My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 738 Daughter Zong

Actually speaking, when the matter developed to this point, it was because Chen Fan relied on his strength and wanted to take down Baizhi first, get the information out, and then talk about other things, which would lead to the subsequent situation.

In fact, Chen Fan was also in the wrong. He had a delicate expression, and immediately coughed lightly:

"I haven't dealt with the noble sect before, so I don't know how to enter the noble sect in a normal way, and entered the Holy Land by mistake, it's wrong for me..."

Once the misunderstanding is resolved, everything is naturally a trivial matter.

Of course, Chen Fan is also very clear that the key is that the little ancestor ordered Ziyan to stop attacking, otherwise this woman would not even be afraid of death, nor would she be afraid of Chen Fan's threats.

And if Chen Fan was weaker and trespassed on other people's holy places, he would have been taken down long ago, not to mention killed on the spot, and he would never have had the opportunity to have an equal dialogue...

Zi Yan asked:

"My apprentice and I guard Ziyue Lake. If Xiaozu hadn't sent me a sound transmission just now, I really wouldn't know that there are guests coming from Ziyue Secret Realm these days! I heard from Xiaozu that it seems to be the girl named Fangyan and How many of her family members?"

Chen Fan nodded immediately: "It was Luo Fangyan who took the lead, and my other juniors..."

Xiao Xi, Yun Xin and the others are naturally not Luo Fangyan's dependents.

It's just that in comparison, Luo Fangyan is the strongest, and it's normal for others to be regarded as dependents!

Chen Fan didn't dare to say that his niece and fiancée were also there. Otherwise, Zi Yuezong would have a headache if he threatened him with them.

Zi Yan also nodded, no longer doubting Chen Fan's motives.

She only said Luo Fangyan's first name, but Chen Fan directly said his last name!

Bai Zhi also looked at the woman in purple in surprise: "Master, is there really an outsider coming to our sect?"

Ziyan's expression is also very complicated: "It's a friend Xiaozu met when he went out, and that girl Luo Fangyan is even more talented. Xiaozu wants to pull her into the door."

Bai Zhi was also a little surprised when he heard the words: "Xiaozu thinks that he is very talented, so he must be a great genius!"

Chen Fan's heart was also moved when he heard the words. Luo Fangyan was able to practice "Void Hidden Sword Art", and he had a pure heart. Needless to say, he was talented. Chen Fan didn't ask his age, but he might not be too old.

It's just that they don't know who the "Xiao Zu" they are talking about is.

You must know that Bai Zhi just said before that the Ziyue Secret Realm seems to be in a closed state, why can this little ancestor come in and out at will, and can bring other people with him?

And judging from the attitudes of the two of Ziyan, their status is also extremely high.

Zi Yan turned to Bai Zhi and said, "Bai Zhi, you will continue to guard the Holy Land, and I will bring this 'friend' back to the sect..."

Bai Zhi's expression was also stagnant when she heard the words, with a complicated face, but she still nodded.

Chen Fan saw that Bai Zhi's expression seemed hesitant to speak, and felt strange in his heart, but he just followed Zi Yan away.

The two of them walked in the sky, crossed the lake at high speed, and soon came to the shore.

A powerful formation is arranged outside the entire lake, completely isolated from the outside world.

Tokens are required for entry and exit.

No wonder the two had such a big reaction to Chen Fan appearing on the lake!

And as Chen Fan left Ziyue Lake with him, the Star God Seal finally responded.

After leaving the lake, he was indeed able to sense Cheng Caiying, Zhongli Yuru and others!

Chen Fan immediately checked the situation of these people through the Star God Seal, but found that they were not under house arrest or imprisoned...

Chen Fan also breathed a sigh of relief, completely relieved.

Soon he followed Ziyan to a mountain gate.

"This is my Purple Moon Sect, where the mountain gate is!"

Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness swept away, but he saw that inside the Ziyue Mountain Gate, each and every magnificent building was built along the mountains and rivers, but it was like a fairyland on earth, full of aura and beautiful scenery.

And after entering the Purple Moon Sect's mountain gate, Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness swept out, and he saw many figures again, but these people all have one thing in common, that is, they are all women!

There are people of all ages.

He even saw a group of chirping little girls in their early ten years in a square, learning martial arts from a young woman to lay the foundation!

He had a vague guess in his heart...

Soon Ziyan brought him to a tall pavilion, and followed the two of them into it.

On both sides of the pavilion, there were two women with hair tied up in buns who looked like attendants and Zi Yan saluted. They also looked at Chen Fan with wide curious eyes, with strange expressions on their faces.

"Elder Ziyan, we are ordered by the head to welcome the distinguished guests, please come this way."

The two girls looked extremely young, but they were both at the tenth level of cultivation. While leading the way, they would look back at Chen Fan from time to time.

One of the girls leaned closer to Ziyan, "Aunt this a man? It's no different from us!"

But Zi Yan let out a "hum", "What's there for a man to see, please lead the way!"

The little girl stuck out her tongue.

Chen Fan's expression also became more subtle, and soon followed the two women to a hall.

A beautiful woman with a phoenix hairpin on her head and a face somewhat similar to Zi Yan was sitting on a gauze chair in the hall.

"Sister Sovereign, I brought her here!" Zi Yan only showed a smile when she saw this woman.

The woman's face was very similar to Zi Yan's, and she was also wearing a purple gown, so she and Zi Yan looked like sisters.

She stood up with a gentle smile on her face: "Thank you, sister Ziyan."

As she said that, she smiled and looked at Chen Fan, "I am Ziyun, and I am the current Suzerain of Ziyue Sect!"

"I'm Chen Fan, I've met Sect Master Ziyun!" Chen Fan clasped his fists and was very polite.

Ziyun's breath was ethereal, but the threat to Chen Fan was that Ziyan was too powerful!

At least he is also a master of the third level of longevity.

He felt more and more strange in his heart, such a magical place, and such a terrifying master, was located in such a tiny place.

I just don't know, is this the full strength of Ziyuezong?

He is also more and more thankful that he didn't really fall out with the other party before...

"Brother Chen, you are welcome!"

Ziyan glanced at Chen Fan a few more times, then waved her hand and looked at Ziyan: "I will trouble you to go back, sister, and continue to guard Ziyue Lake—"

"Yes." Zi Yan bowed slightly, turned her head and left immediately, and the two girls who led the way also followed Zi Yan to leave the hall.

Then Ziyun bowed slightly: "Guests, please sit down."

Chen Fan's expression became more and more strange, and he followed Ziyun to sit down at a tea table.

"Xiaozu has something to delay, Brother Chen, stay a little longer, she will come! And that child Fangyan!"

Chen Fan cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, Sect Master Zi."

Ziyan smiled and waved her hands, poured a cup of tea for Chen Fan, and said with a smile on her face: "Speaking of which, since I was born, this is the first time I have seen a man in thousands of years."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and his heart was sure.

This Ziyue sect is simply a daughter sect!

He thought of Zi Yan and Bai Zhi's emphasis on the spring water of the Holy Land, and the fact that the Holy Land was the key to the continuation of the Ziyue Sect's inheritance, he couldn't help but sweat, and his expression became more and more weird!

He has been here for so long and has never seen a man.

But there are many toddler girls...

The fact that women alone can pass on the inheritance to this day naturally shows that they have a special method of passing on the family line!

Seeing his distressed appearance, Zi Yan also giggled:

"It seems that Brother Chen has already made some guesses. That's right, due to the rules of our Ziyue Sect, all the disciples in our sect are daughters. The sect's continuation of future generations depends on the spring water from the holy land of Ziyue Spring!"

"My Ziyue Sect has 100,000 disciples, but they are all women. The sect does not prohibit marriage and love. If any couple is willing to get married, they can apply for a pot of holy land spring water, and they can conceive. Cultivation progress—”

Chen Fan's expression became more and more embarrassing, he quickly clasped his fists, and apologized again:

"Ahem, for the sake of my friends and juniors, I was a little abrupt and strayed into the Holy Land of the noble sect..."

No wonder Zi Yan and Bai Zhi reacted so strongly, it turned out that they had strayed into the key place of family inheritance...

He was also glad that although he tried to collect it, he didn't drink the so-called holy water directly...


Thank you Xuan_Min, book friend 20181228224709092, Emperor Wenxuan, the boy who wants to sing a good song, woo woo filthy witch, book friend 20191222100105289, book friend 20191126021413303, Mu Zixi, dazed every day. Change, super nest cow, fog Haitian, it’s a love song, book friend 20211112180 for tipping and support~

(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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