My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 748 Suppression

Liao Hongyu squinted her eyes, looked at Chen Fan with burning eyes on the opposite side, but snorted coldly.

Immediately swing the sword forward.

"Awakening of Insects!"

The second form of Tianhui Sword!

When the brilliant sword light came out, Chen Fan only felt that his body's energy was locked, and his movement and transfer seemed to be useless.

And Chen Fan also felt the greatest pressure since he endured the challenge!


Liao Hongyu, who is also in the second level of Dao domain, has comprehended the sword domain, and his strength is much stronger than Yu Jin and his ilk.

It's just that there was no trace of fear on his face, but excitement.

He laughed, spread out his sword domain, and flew forward: "Since Senior Sister uses this move, then I will use this sword too!"

"Awakening of Insects!"

The same gorgeous sword light cut out, and the surging power scattered in all directions.

In the roar.

The bodies of the two both retreated sharply, and the sword energy collided and gradually disappeared in the air.

This move is right and evenly matched.

Liao Hongyu still squinted her eyes, and raised the corners of her mouth: "Junior Brother Chen Fan, you have indeed broken through the domain of double swords, I underestimated you... Also, your "Tian Hui Sword" practiced well!"

Chen Fan shook his head: "You still have a gap compared to Senior Sister."

This is not modesty.

It is also a double sword field, the power of his own sword field of ten thousand swords is higher than that of Liao Hongyu's sword field.

Also using Jingzhe, the opponent's swordsmanship realm is obviously higher, even if the power buffs obtained by his own swordsmanship are low, he is evenly divided with Chen Fan!

Liao Hongyu shook her head, but moved forward with her sword again:

"Follow me again...Bai Lu!"

Tianhui's swordsmanship is extremely superb, but this move of Bailu's slash is carried with an indomitable sharpness, which is several times stronger than the Jingzhe just now!

This Bailu move is also the third move of "Tianhui Swordsmanship"!

If it is said that Jingzhe locks the energy mechanism, where you escape, the sword energy will chase there.

And this move is like a stormy sea, there is no room for you to dodge at all!


The sword light pressed towards Chen Fan like a raging huge wave, and rushed into Chen Fan's sword domain in the blink of an eye.

Countless invisible sword qi staggered in Chen Fan's sword domain, but they couldn't offset the horror of this sword, and the surging power surged towards him.

"Amazing!" Chen Fan's eyes froze.

It's not like Chen Fan hasn't seen other Sword Sect disciples use this move in the past, but even if it's used by the true master of the third level of the Dao Domain, its power is not as powerful as Liao Hongyu at this time!

The sword field's blessing to swordsmanship is too terrifying!

And in Yanwu Pavilion, Chen Fan's physical fitness was far inferior to his deity's. He also had a premonition that if he let this sword go, he would also directly hate it.

"Just invite Senior Sister Liao to experience my trick!"

His eyes were scorching hot, facing the surging "Bailu" without retreating, but he firmly held the long sword in his hand and swung it diagonally!


It seems that there is no special sword move, but there is an extremely sharp aura rising!

But the wave-like sword light generated by the turbulent "Bailu" was split in two from the center in an instant.

Liao Hongyu's face changed suddenly, and the long sword in her hand moved forward.

At the same time, the light blue light belt around his body suddenly rotated and contracted at a high speed, and the breath became more intense!


The intertwined sword energy exploded in the air.

The surging power turned into streamers and scattered in all directions.

Liao Hongyu frowned and stood in the void, her body didn't move a bit.

And Chen Fan's body was thrown back several feet before slowly coming to a halt.

He raised his hand to wipe away the blood overflowing from his mouth, and a hint of subtlety flashed across his face: "So senior sister, you have already broken through the triple sword domain, no wonder senior sister is so confident... If my guess is right, the current senior sister rushed to the wind and cloud It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

When facing her own swordsmanship just now, Liao Hongyu obviously used the power of a higher level of sword domain!

Although Liao Hongyu's true energy may not have advanced yet, Yanwu Pavilion does not look at cultivation, but only at realm and swordsmanship. With this woman's triple sword domain, it is possible to break into the top 20, even the top 10!

He thought that Liao Hongyu hadn't accepted the challenge for several years, and his strength might be more than the current ranking, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong!

Liao Hongyu finally opened her eyes, but she didn't answer Chen Fan's question, instead she asked:

"What kind of swordsmanship was that sword just now? It doesn't seem to be the swordsmanship of the sword sect, right?"

Chen Fan smiled: "That move is called 'Sword of the Predator'!"

The swordsmanship created by Chen Fan himself has progressed rapidly during Chen Fan's sparring and fighting in the past few months, but it is not inferior to other swordsmanship, and its power is even more powerful than the Nine Great Swordsmanship of Jianzong in his hand. .

It's just that Chen Fan has not been able to create a second sword in this sword technique so far. Although the lower limit is high, the upper limit is not enough...

Liao Hongyu's eyes flickered, and she frowned slightly:

"If that sword is hidden in the dark and cut out abruptly, the real effect will be increased by at least ten times. If you were at the very beginning and I didn't use all my strength to suddenly cut out this sword, I'm afraid it would be able to kill me instantly... ..."

The Predator's Sword is very suitable for pairing with the Void Hidden Sword Technique, and if it is used for sneak attack, it is naturally very powerful.

Chen Fan smiled:

"If I just want to win, I can do that."

When Liao Hongyu heard this, his eyes flickered with admiration, and then said:

"Some people say that when you were first challenged, junior brother, you were obviously stronger than some low-ranked opponents, but you deliberately didn't use your full strength in order to make more profits... Now it seems that if my guess is correct, your real strength, junior brother! The purpose is to see more people's swordsmanship, right?"

Chen Fan cleared his throat: "There is indeed a reason for this."

In order to promote my own theater, I naturally have to play my top card a little better, and directly beat the opponent, so there is nothing to watch.

In fact, he really wanted to see the complete sword skills of other disciples, so Liao Hongyu guessed right!

Liao Hongyu nodded: "It's a pity, if it wasn't for Junior Brother's Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill that can help me complete the breakthrough with my true essence, I would rather give up other ideas and have a good fight with Junior Brother."

Liao Hongyu only had a breakthrough in realm, but had not yet broken through in cultivation, so she needed the Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill even more urgently.

Chen Fan waved his hand:

"With the Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill as your injection, Senior Sister, you will not hold back anything. Regardless of whether you win or lose this match, I hope to have more opportunities to compete with you Senior Sister in the future."

Liao Hongyu smiled, "Of course!"

As she said that, her smile immediately subsided, and she raised her sword forward: "Since you forced me out of my triple sword domain, Junior Brother, don't blame me for being rude."

She rushed straight forward and slashed out with a sword.

"Awakening of Insects!"

It is also "Awakening of Insects", but its power is much exaggerated than before.

The more critical issue is that this trick cannot be avoided.

Of course, being unable to escape is not absolute, but with Chen Fan's current means, there is no way to escape the "Awakening of Insects" lock.

And as the sword light cut out, Liao Hongyu's body surrounded and expanded with a light belt, but it was the blink of an eye intertwined with Chen Fan's sword field.


Although Liao Hongyu's sword domain is higher than Chen Fan's first level, but the tenacity and power are not much stronger than Chen Fan's. Even this level of shock is not enough to tear Chen Fan's sword domain!

Liao Hongyu raised her eyebrows slightly.

the other side.

Facing the surging "Awakening of Insects".

Chen Fan's thoughts turned quickly, and he mobilized all the invisible sword energy in the sword domain to block it, but it was useless. He also knew that even with the "Predator's Sword", it was impossible for him to break through Liao Hongyu's sword energy directly. up.

And before he breaks through the Sword Realm, he doesn't intend to use the "Seven Killing Swords", "Four Holy Swords" or other powers from the Dao Realm...

Seeing that the gorgeous sword light had completely come before him, his eyes were burning, but he suddenly laughed and swung his sword.


Surrounded by the sword light in his hand, under Liao Hongyu's astonished gaze, Chen Fan also cut out "Jing Zhe" again!

Jingzhe vs. Jingzhe, Chen Fan's moves are the same as last time, but the opponent's sword field has been upgraded to a higher level, which also caused Chen Fan's sword light to be defeated by Liao Hongyu in an instant!

A large amount of blood was splashed in the air, and Chen Fan's body was instantly thrown backwards with the manic sword energy!

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