Chen Fan shook his head, also putting all his miscellaneous thoughts behind him.

He dared to enter the hall directly, but he was confident enough in his own strength.

No matter what the opponent's strength is, it's impossible to instantly kill him who owns the White Emperor Armor and Yuanzhu, right?

As long as he is not directly killed, then he has the confidence to escape from the hall.

And at the same time.

In the middle of the hall, "Yang" had already grasped the golden sword in his hand.


His figure also instantly turned into a phantom, rushing towards Chen Fan.

"Well done!"

Chen Fan's eyes were burning, and he took the initiative to greet him.

Baihuangjia emerged.

At the same time, he also inspired the double berserk, plus the six-fold Indestructible Vajra Body!

His whole body is dark red, and his terrifying aura makes people look sideways...

As soon as he came up, he used all his strength.

The cold front sword in his hand slashed out!

"Fire Holy Sword!"

In the special environment of the Sun God Court, the power of the Fire Holy Sword can be increased.

It's just that under Chen Fan's terrifying pressure, Chen Fan's sword couldn't communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth, but it couldn't produce any big vision. It was nothing more than a layer of flame rising around the sword.

The golden sword in "Yang"'s hand was also raised.


What made Chen Fan's eyes shrink was that the sword technique used by "Yang" was the same as his own, the same as the Holy Sword of Fire.

And it's also the fifth-fold Holy Sword of Fire!

Thinking of what "Yang" just said, the strength he can display is determined by Chen Fan!

Chen Fan instantly realized...

This is definitely not a coincidence!


The blades of the two swords collided together.

Chen Fan only felt an unbearable surging force coming from his wrist...


His entire palm was blown to pieces under the terrifying power of this sword!

That's right, even with the blessing of the White Emperor's Armor and the sixth-fold "Indestructible Vajra Body", he couldn't bear the terrifying power of the "Yang" sword at all.

With a clang, Leng Fengjian fell to the ground.

"how come?!"

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, but he didn't care about being stunned, but at the same time he summoned Yuanzhu to heal quickly, he hurriedly turned his head and rushed out of the hall!

What a joke, the opponent can even break through Baihuangjia's defense and crush his own right arm to pieces. The difference in strength is too great!

"Yang" was relentless, and raised his sword again.


The sword's edge pierced through the air, carrying power that made Chen Fan despair, and slashed from behind.

Chen Fan only felt a terrifying high temperature flash across his lower back, and he lost control over himself...

However, his upper body, with a pair of wings rising behind him, moved forward for a short distance in an instant, just out of the hall.

The power of "Wings of Escape" will be severely weakened. It can move fifty feet outside, but it is only one or two meters here, but at this critical moment, it also saved Chen Fan's life!

Seeing that Chen Fan's upper body had left the hall, "Yang" also stopped his continuous attacks.


Even with Chen Fan's state of mind, in this situation, he couldn't help but swear.

At this moment, there was nothing below his waist and abdomen.

A lot of blood was spilled on the ground.

The source beads in front of him were shining brightly, a large amount of source energy poured into his body, and his lower body quickly grew back!

It's just that the god-defying blood in his lost blood cannot be restored by the source technique...

He immediately took out a piece of blood crystal and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Then the corner of his mouth twitched and looked at "Yang" in the hall:

"Senior 'Yang', are you kidding me? Senior's strength, if the assessment is of this standard, among the people who ascend to the sky, can anyone break through?!"

By urging the second level of berserk and the sixth level of indestructible vajra body, even if you don't use the White Emperor Armor, this defense is difficult to break through with ordinary longevity. Hurt like this.

Its strength has completely surpassed Chen Fan's upper limit.

It is definitely the strength category of the fifth level of longevity and above!

It's not a question of whether you can fight or not, but a question of not being able to fight at all.

"Yang" shook his head, and "looked" at Chen Fan lightly:

"You are the 'seed' sown by the Sun God Court, and you have mastered the inheritance of the Sun God Court, so you are naturally different from ordinary people who have ascended to heaven."


Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized something. He covered his chest, "The seed that Senior 'Yang' mentioned is the sword seed in my body?"

"Yang" nodded:

"That's right. No matter where your 'sword species' originates from or which lineage it is, it must be descended from the Sun God Court..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded.

The emperor "Zi Shang" of the Yuan Shang Dynasty was the son of the Sun God King!

It is normal for the sword species left behind in the Yuanshang Secret Realm to come from the Sun God Court.

And the Yuanshang secret realm that Chen Fan entered also has its own code name, and it seems to be just one of many similar secret realms...

You won't be the only one who can get the "seed"!

It turns out that all of this is the layout of the Sun God Court.

"No wonder you, senior, also use the "Four Holy Swords"..."

Chen Fan's thoughts diverged, and he also frowned, looking at "Yang":

"Is the 'seed' left by the Sun God's Court also to resist the 'Heavenly Abyss'?"

When "Yang" heard Chen Fan mentioning "Tian Yuan", he paused for a moment, then nodded: "There are indeed reasons for this, but not all of them..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "What about the other part?"

"Yang" shook his head: "There are some things that you should not know now, and it is useless for you to know..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not continue to ask this question. He changed the topic:

"Anyway, with the strength you have shown, senior, it is impossible for me to win the fight, right?"

"Yang" shook his head:

"My strength, as well as swordsmanship, are dynamically changing according to your own moves and means. I will only use the "Four Holy Swords" that do not exceed your own comprehension limit to deal with you. You can't win, not because of me."

Chen Fan frowned deeply, but soon his eyes flashed, and a guess emerged in his heart.

It's just that he didn't try it in a hurry, but closed his eyes and began to absorb the power of the blood crystals to restore the "God-Defying Blood".

Under the terrifying pressure of the Sun God Court, the speed at which he absorbed blood crystals was extremely exaggerated. Even if he only used some low-level blood crystals, he could absorb them quickly...

It didn't take long for him to return to his prime.

But this time, he restrained the power of Baihuangjia, stepped into the hall again, and did not activate any secret or explosive means.

"Yang" flew up again, and rushed over at top speed.

Chen Fan took out an ordinary low-grade spirit sword in his hand this time.

When Chen Fan ferried his true essence into it.


Layers of cracks soon appeared on the low-grade spirit sword. Obviously, the low-grade spirit weapon couldn't even withstand the normal pressure here!

You must know that even if it is only a low-grade spirit weapon, it is very tough.

It's just that they can't bear it under this kind of environment, which shows the horror of the pressure from Shenting.

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched. He originally wanted to take out a treasure, but he couldn't find a weapon as low as a treasure in the Xumi Ring, so he only used a low-grade spiritual weapon...

He shook his head, changed to another middle-grade spirit sword, and put his true essence into it. The middle-grade spirit sword was much tougher, and did not break directly.


Chen Fan stepped forward and entered the hall.

It's just that this time he was always standing on the edge of the hall, making sure that he could leave at any time.

The two swords collided again.


Chen Fan's body flew upside down and flew out of the hall again, but this time he turned over quickly.

Blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth and tiger's mouth, but the injury was not serious!

His eyes flickered:

"I see……"

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