My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 749 Triple Sword Domain


Chen Fan spat out blood, and his body flew backwards with the violent impact.

Liao Hongyu's swordsmanship did not undergo a sudden change, it was much stronger than before, but after activating the triple sword domain, the power of the same swordsmanship was vastly different from before.

And if it wasn't because Chen Fan's sword domain was strong enough, and the invisible sword energy offset a large amount of impact, he would probably lose his life directly with this move.

And although he managed to save his life, the body created by the illusion was also severely damaged...

But Chen Fan's eyes became hotter and hotter: "Tianhui that's how it is!"

Through the face-to-face confrontation with Liao Hongyu, he also really used his own body to feel the strength of the opponent's swordsmanship and sword domain...

Although the price is not small, it has to be said that the real comprehension of this kind of swordsmanship with the flesh will bring him more comprehension and improvement than just observing or exchanging lessons once or twice.

Liao Hongyu looked at Chen Fan who was flying far away, but didn't immediately step forward to take the opportunity to deal with Chen Fan, but frowned tightly:

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, you should still have mastered other dao domains, why don't you come out? With your current strength alone, it is impossible to win me!"

Chen Fan grinned and didn't answer, but shouted loudly: "Come again!"

Regardless of his injuries, he rushed forward again.

At the same time as the sword field unfolded, a new sword "Jingzhe" was also slashed towards Liao Hongyu.

"Are you crazy?" Liao Hongyu frowned deeply, a flash of sharpness flashed across his face, but he slashed out with his sword unabashedly again.

Her Tianhui Sword Domain itself was comprehended through the "Tianhui Sword", and the power of using the "Tianhui Sword" is also the greatest...

But it can sweep the third level of the Dao domain, and even when the sword domain is stable, it may not be impossible to defeat the Dao fruit!


The sword light collided again, and Chen Fan was thrown out again. At the same time, his whole body was bleeding, and the injuries on his body accumulated more serious, but his eyes became more and more hot...

And Liao Hongyu's face also flashed a touch of astonishment.

With only one sword difference, the power of Chen Fan's "Jingzhe" has increased a lot!

And she clearly sensed that Chen Fan did not summon other dao domains, nor did he change to other sword techniques.

In other words, within a few short strokes, Chen Fan had a breakthrough in "Sword of Heavenly Return"...

This breakthrough is not in the skill of swordsmanship, but in the realm!

"Unexpectedly..." Liao Hongyu's face flashed an abnormal rosiness, and his eyes flickered coldly: "You actually use me as a whetstone, good, very good! Let me see what kind of knife you can sharpen!"

Liao Hongyu was able to break through the domain of triple swords, so she almost reserved a seat on the Billboard, and even being in the top ten is not difficult, and she naturally has her own arrogance in her heart.

She didn't even use stronger swordsmanship, but still used "Jingzhe" to slash at Chen Fan again.


Another sword collided, and Chen Fan spurted blood again and was thrown backwards.

But the injury he suffered was significantly smaller than before...

"Hmph!" Liao Hongyu didn't give Chen Fan a chance to rest, the light belt around his body became more glaring, and the sword light in his hand surged again.

The next moment, Chen Fan showed ecstasy on his face, and then he laughed and swung the sword "Jing Zhe" again.


The two sword lights collided again, but this time Chen Fan didn't retreat at all, but Liao Hongyu retreated a few steps!

" is this possible?"

Liao Hongyu's head was full of question marks, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Even if your 'Jing Zhe' transforms and reaches the level of perfection, it is impossible to have such power!"

Chen Fan nodded:

"That's true. The upper limit of 'Jingzhe' is affected by my own realm. No matter how good my swordsmanship is, as long as I don't make a breakthrough in the sword realm, I can't just rely on 'Jingzhe' to repel you, Senior Sister..."

Liao Hongyu frowned when she heard the words, but then her eyes widened suddenly: "So, what do you mean..."

Chen Fan laughed loudly, and at the same time, the sword field around him swelled outwards, and his aura also expanded with the sword field: "Thank you, senior sister, for helping me break through the sword field!"

His sword domain has already reached the critical point of the third level, and he has been constantly competing with others during this period of time, and the nine major swordsmanship and the predator's sword have rapidly improved...

This time, I saw Liao Hongyu's sword domain and sword skills. His "Tianhui Sword" completed a breakthrough. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and finally broke through the triple sword domain!

The corner of Liao Hongyu's mouth twitched, her face was speechless.

She knew that Chen Fan hadn't used the Lightning Dao Domain so far, and hadn't used all his strength at all. Now that he had broken through the key Sword Domain, it would be very difficult for him to win.

A look of unwillingness flashed across her face, but she swung her sword again.

Although Chen Fan was drenched in blood, his life was still hanging, and he rushed forward excitedly.

The sword lights kept intersecting and colliding.

Chen Fan became more and more proficient in using the triple sword domain. Even with a seriously injured body, he still completely suppressed Liao Hongyu!

After the swords crisscrossed again, Liao Hongyu wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth, took a deep breath, and her expression was unprecedentedly dignified:

"Junior Brother, you are worthy of being a talent of the heavens. You have just broken through the Sword Domain, and your strength has improved to where it is now... However, if you think that you will definitely beat me, you are thinking too simply!"

She raised one hand high, but the light belt around her body suddenly shrank and melted into the sword in her hand.

"This sword is the limit of my current moves, it's called... Frost's Fall!"

As the word "Frost's Fall" blurted out, a dazzling spiritual light shot out from the sword in Liao Hongyu's hand in an instant.

In Chen Fan's fiery gaze, the dense sword energy surged vertically and horizontally, and instantly rushed into his swollen sword domain.


Even the Ten Thousand Swords Sword Domain, which has reached the third level, is still trembling and turbulent.

Chen Fan's eyes were burning, and he laughed loudly:

"In order to thank Senior Sister for helping me break through, I will make an exception and let Senior Sister see my true strength!"

He swung his sword forward.


Blazing flames were born in the void around him, reflecting his sword field into crimson.

At the same time, the sword in his hand slashed down.


The blazing fire turned into flaming sword energy, sweeping away the sword rain generated by Liao Hongyu's "Frost's Fall" with a crushing force.

Then the still surging flames spread and scattered with the sword light, swallowing the stunned Liao Hongyu's body in the blink of an eye, crushing it to pieces.

This is the fifth level fire holy sword!


The spacious room of Yanwu Pavilion.

Chen Fan walked out of the illusion formation, his face was full of excitement.

But the room was unusually quiet.

All the true disciples watching this battle looked at each other in blank dismay...

Liao Hongyu hadn't challenged others for several years, but it was amazing enough to show the triple sword domain, and even possessed the strength to hit the top ten of the True Legend.

And Chen Fan not only resisted the pressure, but also broke through the triple sword domain, and even finally showed the flame domain that he had never used before, defeating Liao Hongyu's Frostfall head-on, which is naturally even more amazing!

"Being able to defeat Liao Hongyu in the Triple Sword Domain with a serious injury, Chen Fan can definitely be included in the top ten. If I remember correctly, Chen Fan is just a newcomer to the True Inheritance, and he hasn't been a long time since he started..."

Finally, the true transmission broke the silence in the room.

Everyone looked at Chen Fan with subtle expressions.

Even Yu Jin, who had expected Chen Fan's strength, was completely sluggish and forgot to put away the projection stone.

Not long ago, when Chen Fan started his career, he was only Jiuzhong... How long has it been since this happened, and it is possible to hit the top ten of the true biography?

Yu Jin felt like he was dreaming, but thinking about it again, Chen Fan originally entered the sect with the realm of the double sword domain, and the ranking of the true disciples is not based on actual combat or both realm and swordsmanship. Chen Fan's ranking may not be based on On behalf of her true combat power, she was a little more balanced...

She comforted herself in her heart: "Chen Fan has just broken through the tenth level, the accumulation of true energy has not yet been completed, and it is only the early stage of the tenth level. Although his realm and dao domain are high, his real strength may not be much stronger than mine..."

It wasn't that she was jealous or had a problem with Chen Fan, on the contrary, she wished to see Chen Fan become stronger and better, but she couldn't balance her heart for a while.

Chen Fan walked out of the phantom array, but went straight to the other side. In front of the distraught Liao Hongyu, he clasped his fists and said:

"Senior Sister has accepted!"

"Hmph!" Liao Hongyu recovered from her disappointment, but she couldn't hold back, and she didn't talk to Chen Fan, and turned her head to leave.

She hides her triple dao domain, and she intends to really hit the top ten.

Unexpectedly, before he even made an appearance, he would be regarded as a stepping stone for Chen Fan.

With a talent like her, how could she bear it...

On the contrary, Chen Fan didn't care, and still had a smile on his face.

There is no contradiction between the two, and Liao Hongyu's unhappiness is only temporary, I believe there will be opportunities to discuss each other in the future...

After all, speaking of it, the realms of the two are very close, and learning from each other is conducive to the common progress of the two.

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