My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 720 The Guardian of Terror

Although the power contained in this altar is high, it is not much higher than the outside world.

"Is this the lamp core?" He looked at the red light in the darkness with burning eyes.

Before Wen Bu could answer, Chen Fan suddenly felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

In the darkness in front of him, suddenly dots of light flickered.

When he saw the dots of light, Chen Fan's brain buzzed, but suddenly he was in a trance, his senses were slowed down infinitely, and the air seemed to freeze...

The dots of light magnified, and Chen Fan realized that it was not some light, but the densely packed compound eyes of some kind of creature!

It's just that the speed of thinking is too slow, he only has dangerous thoughts in his mind, but his body can't respond effectively!

"Move, move!"

He kept trying to activate the "Wings of Escaping the Sky", but his body seemed to be cut off from his consciousness, extremely slow.

And seeing an incomparably sharp aura approaching, only despair was left in his heart...

Just at this very moment.


Along with a golden light and terrifying roar, it bloomed not far in front of Chen Fan.


Chen Fan was thrown away by an unusually manic and ferocious impact, and his whole body was in severe pain. Only then did his consciousness and body control slowly recover.


He half-kneeled on the ground, suppressing the surging energy and blood in his heart, and immediately poured a lot of fountain of youth, and stimulated the power of the source beads to heal the wounds of the body.

At the same time, he looked in amazement at the tall figure shining with golden light in front of him, and the humanoid monster with compound eyes holding a scythe opposite him.

Can't help but have a subtle expression:


This monster was the predator Chen Fan had seen several times before.

The predator appeared so abruptly, but Wen Bu didn't notice it at all.

Predators have the ability to hide and confuse other people's senses. Chen Fan was caught in the attack just now, but there was no sign at all. You must know that he is always mentally prepared for possible attacks!

As for the situation in front of him, it was obvious that Wembu blocked the predator's attack for him.

The predator's body was full of vicious power, obviously even such a powerful monster could not resist the end of being demonized...

With a solemn expression, Wen Bu stepped forward, raised his hand and punched out a straight punch.

Accompanied by his punching, streaks of golden light surrounded his body.


And the sharp sickle in both hands of the predator swung it up again, and slashed it down.


The golden light from the front of Wembu's fist instantly dissipated under the scythe in the predator's hand, and chopped Wembu's raised arm into two pieces.

It's just that the terrifying shock and recoil force blasted the predator's body into the air!

And the body of the predator was swallowed by the surrounding darkness, and disappeared without a trace...

Wen Bu's face changed drastically, he grabbed the severed arm with one hand and pressed down on the notch of the arm, granules squirmed from it, but connected the severed arm to the body again.

But Wen Bu turned his head and stepped forward, and came to Chen Fan's side in an instant.

"This predator is the guardian that senior said?" The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Apart from being outside the battle hall, he has encountered predators in Xuanjinmai, and when he first entered the Emerald Palace...

It's just that the two predators are both tenth-level predators, and they are both demonized and insane monsters, which did not pose any threat to him.

One was instantly killed by him, and the other was instantly killed by Shi Zhongyu.

He even forgot in his heart, the horror of this monster.

Mo Chengkong once said that the Predator ranks even higher than the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox in the Shanhai Ranking!

Wen Bu nodded with a complicated face, and at the same time, the golden light was all over his body:

"This guy was at the fifth level of longevity in his heyday. If it weren't for the fact that this kind of creature's body strength is not strong, and he was transformed by evil force, he couldn't take advantage of his own ability. At this time, his strength has dropped too much... This guy just now This trick is not just cutting off one of my arms, but killing me directly."

Several abilities of marauders make them natural assassins.

If it wasn't for the loss of sanity, the threat would have been increased tenfold or a hundredfold!

"The strength has dropped too much?" The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

He and Hu Jiuguang beat him to death, but they couldn't hurt Wen Bu's body. The terrifying Jie Mie Kamikaze, which was enough to make his own flesh and blood fall off, broke through Wen Bu's golden light, but this predator easily broke through the golden light and cut him. Losing Wembu's arm, this is still a state where his strength has dropped too much!

Although the power of this move is not scary because of the special place, Chen Fan clearly knows that even if it is attacked by the evil force, it is very easy for the monster to kill him in seconds. I can't stop the opponent's random blow!

And in his mind, he also engraved the posture of the looter's sword just now deeply in his heart!

But at this moment, the looter disappeared into the darkness again, and Chen Fan's consciousness was rippling, but he couldn't find the slightest trace...

Wen Bu's expression was dignified, and the vertical pupil between his brows suddenly flashed a golden light, shining in all directions.

Chen Fan's eyes were burning with pain, but blood and tears flowed.

At the same time, he could feel a burning sensation all over his body...

The golden light completely illuminated the surrounding darkness, and at the same time a dark shadow in the distance was also exposed.

"It's the Predator!"

He had just seen the voice of the Marauder.

He saw that Wen Bu beside him had disappeared in place.

The golden light exploded in the distance, and Wen Bu and the predator slammed into each other, a thunderous roar exploded in his ears, and then a turbulent impact rushed to his face.

"not good!"

Chen Fan swung his sword forward violently, but he couldn't counteract the terrifying impact. A mouthful of blood spurted out immediately, and his body was thrown heavily, hitting the ground.

He only felt that every bone in his body was cracked, his internal organs were ruptured, and blood was overflowing from every pore in his body!

My true self is strong enough, but in the aftermath of the battle between the two, I couldn't bear it.

But you must know that at this time, he is urging the power of Baihuangjia all the time!

He struggled with great difficulty to stand up, but found that Wen Bu's figure had dissipated five shadows.

If it wasn't for the chaos and mess in front of him, and the blood dripping from his body, he must have thought that everything that happened just now was a phantom...

There was a sudden movement in his heart.

"It's the mind world!"

Even if the strength is weakened too much, as a predator with the fifth layer of longevity, it is impossible to be killed instantly.

To deal with the sane demons, it is not necessary to kill them, as long as they are trapped.

Chen Fan licked his lips, and his eyes flashed...

He has never dared to act rashly, because as long as Wen Bu is in the same space as himself, he may pull himself into the world of mind at any time, so some small actions by himself are useless at all, but now...


Golden light flickered in the dark.

Wen Bu's figure appeared suddenly, only a breath or two away from his disappearance. At this moment, his whole body was soaked in blood, half kneeling on the ground, and even the vertical pupils between his brows were overflowing with blood!

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

"Senior, have you solved him?"

Wen Bu shook his head, coughed heavily, and spit out blood from his mouth: "The predators who are attacked by evil forces only leave their instincts, and cannot display their true advantages, but I am not the one who killed the existence of the fifth level of longevity. of……"

Then he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Chen Fan: "Your aura is much weaker, are you okay?"

"I was shocked by the aftermath of your battle, so it's good if I don't die..." Chen Fan smiled wryly and shook his head, raised his eyebrows again, and couldn't help feeling nervous, "Well, that guy now—"

Wimbo stood up:

"I took that guy into my mental space. He was infected by evil forces, without wisdom, and unable to activate his real power belonging to the fifth-level master of longevity. He couldn't break through the mental space for a while."

Chen Fan thought it was true.

Although Wenbu is strong, he obviously can't eat well from the front. This is the gap in hard power. If he dares to come here and plot his heart, he naturally has other confidence.

It turns out that it relies on the world of mind.

In fact, if the predator had a mind, it would be impossible for Wen Bu's mind to include such an existence in his mental world, let alone trap it!

As he said that, Wen Bu waved his hand: "Don't waste time, now, you will help me refine my heart!"

He turned his head and looked at the red spot of light in the distance with his eyes burning, his eyes were shining with intense blazing!

He waved his hand, grabbed Chen Fan, and came before the red light in the blink of an eye!

As they got closer, Chen Fan really saw clearly that the so-called red dot was actually more like a bunch of flames.

The red flames are also stained with mottled black spots.

A surge of turbulent force continued to stir.

This flame is not like other things, it is contaminated with power, but it is the source of the release of power.


Raging force poured into Chen Fan's body from his pores.

Chen Fan summoned the source pearl immediately, frantically mobilized it, and resisted the attack of evil forces!

Obviously in the periphery, I can hardly feel the changes of the force here and the outside world, but a little closer, it is more than ten times higher!

It's just that he doesn't need to clear away the evil force, he only needs to resist the evil force from invading his body, so the consumption of the source bead's power is not too big.

Seeing this scene, Wen Bu's eyes flickered, he licked his lips, and grabbed Chen Fan's body: "I will refine my heart later, and you will find a way to activate the power of this source bead to resist it for me. Vigorous force attack!"

At this time, the person is no longer pretending to be kind, his eyes are cold:

"Don't think about suddenly cutting off the power of Yuanzhu. With my strength, even Zhanxin can't infect me again in an instant, but I guarantee that you will die in my hands in an instant—"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, his heart was cold, but he nodded heavily: "Senior, don't worry!"

Wen Bu put Chen Fan down and stepped forward.

Chen Fan controlled the source beads and released more source beads to cover Wen Bu's body.

As the warm cloth gets closer and closer to the core, the power consumption of the source pearl increases geometrically.

Wen Bu's face became hotter and hotter, and a golden light shone on his body, covering the fiery red spot.

Just at this moment.


The turbulent force instantly surged in all directions with the core of the lamp as the center.

Chen Fan's body froze, but his eyes gradually turned red at this moment, and at the same time, the power of the source bead that was constantly releasing power also stagnated.

"No!!" Wen Bu roared, losing the protection of Genesis Qi, and his body was covered by terrifying black air in the blink of an eye.

A flash of black flashed across his eyes, one hand was still firmly grasping Zhang Xin, and then the other hand opened, and he turned around instantly: "You want to die!"

He slapped out with the other hand, and the terrifyingly inflated power instantly slapped the red-eyed Chen Fan's body into rotten flesh.

At the same time, this palm of his is also firmly holding the Yuanzhu that lost control and fell!

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