My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 788: Sword Sect Blockade

As far as Luo Yunfei is concerned, Huang Shangyun is indeed loved by him, but he still loves himself more after all.

Seeing Chen Fan walk in, Luo Yunfei knelt down on one knee: "Brother Chen Fan, I killed Huang Shangyun, so I won't be able to share your worries in the Sword Sect in the future—"

It is normal for true disciples to have some conflicts in private, but if they really kill other disciples, it is against the bottom line of Jianzong.

Chen Fan had a delicate expression:

"If you stay here for a while longer, Jianzong will not be able to find you in a short time."

This Luo Yunfei is a sufficiently ruthless and decisive person.

And not stupid.

He never took the initiative to ask for an oath of heaven or a contract with Chen Fan...

Because he knew that if Chen Fan wanted him to live, he could live, and it didn't make any sense whether to make an oath or a contract.

Of course, Chen Fan did not intend to kill him right away. This guy has been with Zhan Jianming for a long time, and it is still useful to Chen Fan.

After speaking, Chen Fan turned his head and left with a subtle expression.

Seeing Chen Fan leave, Luo Yunfei also heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground.

Although the future is chaotic and dark, there is no light.

But at least survived...


On the other hand, Chen Fan's avatar deliberately stayed in Yanwu Pavilion for a while longer.

Only then returned to the cave, he did not hear the news of Huang Shangyun's death, but soon came the news of the temporary blockade of Jianzong...

Until the next day, Xuan Yingying with a serious face came to the door.

"Junior Brother Chen Fan, have you heard that Huang Shangyun is dead? I inquired about it from the Law Enforcement Office. It is said that he died yesterday afternoon, and the body has not been found yet..."

Xuan Yingying had an unusually weird expression.

"Oh? What a coincidence?"

Chen Fan frowned: "Well, I asked Senior Sister to help me investigate this person, and he died? It's such a coincidence... Senior Sister, you don't doubt me, do you?"

In fact, the extinguishment of Huang Shangyun's "Lamp of Destiny and Soul" is just a trivial matter.

If Chen Fan hadn't asked Xuan Yingying to help investigate Huang Shangyun, Xuan Yingying would have paid special attention to it, so she might not have cared about it.

There are more than 300 people in the true biography of Jianzong, and it is normal for a few to die occasionally. As long as the ranking is not too high, it will naturally not cause much enthusiasm.

"Of course I don't doubt Junior Brother! It's just that Junior Brother asked me to help investigate him, so I naturally want to tell Junior Brother the news as soon as possible!"

Xuan Yingying showed a smile on her face, but actually her heart was very complicated.

She had just helped Chen Fan investigate Huang Shangyun, and Huang Shangyun died immediately, and it just happened to die in the afternoon when she and Chen Fan were discussing each other. There are so many coincidences, she does not doubt that there is a ghost!

But she didn't dare to express her thoughts at all.

The fear of Chen Fan is also deeper in my heart.

Chen Fan also said righteously:

"Sister, don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with me! I won't put myself in danger for an ordinary true biography with exhausted talents..."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice: "You might as well tell senior sister that the head teacher accepted me as an apprentice three years ago. I have such a bright future, so I won't do such a thing!"

Xuan Yingying immediately widened her eyes, and her eyes were shining brightly: "Junior brother, is what you said true?"

Chen Fan said hey: "I just want to let Senior Sister feel at ease, as me, I'm not that stupid..."

"If I want to solve him, there are ten thousand better ways!"

Xuan Yingying pursed her lips, her eyes became hotter and hotter.

With Chen Fan's identity and strength, he wouldn't talk nonsense with her, and she still recognized what Chen Fan said.

Then suddenly, she flipped her hand to pick up the real order, as if she was reading the message on it, and soon her eyes widened:


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "Senior Sister, what's wrong?"

Xuan Yingying's expression was subtle: "A good sister of mine in the Law Enforcement Office just helped me inquire about the internal information about the forbidden video after Huang Shangyun's death."

As she spoke, she walked up to Chen Fan's side, and deliberately lowered her voice: "Junior brother, you must not have guessed who the murderer is?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked puzzled: "Who is it?!"

At this moment, there is a movement in his heart:

"Doing it in the Hall of Stars can't isolate the perception of Jianzong's 'restriction', which means that the special 'death restriction' can directly transmit messages through space!"

This special death restriction cannot be isolated by being in an ordinary different space...

Because he had already guessed, Chen Fan just confirmed his own thoughts.

"It should be some kind of 'rule' power that can surpass space..."

Of course, if it is in a place like the Sun God Court, Chen Fan guesses that it can still be isolated!

Xuan Yingying's expression was extremely complicated, she deliberately lowered her voice: "The the true biography of our Sword Sect, Luo Yunfei who is currently ranked eighth!"


Chen Fan also looked shocked when he heard Xuan Yingying's words:

"It turned out to be him?!"

Chen Fan looked surprised:

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it...Luo Yunfei is a person that Zhan Jianming respects. As a top ten in the true biography, he is also a Taoist fruit. He is crazy and wants to kill Huang Shangyun?"

It has to be said that Chen Fan has experienced so many ups and downs, and his psychological quality is still excellent.

Xuan Yingying smiled wryly and shook her head: "I don't understand either..."

Jianzong is very exaggerated about the protection of the True Inheritance.

Some private enmities and conflicts are fine, as long as the truth is not dead, it doesn't matter.

Even the headmaster of the Outer Sect who killed the true biography of the Sword Sect was killed by the Canghai Sword Emperor himself...

Although Luo Yunfei is a Dao fruit, he can't violate the rules.

How much hatred, if you want to block your future and future, you have to kill it?

Chen Fan quickly raised his eyebrows: "Didn't senior sister say that Huang Shangyun is still in the Sword Sect? Could it be that Luo Yunfei committed the murder in the Sword Sect?! How dare he?"

Xuan Yingying also had an unusually subtle expression:

"It is said that Huang Shangyun died yesterday, and as soon as the 'Death Prohibition' picture came back, the elders of the Law Enforcement Office wanted to confirm Luo Yunfei's location, and quickly blocked Jianzong..."

"But Jianzong couldn't locate Luo Yunfei's location through the 'Death Restriction' and the Inheritance Token... Obviously, he was well prepared!"

She lowered her voice and said:

"Jianzong attaches great importance to this matter, and the head teacher in Yuhua Prefecture also sent back the order personally, and sent Jiange Changsheng series masters to take action...even dispatched an elder who is good at 'the way of heaven', trying to find a way to lock his position."

Chen Fan frowned:

"It's normal, after all, such a big thing happened, and now it's the Meihui period again, and they can't come back for a while... It's just that Luo Yunfei dared to do it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find him by relying on the secrets..."

Luo Yunfei hid in Chen Fan's Hall of Stars, and there was a sun-covering mirror to help cover up the secrets. Chen Fan, as the "son of destiny", God will help as much as possible.

Xuan Yingying also nodded:

"It stands to reason that although Jianzong blocked the sect for the first time yesterday, no one saw him leaving the sect before the blockade. This guy should still be in Jianzong... But I always feel that he may have escaped. out……"

Chen Fan nodded.

In fact, Xuan Yingying's guess was right, Chen Fan had already controlled his deity to leave Jianzong quietly with Luo Yunfei in the Hall of Stars!

Although he is not afraid of Jianzong's investigation, nor does he think that Jianzong has the ability to break through the sky-level deception of himself, the "son of destiny", through the sun-shielding mirror... But what if it happens?

Chen Fan is a cautious person.

In the current situation, even if Jianzong can track down Luo Yunfei, it has nothing to do with "Chen Fan" in Jianzong!

After chatting casually for a while, Xuan Yingying took the initiative to bid farewell.

After leaving the cave, her expression also became extremely subtle.

She was not a fool, the timing of Huang Shangyun's death was so coincidental that she couldn't help but feel terrified.

However, no matter what, it was difficult for her to connect Luo Yunfei and Chen Fan, which made her feel awkward and complicated...

Shaking his head, he put these messy thoughts behind him.

The only thing that is certain is that Chen Fan is a thigh!

And it was far bigger than Rong Yixian.

You must hold tight!

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