My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 751 Seeing the Heavenly Book Again

Those ranked in the top 20 have triple dao domain, dao fruit, and even longevity.

The top 20 can't refuse the challenge, if there is no limit, it will lead to chaos.

As soon as your strength reaches the bottom of the top 20, you want to challenge the top-ranked Daoguo and even the masters of longevity. In all likelihood, you won't win. Isn't that a waste of people's time?

This is the same as the reason for restricting the challenge to no more than 20 disciples when the rank is lower.

If you want to challenge for a higher ranking, you have to improve yourself to a high enough level...

Chen Fan nodded, "That is to say, now I can challenge the top ten and twenty top experts at will, and they can't refuse at all?"

Yu Jin nodded: "Indeed."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "Among the 20 to 10, is there a strong swordsman?"

Yu Jin smiled again: "The most elite fighters in my true biography of Jianzong are all figures in the rankings, and 99% of them are masters of swordsmanship!"

Chen Fan nodded: "Then I will start from the twentieth place and challenge in turn!"

He looked at the list, but when he saw the twentieth name, he couldn't help but frowned:


He once sparred with Lian Yangshuo in Yanwu Pavilion, but at that time Lian Yangshuo suppressed his strength and only used the first level of Dao Domain, and his swordsmanship did not show his strength.

And although when they were adventuring together, this guy would not be able to do anything when he met the Golden Lion, but that was because his level of strength was too low. In terms of swordsmanship alone, it must have something unique.

"I remember that before Jialan Country and his party, Senior Brother Lian was at the bottom of the Billboard, but I didn't expect that he is still..."

Su Pingcheng and Ji Yongge, the two dead people that Chen Fan knew, were on the ranking list.

That is to say, even Yangshuo's ranking has not advanced but retreated.

He shook his head, and immediately took out the Inheritance Token, and sent a voice transmission to Lian Yangshuo, informing him of his challenge.

In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't inform Lian Yangshuo, as long as he is in Jianzong and is not delayed by other things, he cannot refuse Chen Fan's challenge.

The battle was smoother than Chen Fan expected.

After Chen Fan broke through the triple sword realm, his swordsmanship was much stronger, and in Yanwu Pavilion, there was no difference in the level of cultivation between the two sides. Even if Chen Fan only used his unskilled swordsmanship, he still felt the same when dealing with Lian Yangshuo. Not too much pressure.

After fully seeing Lian Yangshuo's swordsmanship, Chen Fan decisively gave Senior Brother Lian a sharp blow.

He also succeeded in squeezing Brother Lian out of the Billboard.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan also continued to challenge opponents with higher rankings...


In the blink of an eye, more than two months passed.

Aside from the fact that two senior brothers were not in the sect, Chen Fan also entered the top ten from the top 20. He also became the first disciple in the history of Jianzong to break into the top ten when he joined the true biography.

Needless to say, he was challenged almost one by one by his opponents, and he was in the top ten with unbeatable victories every time.

"The quota for the sword realm has arrived!"

Breaking into the top ten also made his reputation in the inner and outer sects of Jianzong completely pushed to the apex.

The business of "cinema" is booming.

Even in the true biography, there were many people who purchased Chen Fan's Projection Stone after paying extra tickets, witnessing that he stepped into the top ten step by step.

But after he entered the top ten, he did not stop challenging.

After all, the higher the ranking of young disciples like myself, the more extra rewards they get. If they can break into the top three, the rewards they can get are even ten times higher than the ordinary top three!

It was the first time he challenged his opponent after entering the top ten, and Chen Fan saw a familiar face again.

"Hehe, isn't this Senior Brother Luo Yunfei?" Facing such a guy who threatened him before, Chen Fan had a sneer on his face, but he didn't show the senior brother any kindness.

As Zhan Jianming's number one master at the moment, he was able to break into the top ten of the true biography of Jianzong with the third level of cultivation in the Dao domain, ranking ninth, which also shows his strength.

However, compared with his own triple sword domain, the ordinary triple dao domain is more than one level behind, so Chen Fan naturally wouldn't be afraid of it at all.

On the contrary, Luo Yunfei still had a smile on his face, with a gentle look:

"Brother, I'm not that easy to deal with."

Chen Fan groaned.

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, Luo Yunfei's eyes bent into crescents, and a sharp look flashed across his eyes: "If Junior Brother thinks he will definitely win, then why don't we make some headway in this match?"

As he said that, he flipped his hand and took out a silver round pill: "This is the sword pill that Senior Brother Zhan personally refined for me. How about using it to bet on the Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill in your hand and the Xuanmu Wanjin Pill?"

Chen Fan also frowned.

Knowing that Luo Yunfei possessed the triple sword domain, and even defeated Liao Hongyu, who also possessed the triple sword domain, Luo Yunfei dared to use such a level of extra power. I am afraid that he really had some powerful means.

Luo Yunfei grinned: "What's the matter, isn't Junior Brother afraid?"

Chen Fan smiled: "You are willing to give me treasures, why should I not? I just think it's too small a bet..."

He flipped his hands and took out two jade boxes and a purple bead.

"In addition to the Purple Qi Chalcedony Pill and the Xuanmu Wanjin Pill, I also have a defensive one-star Taoist artifact!"

He looked at Luo Yunfei with sharp eyes: "Senior Brother Luo, do you dare to bet?"

Seeing this scene, Luo Yunfei could no longer maintain his original indifference, hesitation appeared on his face.

Chen Fan smiled disdainfully: "If you don't dare to gamble, senior brother, then forget it..."

Luo Yunfei squeezed out a smiling face again, "Who says I dare not gamble!"

He flipped his hand and took out an object that looked like a book page, "This is a page of heavenly book, which records the content of the 'Spells'. Only one corner is missing, so it should be able to hold a Dao weapon, right?"

When Chen Fan saw this thing, his eyes lit up immediately.

Yu Jin who was beside him hastily stepped forward and whispered into Chen Fan's ear: "Junior Brother, please don't promise him, the spells recorded in the "Book of Heaven" are of course amazing supernatural powers, but they are often difficult to cultivate and demanding... If someone dares to take it out, it must be some kind of flawed or extremely difficult technique, not to mention that this page of heavenly scriptures is missing a corner and is not complete..."

Chen Fan shook his head, deliberately making a sound so that Luo Yunfei could hear: "It's okay, I don't think Brother Luo can come up with a better treasure, so let's do it like this."

A distorted smile appeared on Luo Yunfei's face, and he could no longer conceal his inner anger.

Chen Fan showed a sneer on his face, and swept his consciousness into Yu Jin's hands, confirming that this scene was also photographed in the projection stone, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Good material!


The two sides entered the illusion.

Chen Fan was also not polite to Luo Yunfei, he opened the Triple Sword Domain when he came up, and gave him a "Jingzhe"!

The true meaning of Tianhui swordsmanship cannot be avoided by this sword shock...

Of course, there is no absolute in the world, and there is no swordsmanship that is completely unavoidable.

Can't escape, nothing more than the means are not enough.

Luo Yunfei also widened his eyes.

"Why is this kid so powerful?!"

He said it lightly and seemed full of confidence, but he also felt the pressure when facing Chen Fan's swordsmanship.

And the dao domain around him also swelled suddenly, and he swung his sword out, breaking Chen Fan's swordsmanship head-on!


Sword sects criss-crossed.

Even though the physical cultivation of the two is only at the ninth level, the aftermath of the collision of swordsmanship is still very terrifying.

After the sword energy was exhausted, when everything returned to calm, Chen Fan looked at Luo Yunfei whose mouth was twitching and blushing in the distance, but laughed loudly:

"No wonder you dare to place a bet. It turns out that you have already broken through the Dao Fruit! Unfortunately, you are only a normal Dao domain breakthrough, obviously you haven't been promoted for long, right? I want to see how many times you can block me!"

This guy has already advanced to the Dao Fruit, but he kept it hidden. Unfortunately, under Chen Fan's swordsmanship, he has no ability to hide his strength at all!

Speaking of which, this is not the first time Chen Fan has seen him. It is quite extraordinary that this person can hide his cultivation in front of Chen Fan who is at the peak of the Heavenly Human Realm with his spiritual consciousness...

"Since that's the case, then I don't have to worry about you losing too quickly."

Chen Fan sneered, and rushed forward, the sword light passed by, and the sword domain continued to spread, but it soon collided with Luo Yunfei's Dao domain!

Luo Yunfei snorted coldly, and also swung his sword out:

"Even if you are in the Triple Sword Domain, there is still a gap compared to the real Dao Fruit!"

His people also stimulated the Dao domain to the limit.


The two Dao domains are constantly colliding and interlacing, but it is another level of battle.

In terms of scale, Chen Fan's Sword Domain is slightly inferior, but in terms of actual pressure, Chen Fan is much stronger.

Even if the Dao domains of the two were only intertwined, a gap was cut at the edge of Luo Yunfei's Dao domain!

With Chen Fan's current strength, he can almost control most of the sword intents in the Sword Domain at will, supplemented by stimulating the invisible sword energy, the power is too terrifying!

The sword light was stirring.


Luo Yunfei spurted blood, his face was full of shock, the part of his Dao domain that intersected with Chen Fan's sword domain unexpectedly disintegrated inch by inch...

"How could this be?"

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