My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 790 Horror Number

For killing Wen Bu with a single sword, Chen Fan was both surprised and reasonable.

Even though Wembu lost his body and his one-eyed eye with unpredictable power, after his body was reborn, he was indeed far less powerful than before...

After all, the angry man has the blood of the giant spirit and is under the Silver Demon God. Even if he only has Bai Yi's strength left, he definitely still has enough cards and other means.

If it were another person, even a master of the fourth level of longevity, he might be able to defeat, but it would be impossible to kill Wen Bu in this state!

Rather than saying that he was defeated by his arrogance, more precisely, he was defeated by his inherent cognition of Chen Fan's past.

It never occurred to him that Chen Fan's strength had improved so much after three years of absence

"Before entering the Sun God Court, my "Hongmeng Sword" could only use the third stage at most, but now it has directly reached the sixth stage. The limit of the moves I can display has been increased by more than a hundred times..."

Shaking his head, Chen Fan put away Wen Bu's only surviving relic, the golden pill.

Then the spiritual consciousness spread out, exploring everything around the valley.

After confirming that there was no lag in the so-called hidden cave, he shook his head.

With a thought, the power of heaven and earth swirled, gathering together the countless powders left between heaven and earth after Wenbu's death...

Soon a small mountain of meat was formed.

His body disappeared in the blink of an eye and entered the Hall of Stars.

He entered one of the halls.

A little fox turned into a streamer and flew towards Chen Fan in the blink of an eye, "Master, master!"

Chen Fan nodded.

This little fox is exactly Hu Jiuguang.

At this time, two years have passed, and his person has returned to his peak state by devouring the flesh and blood of the giant spirit.

However, Chen Fan easily refused to let him leave the Hall of Stars.

Because of killing Su Pingcheng.

Hu Jiuguang stayed in the outside world, he might be chased by Jianzong, or the ruthless devil emperor of Yuanmozong sent people to chase him down.

In fact, Chen Fan originally wanted Hu Jiuguang to stay in Ziyue Secret Realm to protect Yun Xin and Xiao Xi.

But because of the above concerns, he was finally left in the Hall of Stars...

But behind the little fox, there was a strange guy with compound eyes and a hand like a sickle.

It was the predator he brought back from the Emerald Palace, and Chen Fan did not use the only remaining God's Deed on it, but kept it for Hu Jiuguang to train slowly...

Chen Fan waved his hand, and a mountain of minced meat was piled on the ground.

"This is..." Hu Jiuguang immediately widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Shan.

He can feel the pure and domineering energy from it...

The Predator's compound eyes also had a strange and cold light shining.

Chen Fan smiled: "You guys have something to eat."


the other side.

The blockade of Jianzong lasted for two days, and it was not over yet.

Inside Chen Fan's cave, the reception room.

Chen Fan's avatar and Xuan Yingying sat face to face at a tea table.

After Chen Fan split his spirit and left the sea of ​​consciousness, he became an independent individual.

The main spirit and the sub-spirit can sense each other, but they can only sense the position of each other, but they cannot transmit information through the air.

Only when the deity returns and his ghost re-enters the sea of ​​consciousness can memories be shared.

He doesn't know what the deity has experienced.

"Trouble, Jianzong just died as an ordinary true biography, and it has been blocked for so long..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Xuan Yingying shook her head and said:

"If it wasn't for the fact that the matter involved Taoism, and the incident was suspected to have happened in Jianzong, it wouldn't be the case. However, I heard that the Law Enforcement Office searched almost the entire Jianzong, and also searched everyone related to Luo Yunfei and Huang Shangyun. After searching all over again, there is no gain at all... Then Luo Yunfei has probably left Jianzong long ago, and it shouldn't be long before the blockade..."

Jianzong didn't have a few masters who were good at the way of heavenly secrets. If he wanted to deduce a "son of fate" like Chen Fan who covered up the secrets of heaven, it would be a dream, and of course there would be no gain.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "Can it be resolved within two or three days?"

Xuan Yingying was taken aback for a moment, "Is there something important, Junior Brother?"

Chen Fan nodded: "I'm going to Yuhua Prefecture."

"Junior brother, you are going to Yuhua it also to observe the Meihui?"

Xuan Yingying's eyes lit up when she heard the words, but she looked very interested:

"I heard that the scale of the Meihui this time is extremely grand. The ten sects and ten demon sects gathered together, and a lot of hidden geniuses emerged. I am also very interested... But you don't have to worry, Junior Brother, Mei." The club has not even finished the preliminary selection, and it is said that the preliminary selection is held in a special place, and the audience cannot go to observe it."

"To this day, only the warriors from various factions who participated in the preliminary selection and the high-ranking members of the major sects who participated in the opening ceremony have arrived at the Meihui. It is said that even many contestants have not left yet, especially the direct push players from other large domains. I am afraid that they will have to wait until the preliminaries It’s over and you’ll arrive.”

"We can't see anything even if we go now. We can only wander around Longyon Island. After about three months, the third round of preliminaries will be over, and the audience in the second round will be able to see the contestants perform!"

"Senior Sister knows so much!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes lit up: "Could it be that you have studied this May Fair?"

Xuan Yingying smiled: "It's not a deep study, but such a grand event is rarely seen in thousands of years. I will naturally pay more attention to this matter."

This Xuan Yingying's own strength cannot enter the Billboard, but her intelligence gathering ability is quite good.

Chen Qingru also said that this Meihui is very different from the previous ones, but the specifics are that he intends to wait for Chen Fan to arrive before detailing it. Chen Fan only has a "very grand" concept of Meihui at this time. The details are not known much.

"Senior sister, can you tell me in detail?" Chen Fan asked hastily

Xuan Yingying's eyes bent into crescents: "Of course."

She looked at Chen Fan with a smile, but asked with a smile:

"Junior Brother, you might as well guess how many people participated in the Meihui this time?"

Chen Fan looked at Xuan Yingying, but guessed as high as possible: "Over a million?"

In fact, two years ago, Chen Fan had checked the information of the past Meihui.


The Plum Fair is held every ten years, and generally covers the Kyushu in the central region, and it can also be called a grand event. At least tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands of talented warriors will participate each time.

Those who can win the championship are often peerless geniuses who have reached the third level of the Dao Domain or even the Dao Fruit.

But this time Mei is completely different, the scope has been enlarged to the entire continent, not to mention, even because of the great changes in the world, Yuhuamen intends to use Meihui to select the longevity seeds and plan to cultivate them intensively. Some hermit sects and some young masters of foreign races will arrival!

Chen Fan naturally wanted to guess higher!

Xuan Yingying had a delicate expression, and said, "What you said, Junior Brother, is six or seven times worse!"

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment. What Xuan Yingying said was unlikely to be several times lower than a hundred thousand. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help saying: "That is to say... there are six or seven million warriors participating?"

Xuan Yingying also nodded her head heavily, with a sigh of relief on her face:

"I didn't expect it at the beginning... until the Meihui really started, some disciples of our Jianzong went to Longyuan Island in advance and sent back the news. Only then did I really know the number of people participating in the Meihui, plus the various forces in the mainland. There are more than 10,000 candidates who are nominated for the second round, and those who participated in the third round of preliminary selection, a total of more than 6.3 million participating warriors!"

"6.3 million?" Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

In a dynasty like Dagan, a single city is not counted as a county or town, and a city with a population of more than five million can be regarded as a big city in a county.

Not to mention that this is just the number of participants, but the number of actual spectators and companions is at least doubled!

In the entire Jianzong, not counting handyman disciples and servants, the combined number of inner and outer sects is not that many!

You must know that in the past, the Meihui was limited to the Kyushu in the Central Region, and the number of people was often only over ten thousand, which could double or triple.

Now it is hundreds of times more!

No wonder a preliminary selection is divided into three rounds, which can't be completed in half a year!

Too many people!

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