My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 719: Tribulation Extinguishing Divine Wind

In the distance, auras crisscross the sky.

Because the suppression in the Emerald Palace was too great, Chen Fan's spiritual sense couldn't sweep it away, so he could only vaguely watch the battle in the distance with his eyes, feeling the terrifying aura in it.

Among them are definitely not only the two masters of Xuanniao and Momen, there should be other masters.

Among the various powerful and chaotic atmospheres, the most destructive and powerful one is undoubtedly the mysterious bird.

Her flame power is too terrifying.

Even after a long distance, Chen Fan can feel the Dao Dao Rhyme contained in it, and his whole body has a scorching feeling. Unfortunately, his Fire Dao Domain has just broken through the second level, so it is naturally impossible to have it again in a short time. breakthrough.

He also took the opportunity to ask Wembo:

"After the Xuanniao deity is born, what kind of strength is it?"

Wen Bu also looked up at the battle in the distance, with a delicate expression:

"Xuanniao is a fourth-order demon emperor. According to you humans, it is the fourth level of longevity. However, she has a strong blood and has a high affinity for the 'Avenue of Fire', but her use of the 'Power of Fire' is not as good as Some people who are about to fully understand the Dao and the sixth level of longevity are worse, if she is in her prime, she can barely be counted as a sixth level combat power!"

"Of course, limited by her own strength and being sealed for too long, now she can also exert the strength of the peak of the fourth level of longevity."

"You can only use the peak strength of the fourth level of longevity..." Chen Fan smacked his lips.

Before Xuanniao's main body returned, it took a long time to beat Shi Zhongyu. Although she was at the level of suppression, it took a lot of time to win. It also shows that her strength was very limited at that time, and she probably did not have a quadruple level.

After the main body came out, it soared a lot.

He is also the strongest master that Chen Fan has ever seen.

In addition to the flames of the mysterious bird, Chen Fan also felt the extremely sharp aura of swordsmanship from the horizon!

Not just one.

It is very likely that the two sword emperors of Jianzong are also involved in the scuffle. For the two sword emperors, they may not want to compete for any glazed cup, but they don't want people from the Demon Sect to get it either!

It's just that the environment here is special, the two sword emperors are not prepared to come in, the suppression of the evil force will be great, and it will be more dangerous. I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist the two masters of the Demon Sect...

"Jian Zong's Xu Jiandi and Qianshou old man should be infinitely close to the fourth level masters, stronger than Chen Wudao, but after all, they are not..." Chen Fan licked his lips.

After the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" was destroyed, the Demon Lord Junhao couldn't even defeat the Canghai Sword Emperor, so his strength should be even weaker.

Of course, it is also possible that the person did not show his true strength.

But what is certain is that even if the masters of Momen and Jianzong gather together, they will not be the opponent of Xuanniao.

It's just that with the background of the Demon Sect, if the two dare to come to the Emerald Palace to compete for the magic weapon, they will naturally have other cards.

Especially the old man Qianshou, as the leader of a sect, perhaps in terms of sect strength, the Hentian Demon Sect is no match for the Yuan Demon Sect, but as the leader of the sect, he should be able to show more trump cards.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with Chen Fan...

With his strength, he couldn't even beat the weakest of these people, but Wen Bu's strength should be second only to Xuanniao, but he didn't intend to compete for the body of the glass cup, so naturally he wouldn't make a move!

The battle in the central tower in the distance didn't last too long, as the power of the central tower spewed out again like a tide.

Wen Bu also stood up: "The Liulizhan finally came out!"

With the outbreak of this evil force, the battle in the distant sky has also entered a fierce battle.

A series of terrifying roars resounded one after another.

And accompanied by a loud bird song, and a line of fire lingering in the sky, the frequency of the roar also decreased.

At the same time, the strong force suddenly disappeared!

For this kind of top master, the battle may be very long, fighting for a few months or a year, or it may be very short, ending in three or five breaths.

Chen Fan didn't know the result of the battle, but he could sense the turbulent force going away with the line of fire in the sky.

Chen Fan also understood that it was probably Xuanniao who defeated all the enemies and snatched the glass cup.

And as the mysterious bird left, the terrifying aura in the sky also followed the mysterious bird.

Soon the position of the central tower returned to calm.

"Let's go." Wen Bu's eyes flickered, and he grabbed Chen Fan's shoulder again.

Before Chen Fan and Chen Fan arrived in front of the central tower, they saw that the sky was full of spiritual lights again, and there was another battle sound, although it was much smaller than before.

"Xu Mou, it was you who caused me to fail to take the glass cup, you really deserve to die!"

A huge figure swelled in the sky, with thousands of arms, like tentacles spreading into the void...

"It's the thousand-handed old man..." Chen Fan also instantly recognized his identity.

On the opposite side, there is an old man who is weak but still has a sharp aura all over his body.

It was the Sword Emperor Xu Yu.

The two did not leave with the Xuanniao and the others, but it was Sword Emperor Xu Yu who urged his unformed "mind world" to trap Old Man Qianshou once again, cutting off Old Man Qianshou's possibility of finally winning Liuli A chance!

But at this time when the others left, the enraged old man Qianshou was full of murderous intentions.

Although Sword Emperor Xuyu is strong, he is somewhat weaker than Old Man Qianshou, not to mention that in this special place, he needs more energy to resist evil forces, but he is gradually unable to withstand Old Man Qianshou.

Chen Fan frowned slightly, and couldn't help looking at Wen Bu: "Senior Wen Bu, this Xu Yu Sword Emperor is an elder of my sect, I wonder if you can help me, senior..."

Wen Bu frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and then nodded: "Since Xuanniao has already left, it's not impossible for me to help, but I want to remind you, don't think about leaving when I make a move." Go, or I can't guarantee your safety!"

As he spoke, he turned into golden light and charged towards the sky, his body also swelled suddenly.

"Who is causing trouble in my Emerald Palace?"

Wen Bu's huge fist punched out, but the golden light spread and hammered the huge, thousand-handed old man's body like a black golem!

With a sharp scream, the remnant body of the thousand-handed old man instantly turned into thousands of black lights, which scattered in all directions.

And for a moment the Sword Emperor also looked at this scene in astonishment, when he saw Wen Bu cast his gaze, he immediately left with the sword, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

But in an instant, the two masters disappeared without a trace.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched as he watched Wembu shrink in size and return to his face.

After Wen Bu regained his sanity, he definitely had the combat power of the quadruple series of longevity, maybe not as good as Xuanniao, but not too much worse!

After finishing the two, Wen Bu led Chen Fan to the dark tower that looked like ruins.

At this time, the surroundings are a scene of aftermath.

The entire tower has collapsed, and it can be seen from a distance that there are still dark ripples shining on the dilapidated tower.

There are blazing fires burning everywhere around.

It's like purgatory on earth.

"Be careful not to get caught in the flames of the black bird." Wen Bu reminded, then stepped to the front of the tower and punched out.

Boom boom boom.

The earth trembled and the roar continued.

A passage leading directly to the bottom of the tower was created in front of Chen Fan.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and followed Wen Bu into it.

Even though "Zhan" has left, the surrounding "power" is already more exaggerated than Chen Fan has ever experienced before in all places in the Emerald Palace!

He is also like walking a tightrope, he has to keep his heart at all times, and at the same time the "Origin Technique" keeps running at high speed, so as not to be taken advantage of by evil forces.

Wen Bu next to him also had an ugly expression, and his whole body shone with golden light, isolating the evil forces around him.

Soon the two came to the underground wall of the water-like black tower.

The golden light flickered between Wen Bu's eyebrows and pupils again, and the water-like wall naturally parted, creating a passage.

Wen Bu grabbed Chen Fan and entered it.

"Be careful, I only know that there is such a compartment under the central tower, but this is the first time I have come here. There will definitely be a lot of danger around Zhanxin... Also, the guardian of Zhanxin is extremely terrifying." Assassin master, although he may also be attacked by evil forces, but it is not difficult to kill you in an instant, you must be careful—"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, feeling helpless in his heart.

But he had no choice at all.

In fact, even if he was killed for an instant, he didn't really die, but caught up with this body.

However, most of Chen Fan's powerful supernatural powers, such as the Wings of Escaping Void, the Body of Immortal Vajra, and the Blood of God-Defying God, are all on his body. If he dies, his strength will be greatly reduced.

He never had a suitable opportunity to enter the Hall of Stars and change out his avatar, otherwise the pressure he would have to face would not be so great.

He stimulated the White Emperor Armor to the limit, and his spirit was tense to the extreme. At the same time, Yuanzhu was also ready to activate at any time.

The two continued to move forward along the dark corridor, when suddenly a gust of wind blew towards them.

Chen Fan suddenly felt severe pain all over his body...


The skin and flesh of his whole body fell off little by little, and the blood spurted out and flowed continuously on the ground.


Originally a handsome guy, in the blink of an eye, he turned into a skeleton with sporadic flesh and blood on it!

An inexplicable force of destruction spread across his body. Even a body transformed with "blood against gods" could not resist this terrifying force of destruction...

Even if he hadn't been regarded as a half-anti-god and mastered the "Origin Technique", he might have died.

He hurriedly mobilized the power of the source beads, and the remaining pieces of flesh and blood on the skeleton squirmed and repaired constantly, but it formed a delicate balance with the dissolution caused by this destructive force.

At this time, Wen Bu also noticed something wrong with Chen Fan.

"It's Jie Mie Shenfeng!" He stepped forward, surrounded by golden light, and entered Chen Fan's body.

This force is majestic and majestic, and with a little urging, it will suppress that destructive force.

Afterwards, the power of the source bead stimulated it, making Chen Fan's flesh and blood squirm and heal quickly.

Chen Fan recovered, and he was relieved.

"Jie Mie Shenfeng is invisible and qualityless, and it changes like ordinary airflow. Even I can't find it in advance..." Wen Bu explained, and then the golden light surged around him, protecting Chen Fan's body: "Your Your body is too fragile, just follow me and hide under my protection."

For Wen Bu, Chen Fan's physical strength was no different from that of ordinary people.

Chen Fan naturally nodded obediently.

A gust of wind almost killed him in seconds. The central tower is too dangerous.

Afterwards, the two of them moved forward, but they encountered several more gusts of robbery and death wind.

Even wearing the white emperor armor can't stop the kamikaze, but it can't break through the power of Wenbu's golden light at all!

After Wenbu got rid of the evil force and returned to his mind, his strength was too exaggerated.

In fact, after Wenbu lost his sanity, he didn't know how to open his own mental space. After being trapped here for so many years, his own strength has weakened a lot.

And after the force was cleared, he had already been recovering his own strength through some treasures in the mind space, so he was much more powerful than before.

The two walked along the corridor for about a quarter of an hour, but they came to a wide underground altar.

There was total darkness around the altar.

In the darkness, Chen Fan saw at a glance that a little red light flickered in the middle of the altar.

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