My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 767: Sun God Court

Chen Fan shook his head and picked up the Jianmu branch in his hand: "Senior 'Ji', please take a look, can the Jianmu branch still function at this time?"

"Ji" said directly: "I have already felt the power of 'connection', this Jianmu branch has indeed come to life, but the power on it is very limited..."

Chen Fan was taken aback, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Ji" continued: "Of course, for the power to guide the 'Gate to Heaven', it should be enough to establish the coordinates of the divine court."

This guy really loves to pant.

Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ji" looked at Chen Fan and said again: "However, I want to remind you that with the power of this Jianmu branch, it should not be able to provide you with the next chance to activate the Heavenly Gate..."

In other words, if you fail, you will not have a second chance.

Chen Fan shook his head: "It's okay!"

This Gate to Heaven can only be used again after 10,000 years after each use. Even if I still have extra building wood, 10,000 years is too long...

For him, it doesn't make much difference whether it is one chance or two chances.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, held the Jianmu branch in one hand, took out the gold cup in the other, and looked at "Ji": "Let's start."

"Ji" said: "Just walk into the Gate of Ascension to Heaven, and I will help you stimulate Jianmu's power and establish the coordinates of the Sun God Court."

Chen Fan nodded, and walked into the door without hesitation.

After confirming his identity as the Son of Destiny, Chen Fan did not have any doubts about the "good luck" result deduced before the Sun Mirror.

As Chen Fan entered the gate, "Ji" also merged into the gate.

Then just blink.


A crimson beam of light suddenly rose from the "Gate to Heaven".

The red light pierced through the heavy wind and sand, soaring straight into the sky.

At the same time, almost all the creatures in the outside world in Nanyun Desert saw the appearance of the beam of light.

Even the special environment of Nanyun Mo can't block the projection of the beam of light!

It's just that the beam of light only lasted for a moment before disappearing.


Following Chen Fan's disappearance into the Gate of Ascension to Heaven.

Far away in Jianzong.

Chen Qingru came to Chen Tianqian in a panic.

"Father, it's bad!"

Chen Tianqian frowned: "Why are you so flustered?"

The corner of Chen Qingru's mouth twitched: "The Fate Soul Lamp... Junior Brother Chen Fan's Fate Soul Lamp is off!"

Chen Tianqian's face changed suddenly, and he stood up abruptly: "How could this be... Wasn't he fine two days ago?"

You know, even if you enter some secret space, you will not be able to isolate the breath of the soul lamp.

Chen Qingru was helpless: "The Mei meeting is coming soon, and I have persuaded my junior brother not to leave for a while... It's just that he obviously has something to do, and I can't stop him from letting him go..."

Chen Tianqian frowned: "Although Chen Fan's cultivation base is still insufficient, he has a lot of cards in his cards, so it shouldn't be so easy to cause trouble... After the soul lamp goes out, will there be a corresponding prohibition screen sent back?"

The pictures of Jianzong disciples before they die will be directly recorded and sent back to Jianzong.

Chen Qingru said: "Not really."

Chen Tianqian nodded: "In this way, Chen Fan may not have had an accident..."

The soul lamp is off, and there is a high probability that it has already died.

But it is not certain.

There are always some special places that can isolate the induction of the soul lamp.

With Chen Fan's means, Chen Tianqian still has a certain amount of confidence in Chen Fan.

He looked at Chen Qingru:

"You temporarily block the news, don't expose it!"

However, Chen Qingru said helplessly: "Junior Brother Chen's extinguishment of the Soul Lamp was first discovered by a disciple guarding the Lamp. With his current name in the Sword Sect, this news has already spread widely... ..."

Chen Tianqian was also speechless.

Jianzong wanted to keep track of whether his disciples were alive or not. Naturally, someone had to watch over the Soul Lamp at all times, and check regularly to see if any of the Soul Lamps went out.

Ordinary disciples are fine, but for true disciples, every death is a great loss to Jianzong...

Not to mention Chen Fan and other influential figures.

If Chen Fan is really dead, and the restriction doesn't work, and the murderer is unknown, it will not only damage the disciples in Chen Fandong's residence, but even affect the prestige of the entire Sword Sect!

Chen Tianqian frowned and looked towards him: "Send me the news and treat this matter as a rumor!"

Chen Qingru nodded immediately, but couldn't help but said: "There are still more than two years until the Meihui. Our Sword Sect has twenty direct promotion places. If Junior Brother Chen doesn't come back..."

With the grand scale of this Meihui, it is naturally impossible for Jianzong to only have twenty disciples participating.

These 20 places refer to the special places that can directly skip the pre-selection stage of the main competition.

There will be corresponding quotas for major sects like Jianzong.

In fact, there are few fighters under the age of 50 in the true biography of Jianzong, but there are countless inside and outside sects, and there are many powerful masters. They can also hit a good ranking when they participate in the Meihui.

These people can only participate in the preliminaries honestly and fight out by relying on their strength.

In fact, as a disciple of Jianzong, he is already lucky enough to be able to directly participate in the Meihui.

Some small power martial artists in remote places need certain qualifications and screenings if they want to participate in the main competition of the Meihui...

And with Chen Fan's strength, he must be regarded as the number one seed by Jianzong, and of course he will be listed among the twenty directly recommended places.

Only now, Chen Fan is missing, maybe even dead...

A look of helplessness flashed across Chen Tianqian's face: "Wait until the deadline to bring up the list."

"If Chen Fan can't come back then, there's nothing he can do..."



So hot!

Chen Fan's consciousness was awakened by the extreme heat.

At this time, he was lying on the ground made of fiery red metal.

He subconsciously wanted to stand up, but he felt a heavy pressure like Mount Tai appearing all over his body.

He couldn't even stand up for a while!

"Why is the gravity here so exaggerated?"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched. He had been to many places, but there was never a place that would make him unable to stand up normally even with his current strength.

The temperature on the ground was also extremely exaggerated, causing Chen Fan's body to start to burn black, and he had to quickly mobilize the power of the White Emperor Armor to resist the burning.

And he found that although he was able to activate the White Emperor Armor, he was unable to summon Lord Bai. It seemed that Lord Bai's spirit body was suppressed by some special force and could not manifest here.

"What an outrageous place..."

He also had no choice but to lie on the ground silently, trying hard to adapt to the terrifying gravity here.

And here, as exaggerated as gravity, there is also the vitality of heaven and earth.

Not only the quantity but also the quality, the vitality of heaven and earth is simply unbelievably pure.

It's just that a grandmaster on the ground can manipulate the vitality of heaven and earth at will. Here, Chen Fan, who is tenth level, can't control the vitality of heaven and earth well.

However, Chen Fan can continue to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth here, and his "Origin Technique" progress has also begun to soar, which is no worse than when he was in the Jianzong Enlightenment Pool.

And he also activated the berserk, forcibly turned his body over, and then began to look at the surrounding environment.

The place I was in was a rather vast hall.

It is very similar to several halls in Yuanshang Secret Realm.

The empty hall, the huge pillars tens of feet high...

Everything in the hall is huge.

The size of these ancient races seems to be extremely large, and the places where they are located are naturally not small.

As far as the eye can see, there is no living being or spirit will.

"Didn't it mean that the creatures who pass through the gate of heaven and go through the test of the Sun God Court will have the opportunity to receive the blessing of the Sun God Court and become the favored of the gods? Where is the test? Why is there no 'person' to guide me?"

Chen Fan had a lot of doubts in his heart.

And his gaze was also looking at the location of a huge metal door deep in the hall.

The only exit in the hall is there!

His eyes flickered, he hesitated for a while, but he gave up the idea of ​​motivating the berserk and forcibly opening the door to leave.

"First find a way to ensure that I have the ability to move, and then talk about other things... Otherwise, let alone accept the test, I will not be able to move. If I push open the door and start the test directly, I will not last long. For me It's not a good thing."

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