My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 768 Pressure Is Power

As the progress of "Blood Fusion" progressed, Chen Fan was able to maintain a violent state much more than before.

But there is always a limit.

It was not difficult to maintain the "furious state" until he pushed the door open, but after the door was pushed open, Chen Fan didn't have much coping ability.

The staying power is still not enough.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and let go of the restraint of Baihuangjia.

Instead, he planned to rely on his own body to forcibly resist the terrifying burning force and gravity in the room, and slowly adapt.

Under the terrifying gravity and high temperature, Chen Fan's head was constantly sweating.

For a master who has reached the tenth level, this is almost unimaginable to the outside world...

But fortunately, although this scorching power is terrifying, it will not make Chen Fan completely unable to resist, as he did when he faced the mysterious bird, and his body would be seriously injured in an instant. The power of roasting penetrated, although his body could not completely resist this power, but he would not be fatally injured in a short time.


The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, he hesitated for a moment, but he turned his hand and took out a gourd, opened the stopper of the gourd, and poured a large amount of water of life inside into his mouth with great effort.

He originally wanted to use source beads to heal directly, but this kind of long-lasting rather than instantaneous injury actually doesn't need source beads.

It is better to save Yuanzhu for later to deal with emergencies.

His body was already extremely strong, but with the help of the water of life, it was enough to maintain a special balance between damage and recovery...

And as this process was repeated, he also found that his body was becoming stronger and stronger, the speed at which his "Blood Fusion Technique" absorbed blood crystals, and the progress of his "Star Body Training Art" and "Indestructible Vajra Body" It started a rapid improvement!

"Yes, pressure is also a driving force. The gravity and roasting here are too heavy for me. Naturally, it can speed up my practice of some body-building exercises..."

Because of the progress of "Blood against God" and "Blood Fusion Technique", his body itself is extremely powerful, so it leads to body training techniques such as "Star Exercise", and "Indestructible Vajra Body" etc. In his hands, powerful supernatural powers did not work very well.

"The reason why I can't move freely is nothing more than limited cultivation and my body is not strong enough. This is a great opportunity to exercise my 'body'!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

The pain originally caused by the burning and terrifying gravity is not worth mentioning in front of the continuous climbing of my own body.

And with enough water of life and source beads, he doesn't have to worry at all, the injuries he suffered won't recover.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

After a month of tempering, his body is much stronger than before, and he has gradually adapted to the gravity and environment here. Although he still can't move freely, he can change his body posture and stand up with strong support, and walk a little But it is something that can be done at present.

In the past month, he also tested a lot of his own supernatural powers and spells.

"Hidden Void" can't be used at all, "Wings of Escape Void" is a bit better, it can be activated, but the distance is also extremely short, and various other supernatural powers have different levels of suppression.

And under the terrifying pressure of this month, "Blood Fusion" is fine, no matter how fast he absorbs the blood crystals under pressure, it is still limited by his progress in "Blood Fusion", so The progress is not too exaggerated.

However, "Star Exercise" and "Indestructible Vajra Body" are pure body exercises, and they have made rapid progress under constant pressure.

In the empty hall, his eyes were burning, and he breathed out suddenly, his whole body shone with golden light.

"The three layers of the Immortal Vajra Body have been completed!"

One must know that a month ago, he hadn't even broken through to the third level!

If Situ Xiu saw this kind of advancement speed, he might not easily give this supernatural power to Chen Fan.

Not to mention the bonus of mobilizing supernatural powers, the increase in passive physical strength alone is actually not too exaggerated compared to Chen Fan's original strong physique...

But this speed of progress is the most astonishing.

Not only the "Immortal King Kong Body", but also his "Star Exercise" has broken through the seventh level, but the real effect of "Star Exercise" is relatively balanced, and it can't compare with the physical improvement. "The Immortal Vajra Body".

"The "Stars Forging Body Art" is just to practice slowly, and there is nothing I can do about it, but after the triple perfection of "The Immortal Vajra Body", I can use that!"

As soon as he flipped his hands, a crimson rhombic spar appeared in his palm.

It is the marrow of origin blood.

Because the progress of "Indestructible Vajra Body" was too low before, he didn't even need the large amount of source blood marrow in his hand.

The marrow of source blood can only help the cultivation of the fourth level and above of the "Immortal Vajra Body".

But now that Chen Fan has reached the third level of perfection, he can hit the fourth level with the help of the source blood marrow.

He also took a deep breath and directly swallowed the source blood marrow.

A terrifying force surging like an explosion flowed down his esophagus into every part of his body!

Under normal circumstances, for ordinary creatures, the source blood marrow is not only a treasure, but a poison. If someone else, even a tenth-level expert, dares to swallow this kind of thing directly, the body will be directly exploded .

However, in the hands of those who have practiced the "Immortal Vajra Body", the power of this source blood marrow can be fully utilized.

Chen Fan activated the power of the "Immortal Vajra Body", and his whole body turned into gold, absorbing the power of the source blood marrow, but his completely golden body gradually began to turn red.

Several hours passed, Chen Fan absorbed the power of the whole source blood marrow, and then activated the Immortal Vajra Body, but his body showed a faint pink gold color...

And he also completely broke through the fourth level of "Indestructible Vajra Body", his physique increased instantly!

"At the beginning, Situ Xue didn't reach the fourth level of Daoguo cultivation. This power is really extraordinary..."

Chen Fan could feel that as his "Indestructible Vajra Body" broke through to the fourth level, his strength had increased a lot again, and he could also feel very obviously that the pressure of the surrounding environment on him had eased a lot.

If he was only able to maintain his activities before, and was unable to perform some violent or too large movements, he can completely do it now.

It's just that he didn't start to act in a hurry, but began to exercise violently with the help of terrifying pressure.

While adapting to its own skyrocketing power, it is also constantly squeezing its own potential.

After fully adapting to his own strength, he panted heavily, sat on the ground, and took out the second source blood marrow...

For ordinary people who practice the "Immortal Vajra Body", the source blood marrow is hard to come by, and it is often used when breaking through, but Chen Fan still has nearly 200 of them in his hand!

It is such a good opportunity to speed up your Immortal Vajra Body here, but it cannot be wasted.

And only when one's body becomes strong enough can one be able to exert more strength here and have a better chance of coping with possible challenges.

No matter how good the source blood marrow is, it is just a decoration if it is not used!

So he began to activate the "Immortal Vajra Body", and began to absorb more source blood marrow.

It has to be said that the "Original Blood Marrow" is extremely helpful to the cultivation of "The Immortal Vajra Body".

Normally speaking, this kind of special supernatural power is extremely difficult to practice. The third level is a hurdle, and it will only be slower after that.

But when Chen Fan unscrupulously used the marrow of source blood, his "Immortal Vajra Body" had a higher number of layers, but his cultivation speed was even faster than before!

He broke through the fifth level within a month.

At the beginning, he just absorbed one by one, but after that, he started to swallow two or three together.

And as he not only absorbed the marrow of the source blood, his cultivation progress of the Immortal Vajra Body was getting higher and higher, and after entering the state of the Immortal Vajra Body, his body was getting closer and closer to red...

happy new year~~~

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