My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 764 Secret of the past

In fact, I have experienced so much, combined with what Lord Bai said, I once felt the power similar to that of the deformed blood beast when the Ancient Desolate Sect was destroyed.

It was not difficult for Chen Fan to guess that the collapse of the Ancient Desolate Sect had an inexplicable relationship with the Great Tribulation, the so-called "Heavenly Abyss".

And at this very moment.

The words of the gatekeeper of the Sun God Clan also confirmed Chen Fan's guess.

Master Bai took a deep breath, nodded the cat's head, and asked eagerly and hopefully:

"Do you know what happened to our suzerain? Did he... die?"

The phantom sighed leisurely, and said: "Master 'Ancient Desolation' has indeed passed away..."

"how come?"

Master Bai wrinkled his cat face into a ball, and said somewhat incomprehensibly:

"The suzerain is also an existence beyond the sixth level of longevity, and it is considered a relatively powerful one in the Sun God Court. He should be able to protect the Ancient Desolation Sect from the invasion of 'Tianyuan', right? Why did he die?"

After knowing the existence of the Purple Moon Secret Realm, "Master Bai" had a glimmer of hope that the ancient desolate suzerain still survived.

They are all existences beyond the sixth level. Immortal Ziyue can even protect her own sect and secret realm to survive the catastrophe. There is no reason why the ancient desolate suzerain can't do it?

Listening to Master Bai's words, Chen Fan also had a subtle expression, surpassing the sixth level of longevity, that is, an existence at the same level as the Demon God King.

Chen Fan was surprised that such an existence would die in the catastrophe.


The erosion of "Heavenly Abyss" is even more terrifying than I imagined...

And think about it carefully, doesn't the existence of "Devil God Residue" mean that more than one Demon God King has fallen?

Ordinary longevity, the lifespan can no longer be counted.

The masters of the Demon God King series have completely mastered the Dao, and their lifespan is almost immortal, and they will not die because of ordinary fights and fights...

Think about Zhongli Haocang, who is in the third level of longevity. After a person dies, there is still a spirit alive, so there is a way of resurrection.

The Demon God King is naturally more difficult to die.

The top ten demon sects all have "devil god residue", which means that the number of dead demon kings in the world will never be one or two. I am afraid that many of the deaths of these demon kings are related to "Tianyuan"...

Ghost said:

"Although Master 'Ancient Desolation' has understood the existence of Dao, but in order to save 'Zi Shang', the 'External God' who resisted the evil of Tianyuan is not inferior to the 'Ultimate' in our world. How can an existence at the same level as a god king be able to defeat him..."

Master Bai shrank when he heard the words, "Master Zishang?!"

Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

The so-called "evil of the abyss of heaven" and "outer gods" are not difficult to guess, and they should refer to the powerful existence in the abyss of heaven.

It's just that Xu Ying mentioned that "Ancient Desolation" died to save another person named "Zi Shang", which means that he didn't have to die!

Chen Fan couldn't help asking: "Who is that 'Zi Shang'? Is there anything special about him? How could he be attacked by the so-called 'External God'?!"

Hearing Chen Fan's question, Master Bai explained with a complex expression:

"Master 'Zi Shang' is the son of the god king, and also the emperor of the Yuan Shang Dynasty. He and the suzerain are good friends!"

Chen Fan was stunned.

It turns out that Zi Shang is the emperor of the Yuan Shang Dynasty!

Lord Bai once said that this emperor is the heir of a great figure in the Sun God Court, and this is the first time Chen Fan knows his name...

After Master Bai replied to Chen Fan, he turned his head again:

"Master 'Zi Shang', how could he invite the 'outer gods' you mentioned... Lord God King and other 'ultimate beings', don't they care about the 'outer gods'?"

Xuying's tone was complicated: "This involves something extremely secretive and even related to the fundamentals of the 'Tianyuan Invasion'. I don't know much about it..."

He looked up.

Although Chen Fan couldn't see his face and expression clearly, he could feel a sense of melancholy and nostalgia.

Chen Fan also knew that he was going to tell some real secrets.

"It is said that the reason why our world attracted the attention and invasion of 'Tian Yuan' was when the Four Great Divine Courts were just established..."

"In the very beginning, it was the god king of 'Ni Shen Ting' who established a special connection with 'Tian Yuan'. He tried in vain to melt the power of Tian Yuan into himself..."

"At that time, he didn't know the horror of 'Abyss of Heaven' at all. In the end, all the inverse gods in the 'Abyss of Heaven' were infected by the darkness in Abyss of Heaven and became deformed. Even he himself was deformed into a monster that lost his sanity. ..."

"The deformed anti-gods have brought a new round of war to this world that has just returned to peace."

"Although the three major god courts and the remaining powerful beings quickly joined forces to destroy the Ni Shen Court and suppress the deformed Ni God King, the 'Tianyuan' also completely set its sights on this world at that time..."

"Since then, 'Abyss of Heaven' has begun to erode our world, but because of the existence of the boundary of the world, it will take a long time for 'Abyss of Heaven' to open the barrier of the world once and invade..."

Chen Fan came to a sudden: "So it's like this..."

Thinking of what Master Bai had told him, he became more and more subtle.

No wonder, as one of the four great courts that once ruled the world, Ni Shenting was besieged by other courts...

It turns out that the "Ni Shen" clan is the root of all evils in the "Great Calamity"...

But more doubts emerged in his heart: "What happened after that?"

Ghost continued:

"After Ni Shenting's destruction, Zi Shang, the son of the god king, accepted part of the legacy of "Ni Shenting", and began to study the remaining "distortion" of "Ni Shenting". He even began to try to melt the power of "Abyss of Heaven"... "

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, "The research on 'Zi Shang' is not carried out in the Sun God Court, but on the ground, in the southeast region, right?"

Chen Fan also thought of the deformed blood demon in his hand from the secret realm of the Dagan Gorefiend, and he smelted the "Power of the Abyss". In addition, the place where Dagan used to be was indeed the territory of the Yuan Shang Dynasty. doesn't mean...

The Gorefiend Secret Realm might have been established by that sub-merchant to study the achievements left by Nishenting, and the deformed Gorefiend was his phased achievement? !

Ghost said:

"The research of 'Zi Shang' has gone through quite a long time. From the court of God to the kingdom of the mortal world he established, he has been persisting in research..."

Chen Fan nodded.

Then the existence of the Gorefiend Secret Realm is probably the place where Zishang conducted research in the later stage.

He took a deep breath: "Did 'Zi Shang' succeed?"

Phantom shook his head:

"I don't know, what I know is that after a long time, the actions of 'Zi Shang' caused a certain catastrophe to break out early, and even caused the 'Evil of Heaven', that is, 'Outer God', to personally punish He started..."

"You must know that the 'Outer God' is an extremely powerful existence in the 'Abyss of Heaven'. Even if it is suppressed in our world, it is not inferior to the existence of the 'Ultimate'. If Master Guhuang didn't sacrifice himself, it would be Zishang who died of Dao It's..."

"It is also because of the advance of the catastrophe that God King didn't notice 'Zi Shang' at the first time. When he really came, Lord 'Ancient Desolation' was already dead..."

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched and his scalp went numb: "Will the catastrophe come early?"

Until now, he still has no real sense of the catastrophe, because according to Chen Tianqian, there will be at least ten thousand years before the new round of catastrophe begins!

And if the gatekeeper of the Sun God Clan in front of him is right, then the catastrophe is not fixed, but may come at any time, and that is the real sword of Damocles hanging over his head!

Xuying nodded and said:

"It stands to reason that it would take a lot of time for the 'Abyss of Heaven' to infiltrate, and it would take a lot of time to open the gap at the boundary of the world, and it would not be able to penetrate too much power at one time... But that time, it was indeed different."

"It is precisely because of that catastrophe that we realized that maybe the 'Abyss of Heaven' is much stronger than it showed us. The reason why the 'Abyss of Heaven' did not take down this world at once is not that they do not have this strength , but has other reasons and limitations..."

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