My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 736 Purple Moon Holy Land

Chen Fan looked down at the lake that was beyond his sight.

"This lake should be the Crescent Lake that I deduced in the sun-shading mirror, but I didn't expect it to be so big! And it seems to contain special power..."

The lake water exudes a strong and pure energy all the time.

He immediately flew down and got close to the lake.

As he approached, he could also feel the strong breath of life in the lake water, but the lake water and the water of life produced by the spring spirit in his hand gave people a completely different feeling!

"Master Bai, do you know where this is?" Chen Fan asked the old senior with him.

"I don't know." Master Bai's lazy voice sounded beside Chen Fan's ear: "But I can feel the aura of the 'Rhyme of Life' in this lake, but the 'Spring of Immortality' doesn't have it. Collect some of this spring water, maybe you have a chance to comprehend the 'way of life'!"

Although Master Bai's memory is incomplete, his vision is also very high, and the things he can see are absolutely impossible to be ordinary things!

Chen Fan's eyes sparkled and he licked his lips.

"nice one!"

He immediately took out a yellow gourd.

This gourd is also a storage treasure in his hand, it was used to hold the spring water of the spring of immortality.

Chen Fan immediately used the power of heaven and earth to control the lake water and send it into the yellow gourd.

It's just that when the lake water left the lake, it lost its aura and turned into ordinary water.


Chen Fan's eyes widened. The spring water of the fountain of life will lose its power slowly if it leaves the spirit of the spring, but there will be a process.

And when he took the lake water away, the abundant power originally contained in the lake water dissipated out of thin air!

Chen Fan was about to try a different method, but suddenly his eyes flashed. Under his spiritual sense, he sensed a powerful aura coming towards him.

"It's a person with Dao fruit cultivation base..."

On Ziyue Guoming's face, there were not many ten levels, but here Chen Fan met a Dao fruit master casually.

This Ziyue Kingdom is indeed not as simple as it appears on the surface.

With a flash of his eyes, he immediately activated "Concealing the Void" and disappeared into the void.

And in the blink of an eye, a stream of light pierced the sky in the distance, and a beautiful woman in a white palace dress came suddenly!

"Hey, I clearly sensed the fluctuation of the holy water just now..."

Her crystal clear eyes exuded a condensed light, and a white halo spread around her body, but she opened her Dao domain.

It's just that Chen Fan's concealment can't be discovered by the triple masters of longevity if they don't pay attention, let alone that this woman is only a Taoist cultivator!

The woman in white didn't gain anything, so she restrained her dao domain and rubbed her forehead with her hand: "Could it be that you have practiced too much recently and your mind is too tired?"

She turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly a ripple flashed in the void, and she only felt a cold sword edge suddenly appearing on her fair neck.

"not good!"

The woman was shocked, looking at the man in black who suddenly appeared in front of her, her face was full of astonishment and panic: "Man, a man actually broke into my Ziyue Holy Land!"

Chen Fan's heart moved, but he had already unrolled the scroll of painting with a wave of his hand.

Under the enchantment, he was not worried that his breath would leak out, so he said:

"I don't mean anything malicious, I just have a few questions I want to ask the girl, if the girl answers honestly, I will let the girl go immediately!"

The woman took a deep breath, but frowned deeply, and let out a "hum".

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, the power of the Lengfeng sword in his hand moved slightly, and a cold and sharp breath came out: "If the girl doesn't cooperate, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The woman in white blushed when she heard the words, and looked angry, "You are dreaming! I will not reveal any secrets of the Holy Land!"

As he spoke, he urged Daoyu to move, ignoring the sword edge on his neck, and the surging power was displayed, approaching Chen Fan!

Chen Fan also didn't expect this woman to be so strong.

When he first came here, it was naturally impossible for him to kill without knowing the specific situation. He was a little speechless when he saw this scene. If it was an enemy who dared to activate the Dao Domain under such circumstances, Chen Fan would be able to fight before his power erupted. Immediately beheaded each other.

But he had no grievances with this woman, and he didn't kill people as soon as they met.

He turned the edge of the sword, and a dark red sword shot out from the Leng Feng sword, missed his body, but forcibly shattered his Human Dao Domain!


The woman spurted out a mouthful of blood immediately, but she didn't face Chen Fan's sword directly, but it was just the backlash from the Dao Domain being torn apart, so it wasn't a serious injury.

Chen Fan smiled slightly:

"Your Excellency should be a Daoguo who has just been promoted. If I want to kill you, one sword is enough! I don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to ask, where is Your Excellency's place? Has any outsider entered this place by mistake recently? Secret Realm?!"

The woman snorted when she heard the words, knowing that she was no match for Chen Fan, she said:

"You were looking for someone, but you came to the wrong place. The Ziyue Secret Realm has never been opened to the public. I was born, and I have never seen outsiders in decades!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Decades? Dao fruit?"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Being able to cultivate Dao Fruit for decades, even if you have just advanced, looking at the entire continent, you can be called the top genius!

Even when Chen Tianqian was young, he probably couldn't reach this level!

Where is this secret place, and it is such a peerless genius to meet a random person?

Chen Fan's eyes were strange, he took a deep breath, calmed down the complexity in his heart, raised his eyebrows slightly:

"It shouldn't be. Your Excellency might as well think about it carefully... The person I mentioned should have entered the Holy Land about three days ago. Don't you really have any impression?"

Zhongli Hongyi communicated with Zhongli Yuru three days ago, that is to say, they hadn't entered this secret realm at that time!

The woman was stunned for a moment, with a look of hesitation on her face:

"I'm in charge of guarding the Holy Land, and I haven't returned to the sect for three months... If someone came in at this time, I really wouldn't know."

This woman has a straight face.

Suddenly, Chen Fan was about to ask about the Ziyue Holy Land in detail, but suddenly raised his head.

I saw a sudden roar sounded above the enchantment formed by the scroll of painting.

Crack cracks also appeared on the barrier.

"The enchantment of the scroll of painting has been discovered?"

With Chen Fan's level of refinement of the painting volume at this time, it is not very capable of blocking the attack of the immortal master.

It's just that the hidden ability of the painting scroll is extremely strong. It stands to reason that even the third layer of longevity may not be able to discover it.

He immediately took the initiative to restrain the volume of painting!

As the enchantment of the scroll of painting disappeared, the figure of a woman in purple clothes with a frosty face appeared in Chen Fan's field of vision.

The woman in purple looks to be in her thirties, with a purple gold phoenix crown on her head and a red mole between her eyebrows.

At this time, the eyes of the white-clothed woman flashed with joy, and she exclaimed in surprise: "Master!"

Chen Fan also quickly understood,

"I'm afraid there is some mark on this woman that can be traced, so I can find the enchantment generated by the scroll of painting..."

"Baizhi?!" The purple-clothed woman in the sky looked at Chen Fan, her face was pale and her mouth was blood-stained, and a thick sullen look flashed between her brows.

"Dare to hurt my apprentice, you seek death!"

The turbulent momentum rushed towards Chen Fan without any concealment.

"This woman is an immortal double!"

Chen Fan had a bad heart, and quickly shouted: "Your Excellency misunderstood, I am here to find someone!"

"A man trespassing on our sect's holy land and hurting our sect's saintess, how can he find someone like this? What's more, my Ziyue secret realm has never been opened to the public!" The woman in purple waved her hand, and a blue brilliance came instantly, covering covered Chen Fan's whole body.

Chen Fan only felt the surging force around him constantly tearing and squeezing his body.

He immediately increased the power of the White Emperor Armor to the limit, blocking out the terrifying power from the aura of color, and at the same time a purple bead lit up from his chest, but a layer of aura filled his whole body, dispelling the invigorating power. Totally out of the way.

It is the purple light pearl!

Ziguangzhu can only defend against the attacks of the masters of the first level of longevity. Although her female strength is extraordinary, after the weakening of the White Emperor Armor, she is perfectly resisted by Ziguangzhu.

Chen Fan is also clear that in the current situation, if he can't win, it is impossible for the opponent to listen to him honestly.

He was no longer polite, "Wings of Escaping the Sky" came out densely, teleported in an instant and narrowed the distance with the purple-clothed woman, and then the power of the anti-god blood was pushed to the limit, and a seven-kill sword was slashed out.


The bloody sword shadow cut out instantly.

The face of the purple-clothed woman changed suddenly, and the small and exquisite pagoda treasure flew out of her hand, and when the wind became stronger, she blocked it in front of her.

It's just following Chen Fan's sword shadow.


There was a loud sound, but the pagoda seemed like a deflated balloon, and it went down instantly!

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