My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 765 Ask Yu Tian

Chen Fan took a deep breath, his thoughts were tumbling, and he quickly regained his composure.

Even if "Tianyuan" can invade this world in advance, it must pay a considerable price.

If it wasn't for special circumstances, "Tian Yuan" would have to follow a fixed rhythm.

I don't have to worry too much about the early arrival of the catastrophe.

Knowing this also made Chen Fan less afraid of the deformed blood demon.

At least this can show that the deformed blood demon is not a product of "Tianyuan", but a research result of the local side...

He licked his lips and realized a key problem.

He looked at the phantom with burning eyes: "That is to say, the Yuan Shang Emperor 'Zi Shang', his research has achieved certain results...or at least he is on the road to success?"

Since he will receive special treatment from "Tianyuan", and even the catastrophe will come ahead of time, does it mean that what "Zi Shang" has done has been feared by "Tianyuan", and he is on the right path!

In Chen Fan's previous life, there was a saying "Learning skills from barbarians to control barbarians".

Zishang's research on Nishen and Tianyuan may have made a breakthrough, which made "Tianyuan" feel afraid.

Xu Ying pondered slightly, and then said: "My lord God King also thinks so, so he..."

He spoke halfway, but did not continue, and then looked up to the position above his head, not knowing what he was looking at.

"What special thing did the Sun God King do for Zi Shang?"

Xu Ying did not answer Chen Fan's question.

Chen Fan could also realize that Xu Ying still had many things that were inconvenient to say directly.

Or in its capacity, things that are beyond comprehension.

Xu Ying turned to look at Master Bai:

"It's the 'Ancient Desolation Sect' that still has survivors, which surprises me. The erosion of existences such as 'Outer Gods' can't be resisted by the existence of 'Ancient Desolation'. It stands to reason that there should be no such existences in the Ancient Desolation Sect. The living beings can still survive..."

On the other hand, Master Bai's face flashed blankly, and he shook his head: "I don't know why..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

But I didn't think it was anything special.

Master Bai is a tool spirit after all, unlike real creatures, isn't Xiaodie also "living" well.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan looked at the phantom again and asked:

"After talking for so long, I still don't know what I should call senior? Also, what did senior say about the 'Gate to Heaven' no longer functioning?"

After going around in a big circle and listening to a lot of secrets, Chen Fan is also the key to not forgetting that he came here!

Ghost said:

"Our Sun God Clan's naming method is different from yours. According to the way you can can call me 'Ji'."

"The Court of the Sun God resides in the nine heavens, at the top of the world, which is not a field that human beings can go to. The establishment of the 'Gate to Heaven' is based on the role of the 'bridge' connecting the heaven, earth, man and god with the help of Jianmu. 'Access to the sky'."

"It's just that with the destruction of the Giant God's Court and the collapse of the building blocks, the 'Gate to Heaven' will no longer be able to exert its previous effect!"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched. He also knew that the Giant God's Court is a God's Court built on wood...

With the destruction of the Giant God Court, Jianmu has also collapsed.

I didn't expect Jianmu to be able to communicate with the Sun God Court...

Chen Fan's thoughts were tumbling, and the word "big catastrophe" could not help popping up in his mind again.

He asked directly: "Is the destruction of the Giant God's Court also because of 'Tianyuan'?"

"Ji" paused:

"Yes and no... I think you should know that there should have been four great courts of gods in the world. Apart from the courts of Ni Shen, the court of the sun, and the court of giants, there is a fourth 'court of gods' that has lost its name. The destruction of the 'court of giants' , it is related to that divine court!"

"It's just that I don't know exactly what happened in it..."

"Shenting that lost its name?" Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Lord Bai also once said that he couldn't remember the name of the fourth Shenting. He thought it was because Master Bai's memory was incomplete, so he didn't know the name. Now it seems that the name of that Shenting was deliberately "spelled" by some force. Erase".

The more he knew, the more doubts Chen Fan felt.

He shook his head, suppressing the reverie in his heart, and with a sudden movement in his heart, he turned his hand and took out his own Jianmu branch:

"I don't know if I can have a chance to go to the 'God Court' with this thing?"

Now that "Ji" said, it was because of the collapse of Jianmu that the Gate to Heaven lost its effect. That is to say, Jianmu is the key to the function of Gate to Heaven.

The branch in my hand, no matter what, still has some original strength of Jianmu left?

"Ji" was taken aback when she saw the Jianmu branch in Chen Fan's hand, and then shook her head regretfully:

"Impossible, let's not say that this Jianmu branch has lost its vitality and cannot play the role of a 'bridge' connecting heaven, earth, man and god. Even if it is still alive, a single branch alone is not enough to locate the location of the 'Sun God Court'. One more coordinate is needed..."

"Coordinates?" Chen Fan frowned.

"Ji" nodded: "If I'm still 'alive', I can locate the location of Shenting, because I come from Shenting and can be used as a living coordinate. But now..."

"Ji" didn't continue talking, but Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Can things from the Sun God Court be used as coordinates?"

"Ji" nodded.

Chen Fan's heart moved again, and he flipped his hands, but took out another golden wine glass:

"This object seems to be an item from the Sun God Court? I wonder if it can be used as the coordinates of the 'Sun God Court'?"

"Ji" also seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then said: "This thing is indeed from the Kingdom of God. If the Jianmu branch in your hand comes back to life, maybe... there is a chance to reconnect with the Sun God Court..."

Chen Fan took a deep breath and looked at the Jianmu branch in his hand, "Then the only problem left can the Jianmu branch recover..."

Chen Fan looked at "Ji" and then at Master Bai.

Both are silent.

Obviously neither of these guys knew how to revive the Jianmu branch.

Chen Fan pondered for a moment, but he took Master Bai away from the "Gate to Heaven".

Then the scroll of painting was activated again, forming an enchantment.

"What do you mean, Chen Fan, are you still unwilling to give up?"

Maybe it was because he knew the fall of the ancient suzerain, and his cat face was never serious before, shaking his head and saying:

"Jianmu is the 'sacred tree' related to the root of the world, and its destruction is likely to be related to the invasion of 'Tianyuan'. It is estimated that no one in the world knows how this thing will recover..."

Chen Fan nodded:

"Indeed, if this thing is so easy to revive, Sword Emperor Xu and Sword Emperor Canghai wouldn't let me keep this thing..."

Jianmu itself is naturally the supreme treasure, but most of the effects of a dead branch are useless!

However, Chen Fan's eyes flashed brightly:

"However, Lord Bai, you said that no one in the world knows how to revive this thing, so... what about in the sky?"

Master Bai was taken aback, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Fan also said: "Since ancient times, it is difficult to ask God's will. But I may have a way to ask God, what is the answer?"

Lord Bai's expression froze, and he quickly realized: "You mean... the way of heaven's secrets, the mirror that hides the sun?"

Chen Fan nodded.

The Tao of Heaven's Mystery is a special way of "asking the sky".

Although Chen Fan doesn't understand "The Way of Heaven's Mystery", he has a powerful "sun occulting mirror"!

White adult cat face complex:

"The occultation mirror may have a slight possibility to deduce the answer, but the sacrifices required may be extremely exaggerated... and even if you know the method, it is probably extremely difficult to complete."

Chen Fan shook his head, looked at the covered enchanted dome, then turned his head to look at Master Bai, with firm eyes:

"I don't want to miss the opportunity to see the demeanor of the Sun God's Court, regardless of whether I'm a god's favored person or not!"

He himself is a swordsman of Yuan Shang, and he has an entangled relationship with the Sun God Court. He has a wonderful premonition that if he can go there, he will definitely get more than ordinary "people who ascend to heaven"!

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