My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 735 Accident, Secret Realm

"Break into the rivers and lakes? The rivers and lakes are not so easy to break through..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

However, with Luo Fangyan's strength and means, plus Chen Fan's cards left to Yun Xin and Xiao Xi, in such a remote place, it is likely that there will be no accidents.

Even in the Central Territory, more places are not places like the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, but small countries and forces like the Jialan Country. There may not be a few tenth divisions in a whole country. With Luo Fangyan's strength But it is enough to deal with it, not to mention that I have left a lot of cards for Xiaoxi and the others. If there is an accident, there will definitely be time to send back the news...

He didn't take it too seriously, but began to count the list of disciples who were willing to go to Jianzong. After that, he also went to meet Bao Tianyou and others, and asked if he would like to go to Jianzong to practice...

After that, he took out the communication stone and wanted to contact Xiaoxi.

But found that there was no contact at all.

"how so?"

He frowned again and contacted Yun Xin and Luo Fangyan respectively, but they couldn't reach each other. Only then did he realize that something might have happened.


Wide hall.

The corner of Zhongli Hongyi's mouth twitched and looked at Chen Fan in front of him, his face was full of embarrassment and caution:

"Ms. Luo is not a person who can be idle. She said that she wanted to venture into the rivers and lakes. Miss Ye and Miss Chen Xi also volunteered to follow them. The little girl also joined the group of 'Red Lady'... I have been in touch with my little girl."

"Zhongli Yuru?" Chen Fan's eyes flashed immediately.

Consciousness entered the star seal, but he couldn't sense Zhongli Yuru's position.

There are two possibilities, one is that Zhongli Yuru is too far away from him, and the other is that Zhongli Yuru is dead...

Chen Fan took a deep breath, "Do you have Zhongli Yuru's Life Soul Lamp?"

Zhongli Hongyi's expression froze, and he quickly said: "Not just the little girl, our Lingyun Sect has also recorded the soul lamps of Ms. Ye and Miss Chen Xi. If their soul lamps go out, someone will notify me immediately..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Take me to see!"

Zhongli Hongyi immediately flew up and brought Chen Fan into the one meter underground space.

Not only did the soul lamps of Xiao Xi and the others not go out, they were still very strong.

The life soul lamp records a person's breath of life.

If it is extinguished, it means death, and if it is burning vigorously, it means that a person's condition is not bad.

Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief.

There were no accidents, indicating that they were more likely to have entered a special place and could not communicate with the outside world, or were caught and seized all the communication stones.

The latter is unlikely.

After all, before they were caught, they could always spread the news.

In other words, they are more likely to have strayed into a special place, unable to deliver the message!

Chen Fan looked up at Zhongli Hongyi: "When Zhongli Yuru contacted you three days ago, did you know where she was?"

Zhongli Hongyi nodded quickly, took out a map, and pointed his finger on it, "It's right here, it's on the edge of Yuan Shenzhou, near Beiyuan Prefecture, a small country called 'Ziyue'."

This Ziyue small country occupies a small area, even much smaller than Jialan country.

Chen Fan nodded, and also asked Zhongli Hongyi for a detailed list of the group.

The so-called "Red Lady" were all women who joined, and most of them were related to Chen Fan.

Even the "Colorful Butterfly Girl" Zhao Yajie and Cheng Caiying were among them.

Others didn't know that the second daughter was Chen Fan's captive, and they thought they were Chen Fan's concubine or something, so the two lived comfortably in Lingyunmen...

In addition to these women related to Chen Fan, there are also several female disciples of Lingyun Sect.

There are more than ten people in the group, Chen Xi is undoubtedly the weakest one, but she has the treasure and phantom stone that she threw to her, so she may be even more difficult to deal with than Luo Fangyan!

Chen Fan also felt strange that such a lineup would have an accident in a small country.

He didn't immediately go to Ziyue Kingdom to investigate, but waved Zhongli Hongyi back.

Heliostats were removed.

"Xiaodie is the only person in this world who has a similar bloodline to mine. If I want to deduce her whereabouts, it's no different than keeping her blood or hair. I should be able to rely on my own blood..."

In fact, the phantom body stone left by Chen Fan to Xiaoxi also has Chen Fan's spiritual brand and blood, and it can indeed be deduced to its corresponding position by relying on his own blood.

He hesitated for a moment, but he went directly to the Hall of Stars and cut off one of Wen Bu's palms as a sacrifice for himself, and began to deduce.

With such sufficient conditions and enough sacrifices, the sun-shading mirror did not disappoint Chen Fan.

The occultation mirror not only deduced the approximate location, but it was indeed within Ziyue Kingdom.

There is also a picture from a top-down angle, but it is a crescent-shaped lake...

Chen Fan set off immediately.

With Xiaodie's help, within half an hour, they came to Ziyue Kingdom.

Although he left Canghai City, since it was within the territory of Yuan Shenzhou, he could not escape the sphere of influence of Jianzong. Chen Fan also contacted Yu Jin on the way to help investigate the corresponding information.

Ziyue Kingdom is just one of the many small kingdoms in Yuan Shenzhou, and I have never heard of any powerful figures or sects existing there.

There are not many more than ten weights.

Yu Jin helped investigate the location of the crescent-shaped lake in Ziyue Kingdom, and found more than one lake with a similar shape, but the location deduced by Chen Fan was much different from that of Chen Fan, and the details were also inconsistent, obviously not... …


"This is the place where the occultation mirror deduces the secret of heaven..."

On the endless plain, Chen Fan was floating in the void with a subtle expression on his face.

"...Where's the lake?"

His spiritual consciousness at the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm swept away, but he didn't find the lake he deduced!

He frowned to restrain his consciousness, and then aroused the power of "Devil's Killing Eye".


In an instant, red and black threads intertwined in his eyes, and his eyes patrolled in all directions, but he didn't find anything unusual...

Heliostats shouldn't be a problem.

"After all, my spiritual consciousness has not broken through the infinite level, and the demonic killing eye is only at the second level, and I dare not say that I can see through all illusions and illusions..."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, but withdrew his demonic killing eyes, and took out an apricot-yellow flag with a flip of his hand.

This apricot-yellow flag comes from Su Pingcheng.

It was this flag that he discovered the hidden formation of the "Gate of the Devil's Prison" back then!

Although Su Pingcheng is only Dao Fruit, but as a spy of the 'Yuan Mozong', he has a lot of gifts from the ruthless devil emperor in his hands, and there are many treasures...

Su Pingcheng was swallowed by Hu Jiuguang, and all the treasures in his hands naturally fell into Chen Fan's hands!

This apricot-yellow flag is also a Taoist tool, but it is only a part of the Taoist tool.

He had already refined the apricot-yellow flag, but it was like a scroll of painting, with many layers of restrictions, and Chen Fan could only use part of its power at the moment.

The ability of this apricot-yellow flag is very simple and pure, that is, to destroy illusion, and it is also a functional treasure, without any combat ability.

"Hope it works..."

He entered the enhanced state of Baihuangjia, and injected a large amount of true energy into the Xinghuang Xiaoqi.

With a wave of his hand, ripples like water flashed across, enveloping in all directions.

Then a hundred feet away, a special wave suddenly appeared in the void.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he rushed over in an instant, "Sure enough, there is a problem..."

The fluctuation appeared instantly, and it had returned to normal at this time, and it seemed that there was no problem.

Chen Fan flew to the place where the fluctuation occurred just now, urged more true essence into the apricot-yellow flag again, and swung it rapidly.


Although Chen Fan hadn't completely refined Xiaoqi, he couldn't resist filling up his true energy, and soon there was another wave in front of him...

A illusory curtain appeared in front of him.

Chen Fan frowned and reached out to try to touch the curtain, but he felt a surge of repulsive force gushing out from it.

He tried to activate the broken characters of the Star God Seal, but it didn't work at all!

Either this enchantment formation is too clever, and the power of the Star God Seal cannot break through, or this is not the power of the formation at all!

As Chen Fan waved the small flag to a standstill, the water-like ripples and curtains disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After everything disappeared, the front of him turned into ordinary air again, and he could walk through it at will.


He waved the apricot-yellow flag again, and held the Leng Feng sword in the other hand.

The strength of Xinghuang Xiaoqi moved, and soon the curtain appeared in front of him again.

But this time, Chen Fan's true essence was poured into the Leng Feng sword, and a sword light rose up, and before Chen Fan took the initiative to attack the curtain, he found that the resistance on it was weakened a lot.

"Eh? This curtain doesn't seem to exclude the power of Genesis Qi, if that's the case..."

He put away the cold front sword, and the source pearl floated out from his body.

As the source qi spread above the source bead, the resistance on the strange curtain seemed to disappear!

Chen Fan Lingxu moved forward, he could no longer feel any rejection, and his figure disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye...

Chen Fan only felt that the stars were moving, and the surrounding scenes changed greatly in an instant.

What was originally a bare plain turned into a rippling lake in the blink of an eye!

Standing high in the sky, Chen Fan couldn't see the whole lake, so he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"This... did I enter a certain small space?"

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