My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 717 Fountain of Eternal Age

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude change, Wen Bu smiled:

"In fact, our chances are definitely greater than you think. Everyone, including Xuanniao, thinks that the 'Silver Glass Cup' is just a magic weapon. Only I know that the 'Liu Glass Cup' is divided into two parts. ', two 'cores'. Even the glazed cups use the 'core' as the core, but the power of the 'zhan' is more external...'Zhan' and 'core' are in a separate state, and the 'core' is also in the central tower Among them, but hidden in a deeper place, its power is introverted, protected by powerful guardians, unless it is close, most people will not feel its power..."

Chen Fan understood.

The "glazed cup" that the old man Qianshou and the others were chasing was only a part of the real magic weapon, and it was not an important part.

No wonder Xuanniao invited Wen Bu to compete for the glazed cup just now. This Wen Bu claimed to be a keeper, but in reality, he is a young man in the Emerald Palace, so his status may not be low.

Think about it too, how can ordinary existence have the power of giant spirits!

Wen Bu continued: "It's just that although the power of the 'core' is restrained, it is more difficult to refine than the 'zhan'. I need the help of the power of the 'Original Demon God' you inherited. If I guess That's right, the power of your bead can only be activated by you, right?"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and he nodded immediately:

"Senior Wisdom Eye. However, in order to remove the evil force on your body and refine the 'Sky Gold Nest', the power of the source pearl in my hand is not too much, and it will not recover much in a short time. I am afraid that it is not enough to refine the core... ..."

In fact, it took more source power to help Hu Jiuguang get rid of the marrow of source blood.

In fact, he didn't completely remove the evil force from Wen Bu's body, and the other party regained consciousness, so there was still some remaining power from the source pearl, but it was later used to remove some evil force from the core part of the "Tianjin Nest". The power is already out of ten.

Wen Bu frowned: "Should your so-called 'yuanzhu' have a way to recover quickly?"

Chen Fan didn't hide it: "In places where some medicinal herbs grow and life energy is strong, the recovery of the source pearl will be faster..."

"Intense life energy..." Wen Bu raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes flashed suddenly: "In the Emerald Palace, there are many treasures, and there is more than one thing with strong life energy. Among them, there is a special strange thing in a special place." , contains sufficient life energy, and can continue to regenerate. It’s just that it’s been so long, and I’m not sure how it’s been infected by karma..."

He shook his head, grabbed Chen Fan's shoulder, "Let's go and have a look."

The two turned into streamers and rushed out of the hall.

And when they came to the outermost hall, the previous chaotic primordial demon had disappeared, leaving only the huge burning humanoid wreckage...

It can be vaguely seen that this is the chaos primordial demon on the periphery!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Wen Bu shook his head helplessly: "After the Xuanniao deity leaves, she can use the Inextinguishable Fire. As long as her flame ignites something, unless she takes the initiative to restrain her power, or unless the flame burns that thing completely, it will not go out. .Not even the demons born of Chaos are safe from her flames..."

When Chen Fan heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched even more.

The chaotic primordial demons, myself and Lianyun, who were completely helpless and unable to kill them, were finished so quickly.

He didn't know if the Primordial Chaos Demon was listed on the Shanhai list, and how many.

But in his opinion, the bloodline of the Chaos Primordial Demon is probably higher than that of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox.

Chaos primordial magic is slightly weaker than Hu Jiuguang in terms of strength, but it has an immortal body. Although it is not an immortal body in the true sense, it is more durable than Hu Jiuguang's nine lives.

He was also very fortunate in his heart, the first thing he met was a black bird with only a real spirit, and he didn't ignite the inextinguishable fire when he shot at him, otherwise his body would have been finished long ago.

"How many places does Xuanniao rank on the Shanhai Ranking?" Chen Fan couldn't help asking.

Wen Bu was surprised and asked:

"What mountain and sea list?"

Chen Fan was speechless.

That's right, the other party hasn't left the Emerald Palace for many years. This mountain and sea list may be a list that was only released in recent years. It's normal for the other party not to know.

In fact, although many people have heard of the list of mountains and seas, Chen Fan has never seen the real list, and he doesn't know what creatures are on it.

The two raced all the way, but they headed for the center of the Emerald Palace.

In the entire Emerald Palace, the place where the power is most concentrated is the place where the "outer cup" of the "glass cup" is located, the central tower.

But a quarter of an hour passed.

In the distance, a dark tower appeared in Chen Fan's field of vision.

At the same time, half of the sky ignited a fire cloud, and the fiery roar continued to echo in the sky where the flames piled up.

It goes without saying that this is Xuanniao's handwriting.

Wen Bu led Chen Fan around, but he bypassed the black tower and stopped at a ruin-like place.

There was a golden light between Wen Bu's brows and pupils, and the ground trembled suddenly. Accompanied by rumbling hums, a deep ditch suddenly appeared on the ground, spreading and cracking, and in front of the two of them, a staircase slowly emerged.

"Is there such a place?"

Wen Bu frowned and grabbed Chen Fan's shoulder, and instantly turned into a streamer and rushed into it.

Keep going down the stairs.

Soon the two entered an underground cave.

The cave is filled with blue crystals that shimmer with faint light.

"Is this azurite mine?" Chen Fan stopped, and couldn't help reaching out to touch a piece of blue crystal beside him.

Wen Bu shook his head: "I don't know, do you need this thing?"

As soon as he waved his hand, a golden light radiated from his body, and then the surrounding blue crystals fell off automatically, and then flew towards Chen Fan.

"Then I won't be polite." Chen Fan waved his hand and said that these azurite mines were included in the Sumeru Ring.

Kyanite is an ore whose value is close to purple pith soil.

For Chen Fan who just refined the Sky Gold Nest, the value of these blue crystal ores is actually nothing, but this thing is also one of the ores that Lord Bai needs.

Chen Fan would not be polite.

The two continued to move forward, and all the blue crystal mines along the way were entered into Chen Fan's Sumeru Ring, which together could be worth millions of yuan crystals...

The Emerald Palace is worthy of being a treasure land, any kind of ore in the ground is so precious.

It's just that many of these ores have also been eroded by the evil force. Although it is not as exaggerated as the "marrow of origin blood", if you want to let Master Bai refine it, you can only wait for the evil force to be eliminated later.


"It's here."

In the dark cave, Wembu stopped with a complex expression.

Chen Fan listened to the sound of gurgling water not far away, and looked at the ripples on the water surface filled with green light, "Is this a spring?"

Wen Bu nodded: "This spring is called the Fountain of Youth."

"Fountain of Immortality?" Just hearing the name, Chen Fan's mind already had a lot of information about the possible functions of this spring.

Wimb said:

"The spring water of the Fountain of Youth has strong life force, and it can even be said to be the water of life. Ordinary warriors can prolong their lives and regenerate their limbs after taking a sip..."

You should know that pills that generally have no side effects and have the ability to regenerate broken limbs are usually above the sky level.

It's nothing to the current Chen Fan.

But for ordinary masters and masters, it is a rare treasure.

And now, all I need is a sip of water...

Chen Fan looked at the crystal spring water with green fluorescence not far away, with a subtle expression.

The vitality around the spring is extremely strong, even more exaggerated than staying in the medicine garden and holding the medicine king.

It's just that vitality is entangled with a lot of power.

This is a very contradictory feeling.

"The Fountain of Youth is not immune to the outbreak of karma..." Wen Bu sighed.

Chen Fan shook his head, feeling extremely delicate in his heart.

What's the matter?

He came here for the restoration of the power of "Original Pearl".

But the problem is that this so-called fountain of youth has obviously been eroded by the force, and the degree of erosion does not seem to be low.

It gave Chen Fan the feeling that the degree of erosion of Wenbu was much higher than before!

It is impossible to get rid of it with the power of his own "Origin Technique".

Not a magnitude.

If he wants to use the power of the Fountain of Youth to restore the power of Yuanzhu, he must first use the existing power of Yuanzhu to get rid of the erosion of evil forces.

The remaining power of "Original Pearl" is impossible to be enough.

This became a deadlock.

He turned his head to look at Wembo, and spread his hands: "I can't do it."

Wen Bu shook his head, and he naturally understood what Chen Fan meant. He said with a delicate expression, "The Fountain of Youth is the source of life that is said to never dry up. Know why?"

"Never dry up..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly as he thought about the word.

Wen Bu didn't make a fool of himself: "As long as the springs of the fountain of youth absorb enough energy, new springs can be born continuously. We don't need to purify all the fountains of youth in this pool. You just need to purify the springs and provide enough water. Energy, it can continuously produce new spring water."

"However, the first thing we need to do is to find out whether the spring water from the Fountain of Youth can help your 'Original Pearl' accumulate energy."

Wen Bu dragged Chen Fan, golden light shone around his body, and the evil black smoke rippling around him was automatically isolated by the golden light.

The two quickly came to the fountain of youth.

Picking up a handful of water, he looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan understood what he meant, and immediately summoned Yuanzhu.

When the power in it was activated, black smoke immediately rose from the spring water in Wen Bu's hand, and the evil force was dispelled by the source qi.

It is much easier to get rid of the evil force in this spring water than to clean up the evil force in the "Original Blood Marrow". The evil force consumed by this handful of spring water is not as much as half a "Original Blood Marrow"!

After getting rid of the power, Chen Fan also directly threw the source pearl into Wen Bu's hands.

Like a dry sponge, Yuanzhu sucked up the handful of spring water in Wen Bu's hand at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At the same time, Chen Fan could also feel that the power of the source pearl had recovered a little. Although it was far from the power needed to dispel the spring water, it was indeed recovered.

If the spring water is removed, it is not worth the loss to absorb it again, but if there is enough pure spring water to absorb it, it is also suitable, and the recovery speed is much faster than putting it in the medicine garden!

He nodded to Wimbo.

Wen Bu also had a flash in his eyes, and then his expression became a little serious.

"Then I'll take out the eyes of the spring." The golden light between his brows and pupils surged again, and a golden light instantly shone on the entire spring.

And Wen Bu just jumped into the spring water directly.

The seemingly clear spring water swallowed Wenbu in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Wen Bu is not as tall as the main body at this time, but it is about ten feet tall...

As Wen Bu left, Chen Fan's eyes flashed as he stood by the edge of the spring. He hesitated for a moment, and gave up his plan to try to escape at this time.

Wen Bu dared to throw himself outside directly, it is impossible to have a back-up method!

He didn't even plan to enter the Hall of Stars to change out his avatar, because Wen Bu would definitely find out!

Chen Fan sat cross-legged by the spring, and at the same time urged the "Origin Technique" to continuously resist the invasion of the force, and at the same time refine the force into pure energy.

He was already very close to the cultivation base of the second level Dao domain, and now he started to improve rapidly...

And within a quarter of an hour after he sat cross-legged, Wembu emerged from the spring water.

one more chapter

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