My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 734 Master and Apprentice

"When I break through Wuliang, these three divine senses will also be able to transform into three spirit divisions!"

He guessed that at that time, his main body and the demon clone would be able to act with two bodies at the same time!

It's just that the breakthrough of the Boundless Realm of Divine Consciousness is much more difficult than the breakthrough of "Da Yan Shen Jue". Even with the second "Great God Pill", Chen Fan didn't know that it would take years and months to really break through...

"Anyway, the breakthrough of Dayan Shenjue is a great thing. It not only increased my total spiritual consciousness, but also improved my comprehension ability..."

He looked at the last "Tai Shen Pill", but gave up his plan to continue taking it.

Continuous consumption of this kind of pill will greatly reduce the effect, and taking it by myself now would be a waste of the potency of the pill.

He put away the "Taishen Pill" and took out another jade box.

The jade box contained the "Fatmai Linglong Pill", and the potency of this kind of emptiness-level elixir was not comparable to that of the "Qianyuan Bone-changing Pill".

It can cut through the meridians, wash the marrow, and improve the physique of the root bones, but it will not be of much use to Chen Fan, a master of the tenth level of the acquired sword body.

But leaving it to Xiao Xi, Yun Xin and the others is enough to greatly improve their physical fitness.

"It's time to go back to Yundeng Mountain!"


After half a day, Chen Fan returned to Yundeng Mountain.

At this time, the development of Lingyunmen has been flourishing.

However, he was not squeezed out by local forces because of outsiders.

Yundeng Mountain is not a place with strong aura in the first place, and there are no powerful martial arts sects in the surrounding area at a certain distance.

On the contrary, because of the establishment of Lingyunmen, the surrounding areas gathered a lot of popularity, and even some low-level warriors and civilians gradually developed into towns in the surrounding areas.

Ling Yunmen is a little guy in front of Jianzong, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is also a giant.

At this time, the Lingyun Sect has also opened up many other courtyards and new hilltops, the sphere of influence is much larger than before, and the number of new disciples in the sect is also increasing year by year.

And Lingyunmen's headquarters is more than a hundred times bigger.

The people Chen Fan brought back from Dagan had also resettled in Lingyunmen.


"Master Chen Fan, you are back!"

Seeing Zhongli Hongyi again, the old man's spirit has improved a lot.

Chen Fan also immediately gave him a lot of heaven-level pills and other cultivation resources.

For tenth-layer masters, these sky-level pills are nothing.

However, Lingyun Sect recruited and trained disciples again, and these low-level pills could play a big role.

Needless to say, with the wealth in Chen Fan's hand, just taking out some soup is enough to support Lingyunmen to death.

The two chatted briefly about Lingyunmen's development plan, and it took more than half an hour before Chen Fan bid farewell to Zhongli Hongyi.


a mountain.

"Excuse me!"

Dong Guzhi held an iron root and kept waving it.

At the same time, the power of heaven and earth surged around him, gathering with the stick technique.

But in front of him, Tao Xi'an, Fan Lin and other disciples gathered together.

Except for the two female disciples Yunwei and He Hongshan, all the other male disciples were there.

There are also many old disciples who used to be Baiyun Gym.

Although Lingyun Sect's heritage and strength are stronger, these old disciples of Baiyun Gymnasium are more willing to follow Dong Guzhi to practice.

Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded:

"If I see it right, master, you have already achieved your artistic conception, and you are about to break through the ninth level?"

Hearing this sound, Dong Guzhi suddenly stopped the stick in his hand, looked into the distance, and laughed loudly: "Chen Fan, you are back!"

Chen Fan's brothers around him also looked back one by one, full of surprises.

Chen Fan hugged his master with a smile, and immediately took out a pill: "I have never touched the true meaning of master's cultivation, so I can't help you much, but in terms of cultivation, I can barely help you, master." !"

Dong Guzhi laughed and took the elixir handed over by Chen Fan.

Slightly squinting his eyes: "Could this be the heavenly top-grade Haoyuan pill?"

Chen Fan clasped his fists together: "Master Huiyan, with the help of this pill, it shouldn't be a problem for master to advance to the ninth level!"

Dong Guzhi smiled, but put it away politely.

The master Dong Guzhi has experienced great joy and sorrow, and his mood has been sharpened, so that he can achieve a complete artistic conception.

He raised his head and looked at Chen Fan with joy, but found that he couldn't see through Chen Fan at all. He couldn't help but said, "You have advanced to the tenth stage, apprentice?"

As soon as these words came out, Fan Zhong, Tao Xi'an and others around looked at Chen Fan with complicated expressions.

Among Dong Guzhi's disciples, apart from Chen Fan, Fan Zhong and Tao Xi'an are the strongest, and they have just advanced to the rank of Grandmaster...

Although Chen Fan has long shown a fighting power that surpasses the ordinary tenth level, but whether he is really advanced to the tenth level is naturally a completely different concept.

Chen Fan didn't hide it, and nodded directly, "Tuer has indeed broken through the tenth level!"

Dong Guzhi laughed out loud, but after laughing, there were tears in his eyes.

"Master and Peak Master, they must have never imagined that it was not Linliu who first broke through the tenth stage to become the Peak Master, but my apprentice who broke through first!"

"At the beginning, I was unable to recommend you to enter the Spiritual Divine Dao Sect. I was blocked by Luo Yufeng's bastards. If they knew that you have achieved what you have achieved today, they would regret it to death!"

Dong Guzhi didn't know that the Lord Luoyu Peak had already died in Chen Fan's hands.

Chen Fan didn't tell him his plan either.

The master and apprentice exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Tao Xi'an, however, said with an unnatural expression: "Junior brother, when you left, you said you were going to pay homage to the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect. I don't know if you have fulfilled your wish?"

Chen Fan nodded: "I have indeed entered the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, and I can break through the tenth level only with the help of the Sword Sect's resources."

Zhang Fan giggled, "With my junior's talent, it would be strange if he couldn't become a disciple of the Sword Sect..."

"True biography? Isn't that the highest level of disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect?" Tao Xi'an's eyes sparkled.

Having been in Zhongyu for a long time, Tao Xi'an naturally knew something about Jianzong, a behemoth occupying Yuan Shenzhou.

The rank of Jianzong's disciples is also no secret.

But he was a little embarrassed and said: "Junior brother, you have become the true biography of Jianzong. I wonder if you can recommend outsiders to join Jianzong?"

Chen Fan also suddenly understood what his senior brother was thinking.

Tao Xi'an used to be Wu Chi, and besides himself, he was also the best among Dong Guzhi's disciples.

In order to join the Martial Academy when he was working hard, he also had a bad relationship with his master and senior brothers. Although he was in the Lingyun Sect at this time, he had the opportunity to obtain better training resources, but compared to the Sword Sect, the Lingyun Sect naturally It's not worth mentioning again.

Not to mention Jianzong's various excellent training classics and the resource platform it can provide, the environment where Jianzong's geniuses are born in large numbers, even Lingyunmen can't keep up with it.

Although Tao Xi'an's talent is nothing in Jianzong, he still has a heart for martial arts in his heart, so he naturally wants to go to those places!

Tao Xi'an turned his head and looked at Fan Zhong, their eyes sparkling, "This, this is great!"

Chen Fan smiled:

"After I become a true disciple, I can directly recommend other people to join Jianzong. Brother Tao, you and senior brother are already masters, and you can directly become inner disciples in Jianzong!"

Chen Fan paused as he spoke: "Actually, when I come back this time, I have the idea of ​​wanting Master and all senior brothers to go to Jianzong with me—"

After that, he also briefly described the many opportunities and advantages of Jianzong, as well as his power as a true biography...

Many disciples showed yearning on their faces.

Dong Guzhi shook his head: "With my talent, it is difficult to achieve ten times in this life, and I am not as aggressive as you young people, so let me forget it. You can ask your brothers and sisters, if you are willing to go Just go, if you don't want to stay with me in Lingyunmen!"

Jianzong is good, but the pressure to face is not comparable here.

In fact, the opportunities that Lingyunmen can provide are already much better than those in Daqian!

Chen Fan can also understand the master.

Dong Guzhi didn't want to go, but his disciples were eager to move.

Chen Fan's three senior brothers, Fan Lin, Tao Xi'an, Zhang Fan, and other Baiyun Gym disciples all wanted to go.

After all, for them, the concentration of aura in Chen Fan's cave alone can make their cultivation progress rapidly!

"By the way, why didn't you see senior sisters and sisters?"

Chen Fan turned to look at the master again.

The master shook his head: "Yun Wei, Hong Shan and Miss Luo formed some kind of 'Red Lady' society, they often go out for activities, practice together, and venture into the rivers and lakes. By the way, Yun Xin and Chen Xi are also in this society... "

Miss Luo was referring to Luo Fangyan, of course.

Although this girl's cultivation base is much stronger than Yunwei's and the others, but she is born with a naive heart and does not have the air of a senior person at all, so she gets along very well with Chen Fan's relatives.

And her personality is quite out of character, I don't know which tendon is wrong, and she has created such a girl group.

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