After the pagoda was hit by Chen Fan's sword shadow, it immediately collapsed like a deflated balloon.

And the woman in purple who was protected behind the pagoda was also shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth!

At this time, Chen Fan's swordsmanship has been blessed with multiple blessings, but the power has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Although the purple clothed woman is a double immortal and has the same aura as Lianyun, she still can't stop such a terrifying sword.

And the next moment, Chen Fan's body was once again a wing of escaping from the sky, but this time he narrowed the distance with the purple-clothed woman again. His whole body was full of blood, and the cold front sword in his hand pointed directly at her:

"Your Excellency, do you want to try my sword's strength?"

A flash of fear flashed across the eyes of Zi Yi, but it quickly turned into Li Ran: "You are strong, but in my Purple Moon Holy Land, it is not your turn to be so rampant!"

With her voice down.

Chen Fan suddenly lowered his head, and saw that the lake below seemed to be boiling, and then a vortex suddenly formed.


Chen Fan only felt his scalp go numb, and then he saw a huge shadow jumping out of the lake, which turned out to be a giant whale made of blue lake water.

The whale rushed out of the water and charged towards Chen Fan with terrifying momentum and strength!

"Not good!" Chen Fan only felt that the pressure was huge, but he moved forward again with his sword, not daring to hold back a bit and slashed out a seven-kill sword.


The turbulent sword light cut the whale's body apart, but the whale is not a living thing at all, even if the body is divided into countless water blocks, it still does not affect its continued impact.


The waves of water that had been divided into countless pieces hit Chen Fan's face with a pure and domineering impact. Even after being weakened by the White Emperor Armor, it still directly shattered the barrier formed by the purple light beads!

Although Chen Fan himself was fine, his expression changed drastically!

Even the purple light beads can't stop the weakened power. If my body bears it directly, I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable!

"What the hell is this? It seems to be the way of water?"

He summoned Lord Bai to ask again.

"It's the Elemental Water Emperor, and it's not an ordinary Water Emperor!"

Master Bai's tone was also a little flustered: "Water emperors are the most difficult existence among the elemental emperors. They don't have physical bodies and are almost immune to physical attacks. As long as there is water, they can continuously condense into phantom forms." 'attack!"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Although he has absorbed an Earth Emperor, he is just a newborn Earth Emperor, which is equivalent to mastering the ordinary level of the earth, and the power achieved by this Water Emperor may be comparable to the masters above the third level of longevity!

Seeing that the waves in the lake were choppy again, water splashes surged up one after another, and the terrifying power continued to gather, ready to go...

Chen Fan's expression became more and more ugly.

"Physical attacks are useless, so how should I deal with the Water Emperor?" Chen Fan didn't believe that there was an absolutely invincible existence in the world, or an absolute immortal body.

Master Bai said:

"If your realm is high enough, any form of Dao can counter the power of the Water Emperor, but most of your strength comes from the power of your true essence and your own body. In your moves, the power of Dao is the weakest... ...It is still possible to compete with other people, but it is impossible for you to beat the Water Emperor!"

"Run away, as long as you leave this lake, the power of the Water Emperor should be greatly weakened!"

Chen Fan looked at the invisible lake with twitching corners of his mouth.

This lake is too big, even with Xiaodie's speed, I can't escape for a while!

And at this time.

The turbulent water surface rolled up the waves, but this time the lake was filled with densely packed aquatic creatures of various colors. These were not living creatures, but "phantoms" condensed from the lake water just like the giant whale before.

These phantoms soared into the sky one by one, rushing towards Chen Fan densely. It seemed simple and rude, but it also involved extremely brilliant Tao power.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and a series of characters flashed in front of him. Just watching this scene, his water domain had a breakthrough.

It's just that he was not in the mood to study it carefully, but he immediately activated the ice field in Leng Feng's sword, and snowflakes fluttered down from around him, causing many phantom bodies close to Chen Fan to condense and fall into the lake. , and the speed of some phantom impacts on the periphery is also greatly affected!

"The power of the Ice Domain is very restrained to this 'Water Phantom'!"

It's just that restraint is restraint, but it's not enough to hurt the essence of the water emperor.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Fan looked at the woman in purple not far away.

The "Wings of Escaping the Sky" appeared behind him, and a look of coldness flashed across his face!

Since it was just an extravagant wish for him to defeat the Water Emperor, he should simply solve the problem from the source. The reason why the Water Emperor attacked him was simply because of this woman.

When she saw the many wings appearing behind Chen Fan, the woman named Bai Zhi in the distance quickly shouted: "Master, be careful—"

It's a pity that the time was too urgent, before her voice fell, Chen Fan had avoided a large number of attacks from the Phantom of Water for two consecutive moments, and appeared in front of the woman in purple!

Although his Wings of Escaping the Void has not yet broken through the third level, but he is already extremely proficient in this technique, and he can shorten the distance of a hundred feet by teleporting twice in a row!

"not good!"

The woman in purple had very mediocre actual combat experience, she frantically raised the Linglong Pagoda in her hand, the phantom on it swelled, and the aura flourished, but it collapsed again under Chen Fan's full strength sword.

And Chen Fan unceremoniously raised his sword and pointed at him, saying: "If you don't want to be hurt, let the thing below stop attacking!"

"Hmph!" The purple clothed woman's mouth was stained with blood, but her face was full of determination: "You kill me!"

Chen Fan was speechless, and then a coldness flashed across his face:

"I said that I came here to find someone... I broke into here unintentionally, and there was no malice, but you don't want to force me, do you really think I have no way to deal with the water emperor?"

He stared coldly at the dense water phantom behind him, his eyes were cold.

The horizontal sword moves forward.


A Fire Sacred Sword was slashed out, and the blazing fire spread across the void, but evaporated many phantoms, and more phantoms rushed towards them again.

Chen Fan turned his sword, but he cut out the Holy Sword of Earth and the Holy Sword of Wind in turn...

Before Chen Fan made the fourth sword and condensed the Primordial Sword, the woman in purple suddenly said, "Wait!"

Chen Fan's sword froze for a moment, but he saw phantoms falling into the lake one after another in the sky, and calm was restored in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan retracted his sword and looked at the woman in purple in surprise.

Bai Zhi in the distance was also stunned: "Master?"

"It's Xiaozu, she just sent me a message..." The woman in purple had a complicated expression, she shook her head and put away the exquisite pagoda, then turned to look at Chen Fan, still looking arrogant:

"Even if you are Xiao Zu's friend, there is no reason to forcibly break into my Holy Land!"

Chen Fan was also taken aback, and realized that someone might be transmitting the sound to him, making him stop and continue attacking Chen Fan, "I don't know if your little ancestor is..."

"Xiaozu is Xiaozu!" The purple-clothed woman's face was still frosty.

Well, I said some nonsense.

Chen Fan was speechless, but breathed a sigh of relief. He was planning to activate the power of "Hongmeng Sword" just now, and the opponent stopped attacking at this time, so Chen Fan was naturally relieved.

He also immediately said: "I didn't intrude into the holy land of the noble sect on purpose. It was originally for some friends and juniors who had lost contact with me to catch up with the surrounding area... By chance, I strayed into the Ziyue Secret Realm. Once I came in, I appeared in this lake for no reason. superior……"

Chen Fan briefly described what happened...

At this time, Bai Zhi also came to the woman in purple.

When they heard Chen Fan's description, they were both stunned.

"I see."

The woman in purple nodded slightly when she heard the words, and her tone eased a lot:

"If this is the case, then Ziyan is being abrupt. Ziyue Lake is the holy land of our sect, which is related to the continuation and inheritance of the sect. Your Excellency is a master of such strength, and he is also a man. He even hurt my disciple Bai Zhi. Impulsive..."

Chen Fan waved his hand, on the surface he didn't care, but in his heart he sneered, if there was no sound transmission from the so-called Xiaozu, how could this woman be so polite.

I just don't know who the little ancestor he is talking about is?

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