My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 750: Motivation

With Liao Hongyu's departure.

The true biography in the room also dispersed in twos and threes.

Chen Fan also turned his head to look at Yu Jin: "Senior Sister, let's go!"

Leaving Yanwu Pavilion with Yu Jin.

"Junior brother, you are really an unworldly genius of my sword sect. When Rong Ziqi and Zhan Jianming first became true biologists, they were not so powerful!" Chen Fan's challenge...

Otherwise, she would definitely become one of Chen Fan's losers. It would be a small thing if she couldn't get the Void Sacred Elixir, but she didn't want to see a distant relationship with Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took the "projection stone" recorded by Yu Jin, his eyes flickered.

For him, his on-the-spot breakthrough in the Sword Domain was not just as simple as improving his own realm and strength.

After winning the forty-nine consecutive battles and being promoted with the help of theaters, Chen Fan's reputation in the inner and outer sects has become huge, and he has even cultivated a large number of supporters...

Many martial artists with rich family backgrounds not only watched Chen Fan's battle records many times, but were even willing to pay high prices for projection stones!

It’s fine for some outer disciples, they can support a “movie ticket”, but for the inner disciples or true disciples who are generally well-off, it’s easy to take out hundreds or thousands of yuan crystals...

Now, Chen Fan deducted all kinds of expenses, and he can earn tens of thousands of crystals every day by relying on the net income of the theater.

Such a special battle is not only his fiftieth victory, but also the battle of the top ten ranks of the two True Legends. If it is played in a theater, it should also cause a new climax!

Of course, Chen Fan also knew that he was just the beginning of making a name for himself as a "theatre", and that he needed more high-quality content for further development.

He has already contacted some true disciples he is familiar with, and spent a lot of Yuanjing to buy out the "broadcasting rights" of these people.

Including Yu Jin, Lian Yangshuo, and some true biography of Canghai Sword Emperor, but these people are limited in strength, and it is difficult for them to be as topical as themselves. A lot of experience in the previous life allowed Fei Yi to develop more attractive forms of "projection content"...

It's a pity that Rong Yixian has been in seclusion for several months and has not come out. I wanted to find him but I couldn't find him. Otherwise, a disciple who is in the top ten of true biography is naturally much more attractive than Yu Jin and others.


Following Chen Fan's release of the latest issue of Projection Stone content in various theaters under his command.

The news of Chen Fan breaking through the triple sword realm also spread throughout the entire Sword Sect with an extremely exaggerated momentum.

And Chen Fan Cinema's business also ushered in a wave of climax.

The purchasing power of the millions of sword sect disciples, each warrior is exaggerated!

The integration of Jianzong, the hot spots of the inner and outer sects, naturally soon radiated to the true biography of Jianzong, and even Jiange, Dange and other places...

Chen Fan's name resounded through Jianzong in the true sense.

No one will think of him as just a lucky guy anymore.


Deep in the sword pavilion.

In the quiet room.

"Father, you are looking for me." Chen Qingru stood in front of Chen Tianqian.

Chen Tianqian, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, opened his eyes, with a smile on his face: "Chen Fan has broken through the triple sword domain, do you know?"

Chen Qingru nodded with a complicated expression:

"Junior brother is worthy of being the one whom fate loves..."

Chen Tianqian nodded, his face was full of appreciation:

"The Meihui is approaching. In order to welcome the great changes in the world, the old rules of my Jianzong can also be changed. You can help me announce one thing—"


As the news of Chen Fan's victory over Liao Hongyu fermented.

There was an endless stream of people coming to Chen Fan's cave, and there were constant disciples coming to visit him.

The meaning of the Sword Domain Triple Layer is too exaggerated...

And among them, there are quite a few martial artists who are ranked ahead of Chen Fan and have already submitted challenge posts.

Many people bluntly said that they are not Chen Fan's opponent, but they want to take back the battle invitation...

Have no idea.

Even after a few months, among those who sent a battle post to Chen Fan, there were no more than 20 strongest ones, and none of them were on the Billboard.

Liao Hongyu, who realized the triple sword domain, lost so badly, and Chen Fan even made it to the top ten. The rest of them must not be his opponents.

Except for those who really hide their strength, or want to see how powerful Chen Fan is, others naturally don't want to lose face for nothing...

Chen Fan's reward is good, but they have to be able to get it.

A few days later, Chen Fan defeated all the remaining challengers, and his ranking entered the top 30...

At this time, Jiange also had a new news spread throughout the sect——

The true biography of the sword sect under the age of 50, before the Meihui, the higher the ranking, the higher the extra rewards will be, and those who can break into the top ten of the sword sect can directly get to the "sword realm" Opportunities, and those who hit higher rankings will get more treasures and resources!

This news did not cause much disturbance...

There are not no true biography of Jianzong under the age of fifty, but very few.

Although the opportunity to "Sword Realm" is very rare and can be called the first treasure of the Sword Sect, most of these disciples under the age of 50 are in the first level of the Dao domain, and occasionally they can have the second level of the Dao domain, like Zong Zhengxiu, who can break through It's great to be in the top 100.

As for the strength level of the top ten, the weakest is also the peak of the triple dao domain, so Daoguo dares to say that it is stable!

For new disciples, this is almost impossible...

Chen Tianqian, Canghai Sword Emperor and the others did know Chen Fan's identity and age, but the rest of the Sword Sect only knew how powerful Chen Fan was, but they didn't know Chen Fan's exact age...

After Chen Fan heard the news, he was naturally very excited.

And he also realized that this rule is probably not for other young disciples, but for himself...

"Master, he is using public funds to motivate me to hit a higher ranking..."

Chen Fan's mood was complicated, and naturally he was mostly happy.

After breaking through the third level of the Sword Domain, Chen Fan didn't have much thought of hitting a higher ranking, but when the news came out, he didn't care about showing his strength anymore.


Chen Fandong Mansion.

"Junior brother, are you going to hit the Billboard?" Yu Jin's expression was subtle, and his face was full of complexity.

Chen Fan nodded: "Everyone knows my strength. What I am most worried about is that no one will agree to my challenge. Now there is not much time left until the end of the year..."

His goal is not just to be on the Billboard, but to be as high as possible.

Yu Jin shook his head: "Junior brother, you are thinking too much. Even when the ranking is low, the challenge is limited, and the number of times a person can refuse the challenge in a row is limited! If not, as long as you never accept the challenge, the low-strength Martial artist, wouldn't it be impossible to improve the ranking forever?"

Chen Fan nodded suddenly, Jianzong naturally couldn't let this happen, so there will be some restrictions.

Yu Jin continued:

"As for those who have entered the ranking, the challenge rules are quite different from those of low-ranking fighters. Junior brother, you have already reached the edge of the ranking, so there is no need to worry about the follow-up challenges!"

"Oh?" Chen Fan looked at Yu Jin.

Yu Jin said:

"Warriors ranked in the rankings cannot refuse the challenge of low-ranking warriors. Even if the disciples in the rankings challenge or accept too few challenges every year, they will be forced to kick out of the top 20 positions——"

Chen Fan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded:

"Is this forcing them to compete?"

Yu Jin smiled and nodded:

"Hehe, they are treated the best, and the conditions they face are naturally the harshest! It doesn't matter if they are in the top ten, and the Daoguo and Longevity account for more than half. The ranking is not easy to change. Between tenth and twenty, but every time Months change, especially towards the end of the year...every year is a big fight."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, and he was also very excited: "That is to say, I can choose the top 20 opponents at will?"

Yu Jin shook his head: "Naturally, it is impossible for you to challenge the top twenty at will."

"Before you enter the top twenty, you can only challenge between ten and twenty disciples; when you really enter the top twenty, you can challenge five to ten disciples..."

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