My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 789 Traps and Sword Slashing

When Jianzong was in blockade.

Chen Fan's true self, however, left Jianzong without stopping, and came to the north of Jianzong, in a deep mountain.

The name of this mountain is Xiliang Mountain. The mountain range is extremely vast, and there are many monsters and beasts in it, and there is even a great immortal monster sitting in it!

It is also the place where Jianzong disciples often perform tasks.

When Chen Fan joined Jianzong, Yu Jin mentioned this mountain.

The reason why Chen Fan came here was because of the secret cave in Huang Shangyun's memory.

For Huang Shangyun, the extremely dangerous cave is relatively speaking for Chen Fan, so naturally he doesn't need to think too much about it.

And even Huang Shangyun was able to escape, Chen Fan didn't feel that the cave could trap him... He was not afraid of delaying the Mei Hui.

Soon he arrived around the hidden cave.

The cave is hidden by an extremely clever formation.

Even though Chen Fan had already broken through the immeasurable spiritual consciousness, he didn't find anything abnormal!

"It's really not easy!"

Chen Fan's eyes were burning and he stepped forward.

Follow the route in Huang Shangyun's memory and move forward along the mountain road.

The environment on both sides did not know when, a strange change occurred, and soon he entered the depths of the mountains, a cave extending downward...

After passing through the burrow, Chen Fan soon entered a valley or something like that, but the surrounding area of ​​the valley was covered with a lot of fluorescent light, the sky was blood red, not far from the valley, and a huge bronze gate stood in the middle.

Chen Fan stepped forward with burning eyes.

"It's here!" Soon he came to the bronze door.

He stepped forward, but before he reached the bronze door, his expression froze.

Ripples like water flickered in front of him, but the bronze door began to dissipate like a mirage, and a huge figure emitting golden light stood there quietly.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched: "Wenbu..."

That's right, what appeared in front of him was a huge golden giant, it was Wembu, the half-giant spirit!

At this time, the person has recovered his body, but his momentum is much worse than before!

"Stupid and greedy little thief, I knew you would definitely come."

Wen Bu stepped forward, the one eye between his eyebrows was permanently closed, and the two eyes were shining with raging anger, "This time, I will kill you directly!"

In the blink of an eye, all the surrounding scenes have changed.

Chen Fan suddenly appeared on the dark red ruined land...

This is Wenbu's mind world!

"So that's how it is..." Chen Fan's expression was subtle, and he also raised his eyebrows:

"It was you who manipulated Huang Shangyun's memory, and induced him to assassinate my Dongfu disciple, and deliberately lured me here?"

If it were someone else, it would be hard for Chen Fan to believe that a person's memory could be deceiving.

But the opponent is a half-giant spirit of the 4th level of longevity, and may not even be inferior to the outside world's 5th level of longevity masters, Chen Fan really thinks it is possible to do it!

But now that I think about it, all the unreasonable things have answers.

Why did Huang Shangyun come across a hidden cave by such a coincidence, and why would he risk a huge risk to attack Zhang Fan, the steward of Chen Fan's cave, just because of his own malice...

It turns out that everything happens for a reason.

Chen Fan laughed out loud:

"That's right, I'm so stupid... If there is something wrong with it, there is probably something wrong with it!"

"Even if I am the 'Child of Destiny', it is impossible for rabbits to crash and die in front of me..."

He took a deep breath, raised his head, but a sharp and cold light flashed in his eyes:

"Senior Wenbu, in order to thank you for letting me understand this truth, I will...behead you with my own hands!"

If it was Wimbledon in its heyday, Chen Fan would never be able to beat it.

But now, it was only three years since Wembo lost his head and destroyed One Eye!

On the surface, he seems to be intact, but Chen Fan can be sure that if he can have 1% of his strength, even if he recovers well.

With Chen Fan's current strength, plus White Emperor Armor, Leng Fengjian, and the real quadruple longevity, he dared to try the sword, but he didn't have the slightest fear of Wen Bu.

Hearing Chen Fan's rhetoric, Wen Bu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud!

He raised his hand and clenched his fist, a golden light filled it, and looked at Chen Fan coldly:

"One punch, you won't die, my name will be written backwards from then on—"


Dazzling golden light surged, and extremely terrifying power spread out with Wembu's fist, rushing towards Chen Fan.

Feeling the surging pressure, Chen Fan grinned, and pointed the Leng Feng sword straight forward in his hand.

The five avenues of earth, fire, water, wind, and sword are superimposed and intertwined around the body, shining extremely dazzling brilliance.

At the same time, the blood on his body was rising, and a golden light was faintly exuding.

Indestructible Vajra Body, Double Berserk, White Emperor Armor's True Yuan Boost, and even the "Nine Layers of Vitality" used when his strength was still weak were stimulated to the extreme!

It can be said that the current Chen Fan has entered the real perfect state!

Feeling the explosive power overflowing from his body, Chen Fan grinned, facing the golden light of Wen Bu's fist, and slashed out his most powerful move at the moment——

The sixfold Hongmeng Sword!

A hundred years before the "Yang" thought, Chen Fan had only used the quadruple "Hongmeng Sword", and he had already surpassed the power of the sixth-level Fire Sacred Sword by how much!

And you must know that at this time, his realms in all the Dao domains, including the Sword domain, have been greatly improved, not even inferior to the Dao fruit, but he has not yet condensed the Dao fruit.

Even he himself used this trick for the first time.

This sword cuts out.

Everything around has lost its luster.

Wen Bu rushed forward with his fists raised, his body froze suddenly, and the golden light in front of him disappeared in the blink of an eye. His ferocious and angry expression instantly turned into horror, astonishment, and bewilderment...

"What kind of power is this?!"

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

The next moment, Chen Fan shook his head and retracted his sword.

Chi la!

The dark red sky, which was already riddled with holes, was neatly cut into two halves from the middle by the raging Primordial Sword Qi.

At this moment, Wen Bu's huge body was also shattered into pieces. Golden Light Shengteng wanted to condense again, but was completely crushed to pieces by the subsequent surge of Primordial Sword Qi in an instant!

In just an instant, the world returned to tranquility.

The fourth level of longevity, with the blood of the giant spirit, once just recovered, Chen Fan felt that Wenbu was invincible and powerful...

He just died under Chen Fan's sword!


Wenbu died, and the world of his heart and mind was cut to pieces.

Chen Fan's figure returned to the valley.

But among the scattered powder in front of him, there was a golden round pill quietly floating.

Pure and strong energy, as well as streams of mysterious aura emanating from it...

Things that can still maintain their shape and existence under Chen Fan's Hongmeng sword at this time are definitely not ordinary things!

Chen Fan adjusted his eyebrows:

"It is said that there are four levels of immortality, also known as the realm of immortal golden elixir... Could this be Wenbu's golden elixir?"

The third level of longevity began to set foot in the avenue, and the fourth level of longevity, before entering the house, at least had the level of entering the hall.

The mysterious and profound aura contained in the golden core is exactly the rhyme of Dao, but Wen Bu's "Dao" is extremely special, it has nothing to do with the Dao domain that Chen Fan comprehends, and it is too profound and the level is too high...

Not only did Chen Fan not understand, he couldn't even tell what kind of avenue it was!

It would be better to say that there are only a few avenues he knows, and he can't understand what is beyond his cognition...

Shaking his head, Chen Fan stepped forward and took the golden elixir in his palm.

"If Wen Bu hadn't been so arrogant, and had chosen to directly choose Sui Dan, he wouldn't have been beheaded by me..."

Chen Fan shook his head. Wen Bu hadn't shown his true strength and means at all, so he took the lunch box, but he underestimated Chen Fan and lacked awareness of the power of Chen Fan's "Hongmeng Sword".


It was only then that Chen Fan noticed that the golden round pill was not perfect, and there were fine cracks on it.

Although Jin Dan successfully withstood the Primordial Sword, it was not intact...

"Immortal Golden Pill..."

Chen Fan shook his head, a smile flashed across his face:

"There is no immortality in the world."

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