Wen Bu firmly grasped the source bead, trying to activate the power of the source bead, but just as he guessed, only Chen Fan could activate the source bead, but he couldn't use the power of the source bead at all .

The power of "Original Demon God" can be activated casually!

"I'm not reconciled—" He gritted his teeth and put the source pearl on the core of the cup.

But Yuanzhu still didn't respond at all.

At the same time, the more violent force on the core could no longer be suppressed, and kept colliding and erupting.

He was at the juncture of refining Zhanxin, when it was suddenly interrupted, the power of Zhanxin also started to go berserk...

"Trash, I gave him so many benefits in vain!" A strong unwillingness flashed across his face, but he didn't dare to continue refining the core, and decisively withdrew his hand holding the core.

Then a surge of black air surged from the core of the lamp.

At the same time, a large amount of force kept impacting Wembu's body.

Because of his own strength, he himself is very resistant to the force, but he cannot be immune, otherwise he would not have been completely infected when the force erupted in the past.

At this time, Zhanxin's power erupted, perhaps not as good as the moment when the devil emperor died and the power erupted, but it also exhausted him physically and mentally.

He resolutely withdrew his hand, and a strong unwillingness and helplessness flashed across his face, but he gritted his teeth and turned around, retreating from the position of the lamp core.

Nothing can be done, no matter how unwilling it is, it is useless.

Then he patrolled his eyes and looked at Chen Fan's body, which had become muddy on the ground, "It's impossible for this kid to die so easily..."

But at this moment, the air suddenly shone like water, and in front of Chen Fan's body, a large meat ball with countless tentacles suddenly appeared.

It is the deformed blood demon hiding in Chen Fan's star palace!

"Huh?" Wen Bu raised his hand in surprise, and slapped him, and the blood demon rotted into a puddle of flesh in the blink of an eye.

And as the body of the deformed gorefiend exploded, streaks of black aura gradually condensed on the scattered minced meat, turning into some intangible black shadows, and the edges of the shadows swayed one by one with a strange black aura. The scaled tentacles exude a mind-shattering aura, which is ten or a hundred times more terrifying than the surrounding forces.

Wen Bu's face also turned extremely pale in an instant, "This is the power of Tianyuan... How is it possible, the catastrophe has not yet opened, how can the world bear this kind of power!"

He regretted endlessly in his heart, and then the golden light continued to radiate all over his body, and a dazzling golden light burst out instantly in the vertical pupil between his brows!

Terrifying forces kept colliding, and after a long while, the golden light finally completely dispersed the power of the black shadow in front of him, turning it into a cloud of black air with no real shape...

But the lumps of flesh and blood on the ground were intertwined and smelted to re-envelop the black air, and also isolated the power that made people feel collapsed.

Wen Bu's strong body was almost drained of strength, and he half-kneeled on the ground, but heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately... this power is not the general 'Heavenly Abyss' power, it seems that there are other hybrid powers in it , cannot live in the world for too long..."

It's just that the rejoicing on his face just flashed, but a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out from his mouth.

"not good!"

In the air in front of him filled with black force, a blade suddenly appeared in front of him!

It was the predator who was locked in the mental space by him and killed him!

Wen Bu's mood fluctuated greatly, and he had to be distracted to resist the evil force, and was also affected by the power of the deformed blood demon. Although he survived successfully, he was no longer able to suppress the predator of the mental world.


The sharp blade flashed.

The golden light around Wen Bu's body collapsed in an instant as if it didn't exist.

His head was instantly cut off by the predator's blade!

The distance was too close, and Wen Bu was consumed too much energy and strength by the force and the deformed blood demon, but he was cut off by the looter.


It's just that as a half giant spirit, its vitality is extremely strong, even if its head is severed, it is still not dead.

It's just that with only one head left, his strength and speed are greatly reduced!

Watching the marauder swing his scythe again.

"I can't die here!"

With a roar, golden light bloomed between his brows and pupils, and suddenly burst open.

And as his brows and pupils exploded, the aura of his head suddenly expanded, and the dazzling golden light continued to rise and spread, but it turned into a stream of light like a rocket, rushing towards the dark tower wall next to it, knocking away a Big hole, rushing to the sky!

Even though there is only one head left, he still maintains vitality. This is the horror of the giant spirit's physique!

call out!

The Marauder also followed his person and disappeared into the darkness.

After the two left, Zhan Xin's strength continued to expand and explode.

But suddenly, the aura of the source pearl on Wenbu's headless corpse was agitated, but it actually floated.

At the same time, the void was filled with streams of light, and Chen Fan's body suddenly appeared in the air. Holding the source pearl in his hand, he also instantly collected the recondensed meat ball on the ground into the Hall of Stars.

"I bet right!"

It turned out that when Wen Bu pulled the Predator into the mind space, he had already entered the Hall of Stars and replaced the deity with an avatar.

Then, when Wen Bu was refining the cup core, he deliberately let Chongli invade the avatar, pretending to be a mistake.

As expected, Wen Bu did what he said, Chen Fan cut off the power of Yuanzhu, and he immediately struck Chen Fan.

It's just that this is just Chen Fan's avatar. After the avatar died, his true spirit also entered the Hall of Stars in seconds.

In fact, under normal circumstances, with Wenbu's strength, he would definitely be able to spot the abnormality, notice the emergence of Chen Fan's true spirit, and even find the Hall of Stars!

But the reason why Chen Fan chose such a time was because he realized that it was impossible for Wen Bu to focus all his attention on himself.

Under the explosion of Zhanxin's power, his target was naturally placed on the source bead first. When he found that the power of the source bead could not be used, Chen Fan sent the deformed blood demon out again.

The strength of this Wenbu is really extraordinary.

At the beginning, the blood god leader had his own forbidden field, and nine times out of ten he also controlled the power of the mind world, but he collapsed in an instant before the blood demon was deformed, but Wen Bu was able to resist and disperse that power , Chen Fan also understands that the strength of such unconscious forces is also limited...

Fortunately, the predator was also killed, and he even beheaded Wen Bu directly. He only cared about escaping, so he didn't have the time to continue to explore Chen Fan's secrets.

Chen Fan's heart was also full of joy and fear.

In fact, when the avatar is eroded by evil forces, it is very dangerous. If he hadn't had the power of the "Shou Zi Jue" of the star god seal and kept his mind, he might not have been infected by evil forces and lose his sanity. The real spirit might be directly exposed in front of Wen Bu.

But anyway, I won the bet!

He stared sharply at the dead body of Wenbu in front of him, which was eroded by the evil force, hesitation flashed in his eyes, but he still put Wenbu's dead body into an empty Xumi ring.

As a half giant spirit, Wen Bu is suspected to exist at the fourth level of longevity, so the value of his corpse is really high.

The reason why he hesitated was because he was worried that after Wen Bu survived, he would use some secret techniques to retrieve his body. However, Chen Fan thought of the other party's tragic situation, even if he survived by chance, he might not be able to threaten him.

If he didn't even dare to face Wen Bu with only one head left, he would be too cowardly!

After putting away Wenbu's headless body, he turned his head to look at Zhanxin, but turned around decisively, summoning Xiaodie to rush towards the big hole that Wenbu's head had knocked open.

The value of the cup core may be extremely high, even the most precious treasure in the Emerald Palace, but Chen Fan did not dare to refine it and collect it. The looters may come back at any time, and it is impossible for him to stop it with a single move!

After experiencing so many things, Chen Fan understood...

"Never be greedy!"

Chen Fan immediately urged Xiaodie to move towards the space crack in the distance as fast as possible.

Even if there are other precious treasures in the Emerald Palace that are worth exploring, Chen Fan dare not continue...

Xiaodie pushed the limit speed, but it was faster than the speed after Wen Bu exploded the vertical pupil.

But the complicated environment of Jade Palace will not affect Xiaodie at all!

But when he came near the space crack and almost left the Emerald Palace, Chen Fan suddenly frowned, made Xiaodie stop, and looked at a certain direction below it with a subtle expression.

While the power was stirring, many disciples from the Demon Sect were fighting against the Demon Sect.

These Demon Sect disciples are all in the middle and late stages of the tenth level, and there is even this master of Dao Fruit level.

After all, even with the passage of time, the Emerald Palace still has a lot of power, and ordinary warriors can't get in.

It's just that after entering, each of them has more strength to be suppressed by the terrifying force here.

These demon disciples wanted to distract themselves from resisting the evil spirits, but they were somewhat unable to stop the evil spirits.

The reason why Chen Fan stopped was not because he knew these guys.

It was because he discovered that among those few demons, there was actually a predator!

"There are so many looters in the Emerald Palace."

You must know that the Predator is a creature that ranks higher than the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, which is extremely rare!

In the past, even if he knew that the predators were powerful, he would not take any action, but now, after knowing that his "Origin Technique" can dispel evil forces, he couldn't help but have a thought in his heart.

Why not raise a marauder yourself?

Chen Fan's mind is full of the scene of the fifth-level predator of longevity beheading Wen Bu's head with a single knife...

Apart from the Emerald Palace, it should be hard to see the Marauders anywhere else.

Chen Fan's heart was about to move, and he immediately gave Xiaodie an order to rush down.

This looter is probably at the middle and late stage of the tenth level, but in the Emerald Palace, even the master of the Demon Sect Daoguo level can't handle it.

At this time, Chen Fan suddenly descended from the sky, went straight to the predator, and slashed out with the Flying Shadow Sword, but in two or three moves, he seriously injured the predator, and he was taken into the Hall of Stars.

All the demon warriors also looked excited.

"Senior!" The disciple of the Demon Sect with Dao Guo cultivation was also happy, but he cupped his fists and moved forward: "I'm in the seventy-two earth, Shahei whirlwind, I don't know, senior, are you from our Heaven-reaching Demon Sect or the Heaven-hating Demon Cult?"

Chen Fan came here and helped solve the biggest trouble of the demons. This person naturally thought that Chen Fan was also a senior of the Demon Sect!

And Chen Fan smiled, and unceremoniously slashed at him with his sword.

This Black Whirlwind was listed among the seventy-two earth demons, so he was naturally a formidable character, but he was suppressed by most of his strength, but he didn't react at all, and was slain by Chen Fan.

Afterwards, Chen Fan unceremoniously killed all the demon disciples around him, but left a few demons behind and sent them to the Hall of Stars.

After solving it, he didn't dare to stay, and rushed to the space channel at high speed!

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