My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 771: The Way to Win

Standing outside the main hall, Chen Fan's eyes were burning hot:

"It turns out that the strength of the senior is not to eradicate my cultivation and comprehensive strength changes, but the strength I display in real time. As long as the 'strength' I show is weaker, the less power you can exert, senior... "

"Yang" nodded and said:

"The more foreign objects you use or ways to improve your means, the more power I can use. With the same increase, the power of my moves is far greater than yours..."

"If you want to defeat me...then it's best not to use any power to enhance yourself, just rely on your cultivation base, physical body, sword skills, and realm!"

Baihuangjia is a nine-star Taoist artifact, even if it has not been fully recovered.

The level is also a bit too high.

It can even weaken 90% of the offensive of the long-lived quadruple masters.

Not to mention the Leng Feng Sword, even though it is only a six-star Taoist artifact, it has a sword embryo, and its power is not inferior to a high-level Taoist artifact.

The strength of these two alone is extremely terrifying to Chen Fan.

And "Yang" obviously also counts these two weapons!

Chen Fan urged Yuanzhu to heal his injuries immediately, and then rushed into the hall again.

Even at this level, Chen Fan was still on the verge of collapse, but not to the point of being instantly killed, and Chen Fan finally saw a chance to win.

This time he persisted for ten breaths before he escaped from the hall in embarrassment.

At this moment, his whole body was dripping with blood.

He licked his lips, his eyes brightened, the swordsmanship used by "Yang" was always the "Four Holy Swords", and the limit of the realm he used was also based on himself!

It has never used the "Four Holy Swords" which is higher than Chen Fan's, but its understanding of "Four Holy Swords" is not comparable to that of Chen Fan. The "Four Holy Swords" of the same weight, the strength of "Yang" can be exerted , far surpassing Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's "Four Sacred Swords" are naturally extremely powerful, but, apart from his comprehension in the Yuanshang Secret Realm's Divine Ability Hall, he has always practiced on his own, and has never seen others use it, so naturally he has nothing to observe.

He licked his lips.

Urging Yuanzhu to heal the body again, and then rushing towards the "Yang" again...

Even when the strength of the two was the closest, Chen Fan's strength was still much worse than "Yang", so Chen Fan flew out again after a while.

However, Chen Fan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He has endless opportunities for trial and error, and failure is nothing to him at all. Rather, it is a kind of chance for him to have a chance to confront the master of "Four Sacred Swords".

He failed again and again and tried again and again.

And soon the power of the source pearl in his hand was consumed a lot...

Chen Fan frowned, turned his hand and took out the gourd containing the water of life, hesitated for a while, but did not use the power of the water of life to help restore the source pearl.

Instead, he drank the water of life directly.

For him, the water of life also has the effect of healing himself, although it is not as good as Yuanzhu, and the recovery speed will be much slower.

Yuan Zhu relied on the water of life to recover his strength and then healed himself, which was far less cost-effective than drinking the water of life directly.

Anyway, it is impossible for me to win "Yang" in a short time, so there is no need to race against time.


In the days that followed, Chen Fan was in a cycle of fighting "Yang", being defeated, healing himself, fighting "Yang" again, and being defeated again.

It has to be said that Chen Fan's progress in "Four Holy Swords" soared rapidly when fighting against a master of this level.

However, as the number of fights with "Yang" increased, the chances for Chen Fan to understand something became less and less.

There is no way, there is a limit to pulling wool!

Unless "Yang" uses a stronger level of "Four Holy Swords".

But "Yang"'s swordsmanship is restricted by the realm of Chen Fan's "Four Sacred Swords"...

This also led to the fact that unless Chen Fan could break through the realm of swordsmanship, he would not be able to gather wool in a short time.

But Chen Fan's "Four Holy Swords" wants to break through, not only to reach the standard of swordsmanship, but also to improve his own four realms...

This is extremely difficult...

And if his swordsmanship improves to a higher level, "Yang" will also display a stronger level of swordsmanship, and it will be more difficult for him to win.

This will lead to a vicious circle...


Time passed.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan's cultivation naturally broke through and reached the late stage of the tenth level, which is the so-called triple dao domain cultivation base!

You know, it has been less than two years since his last breakthrough in cultivation...

And he hardly took any pills during this period...

There is no way, the concentration of aura here is too exaggerated.

The improvement of cultivation base will naturally bring physical and spiritual breakthrough again.

However, his "god" still hasn't broken through the infinite level...

He has a feeling that the balloon is blown to the point of bursting, but still not on the verge of bursting...

Weird, but helpless.

Boundless Realm is really too difficult...

As far as his current situation is concerned, the improvement of his cultivation is not a good thing.

Because, when Chen Fan faces "Yang", the strength that "Yang" can exert depends on his own "strength" at the moment. Chen Fan can use the foreign things, but the physical and mental breakthroughs brought about by his cultivation are helpless. Avoided……

It is equivalent to breaking through the cultivation base of both, but under the same strength, the strength that Yang can display is far more than Chen Fan!

Before the empty hall.

Chen Fan sat cross-legged on the scorching ground.

As half a year passed, he got used to the gravity and pressure here even more, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all!

It is worth mentioning that his "Star Body Training Art" has broken through the eighth level, and although the improvement of "Indestructible Vajra Body" is a little slower, it is almost reaching the sixth level.

At this moment, challenge "Yang" again, although he is still at a comprehensive disadvantage, but compared to three months ago, he could only withstand the attack of "Yang" with ten breaths, now Chen Fan can support a cup of tea. .

But it is still far away from completely defeating "Yang".

After a year of contact and experimentation, Chen Fan also has a sufficient understanding of "Yang" in his heart at this time.

"'Yang' uses the same level of strength as me, the same level of swordsmanship, the reason why he can beat me is because his comprehension of the Tao, the realm is far higher than mine, even though my body is much stronger than the same level. No, it's not his opponent."

"If I want to win, my own sword domain and dao domain are the key. The level of swordsmanship is not so important. Even if I hang up the next level of swordsmanship, it's best not to use it in front of him..."

In fact, in the past year, the reason why he has been able to improve so quickly is because the skill of fighting "Yang" has increased, and his experience has grown sufficiently.

On the other hand, it is because his "Four Holy Swords" have also reached their respective stages of perfection, water, earth, and fire are all five-fold perfection, and wind is four-fold perfection.

His strength has also temporarily reached the limit of personal strength, and there will be no breakthrough in a short time!

Unless there is another breakthrough in the four major domains of earth, fire, water and wind, it will be difficult for him to win "Yang".

"Counting it all together, it has been almost a year since I came to the Sun God Court..."

He frowned: "It's only been a little over a year since the Meihui started, if I can't defeat 'Yang' within this time, I'm afraid... I'm going to miss the Meihui..."

He took a deep breath, but got up immediately and stepped into the hall: "Senior Yang, let's come again!"

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