wen Bu shook his head: "I'm just getting rid of the erosion of karma, and my strength is far from recovered. If I get close to the 'Liu Lizhan', I may get lost again..."

"Excuse!" Xuanniao snorted: "You trash, just forget it if you don't want to."

But when he waved his hand, a flame rose, but it rolled up Lianyun beside him, and disappeared in front of Chen Fan and Chen Fan in a stream of light.

Until the two left.

Only then did Chen Fan heave a long sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Wembu next to him.

Wen Bu remained silent, and after a while, he suddenly turned to look at Chen Fan:

"Chen Fan, do you want to get the 'Silver Glass Cup'?"

Hearing Wen Bu's words, Chen Fan wasn't surprised at all. Instead, he felt that trouble was coming to an end. He shook his head decisively: "I don't want to!"

Wen Bu gave himself a "Tianjin Nest" in vain. Although there was a reason why he couldn't refine the Tianjin Nest, there was definitely another purpose!

Chen Fan did not believe that the other party would give such a treasure to him for nothing.

He refined the glazed cup at this time, and he also knew how terrifying the value of the entire glazed cup was, not to mention the "Tian Jinsi" of its own texture, and the value of various precious ores inside it was immeasurable!

Although the "Silver Glass Cup" is a fallen magic weapon, its quality is even higher than that of the "Tianjin Nest".

In fact, nine out of ten of the strong evil force in the entire Emerald Palace at this time came from this personal magic weapon of the "Silver Demon God".

This thing is a treasure that plays an important role for the Demon Sect.

But to Chen Fan, this thing is hot yam, not only does not have much effect on him, but it will also get him into great trouble!

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Wen Bu shook his head:

"Xuanniao is just Lord Baiyin's pet. Although she lives in the Emerald Palace, she spends most of her time in the 'Tianjin Nest'. She doesn't know as much about the Emerald Palace as I do. I know that 'Liu Lizhan' is an extremely The key secret, with your bead, combined with my experience, our advantage is much greater than anyone else!"

Chen Fan was silent for a moment: "Can I refuse?"

Wen Bu smiled at him, and the golden light between his brows and pupils flickered: "Of course, you are the master of your own body, you can do whatever you decide, even if you choose to leave here, it doesn't matter...Could it be that I can't do anything against you?"

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and illusory wings suddenly appeared behind him. His body also appeared tens of meters away in an instant, and then Xiaodie emerged from under his feet, kicked off with a swoosh, and flew out in the blink of an eye!

The speed is even more exaggerated than the Xuanniao who just left.

Xiaodie's speed is definitely higher than that of the fourth-layer master of longevity!

There was also a flash of surprise in Wen Bu's eyes, and then his eyes narrowed——

While running at top speed, Chen Fan suddenly felt a surge of pulling force coming from him. He mobilized his whole body's true energy and strength to resist, but he failed.

His complexion suddenly changed, and the surrounding scenery changed suddenly, but he entered another scorched earth-like world.

On the boundless brown land, streaks of black smoke rose, exuding a strong force...

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched and he stopped, turned his head and looked at Wen Bu standing in the distance behind him, "Is this the world of your mind, senior?"

Wen Bu took an empty step and came to Chen Fan's side in the blink of an eye. He glanced at Xiao Die at Chen Fan's feet, with a look of exhaustion on his face: "The karma in my body has not been completely eliminated. Using the power of the mind world , It consumes a lot of money for me. And my mental world is not as powerful as Xuanniao, if I have the ordinary four-fold strength of longevity, I can forcefully break through and leave..."

"In Xuanniao's mind world, I can't enter here, otherwise we wouldn't have to bow to her..."

Saying that, the surrounding environment changed again, and the two returned to the empty hall again.

Before Wen Bu could say anything more, Chen Fan had already given up on running away, and moved towards Wen Bu obediently again:

"Senior, how do you plan to plot the 'Silver Glazed Cup', and what help do you need from me... Just ask!"

He is not a fool.

The other party said that the right to choose is up to him, but when he really chooses to leave, he will immediately put himself in the so-called mind world, so there is no need to talk about the conspiracy in his heart.

The existence of such things as the mind world makes Xiaodie's speed advantage meaningless.

In essence, if Chen Fan is urged to use the "Hongmeng Sword" with all his strength, it is possible for Chen Fan to break the world of happiness, but he is not sure...

And he lacks understanding of the mind world, so he doesn't know if the other party can bring people into it again in a short time after it is broken.

He knows that now is not the best time to make a move by himself!

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