My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 792: Yongyeon Island

Xuan Yingying's expression was complicated.

Thinking of what Chen Fan said, Chen Tianqian had taken him back as an apprentice, and she finally understood the reason in her heart.

It is no surprise that such a talented person is valued by the head teacher!

She looked at Chen Fan up and down, and couldn't help but said: "This time, Junior Brother, you will definitely become famous in one fell swoop, and the whole continent will know how powerful you are!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.

Xuan Yingying also said again: "The third round of preliminaries should start soon, junior brother, when do you plan to go there?"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Just these two days!"

Xuan Yingying frowned and said with a smile: "If you are going, junior brother, you might as well let me know. I originally planned to wait until the preliminaries are almost over before going, but since you are going to participate in this Meihui, junior brother, I can go with you." Shall we go together?!"

Chen Fan smiled a little:

"I'm fine, but if you go with me, Senior Sister, I'm afraid Senior Brother Rong will be unhappy if he finds out..."

Xuan Yingying was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and gave Chen Fan a blank look: "What do you think is the relationship between me and Senior Brother Rong?"

Chen Fan frowned.

When Rong Yixian sold things back then, Xuan Yingying was able to accompany him, so the relationship between the two should be fairly close.

However, from Rong Yixian's attitude towards this woman, he could also see that Rong Yixian did not trust her enough...

Xuan Yingying said:

"Brother Rong is actually my master's best friend, he is willing to mention me only because my master..."

As she said that, her face flushed slightly, "I have never had any partner of the opposite sex since I practiced..."

Chen Fan coughed: "In that case, let's go together."

Xuan Yingying also smiled.

After knowing Chen Fan's true talent, she became even more determined to hug Chen Fan's thigh tightly.

It's just that when Xuan Yingying really set off, she looked at the large group of people following behind Chen Fan, but the expression on her face was a little subtle.

Chen Fan didn't set off alone, he also left with his brother Zhang Fan and other people in his cave who wanted to meet Mei Hui.

Xiaodie's body swelled, carrying a group of more than ten people, and headed towards Yuhua Prefecture at high speed.

Of course, halfway through, when Zhang Fan and others didn't notice, he also completed the rendezvous with the deity.

Under the "hidden void" of the deity, no one can find it, and it also directly drilled into the Hall of Stars.

Although Chen Fan did not reach the limit speed of Xiaochou, he still rushed to Longyuan Island in Yuhua Prefecture within a day.

This is an island in a lake with a huge area.

On the island is a very prosperous city, Longyuan City.

The entire Longyuan Island is completely covered by formations. Even if Chen Fan is tenth level, if he enters it, he is forbidden to fly, and his consciousness and weapons will be greatly restricted.

Of course, compared to the Sun God Court, these suppressions are nothing but trivial matters.

Chen Fan felt no pressure at all.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan and the others had low cultivation bases, so the pressure they received was very small, and they didn't feel much.

"Chen Fan, this way!"

Chen Fan quickly saw Chen Qingru who was waiting outside Longyuan City, who was extremely eye-catching.

Chen Fan walked forward with a smile.

When Xuan Yingying saw Chen Qingru, her expression was respectful and extremely polite: "Elder Chen."

Chen Fan clasped his fists and said, "Senior Sister!"

When Chen Qingru heard Chen Fan's address, she couldn't help being taken aback.

Xuan Yingying next to her had a flash of light in her eyes.

Chen Qingru gave Chen Fan a helpless look, then looked at Xuan Yingying and Zhang Fan and the others behind Chen Fan: "Don't tell anyone about this!"

Xuan Yingying nodded heavily, and Zhang Fan and the others also pecked at the rice one by one.

Chen Fan didn't care.

This time, the Meihui will have a grand relationship, and Chen Fan will definitely show some strength at that time...

Even if the relationship with Chen Tianqian is exposed, it's okay!

Chen Qingru stared helplessly at Chen Fan: "Let's go, I'll take you back to the Jianzong residence."

Because of Longyuan City's formation, even Chen Qingru, as a Dao fruit, did not dare to fly in it, so he could only walk obediently.

Chen Fan and Xuan Yingying followed Chen Qingru.

Frightened by Chen Qingru's power and status, Zhang Fan and the others followed far behind.

On the street, as far as the eye can see, warriors are everywhere.

The strength is generally not bad, and those with four or five levels of strength are extremely rare, and there are many masters and ten levels...

It can be said that there are as many masters as dogs, walking all over the place.

After all, young warriors from the entire continent gathered together to participate in such a prosperous world.

With the addition of some older masters leading the team, there are naturally many warriors.

Soon the group came to Jianzong's residence.

Chen Fan settled Zhang Fan and the others, and then left with Chen Qingru.


"Junior Brother, you came too late, but I have a lot of things to explain to you. This Meihui is really special..." Without outsiders, Chen Qingru's expression became much gentler.

"Right now, two rounds of preliminary selection for the Meihui Main Match have ended. The second round of preliminary selection will end in three days, and the third round will be the next day...Jianzong will operate for you, and has already arranged a spot for you."

As he said that, Chen Qingru flipped his hands and took out a nameplate:

"This nameplate is the proof of your participation in the Meihui. You can complete the refinement with a drop of blood. It is equivalent to a special treasure with some simple functions related to the competition... There are also special restrictions on it, which can judge you If the actual age of the physical body exceeds, you will not be able to refine it at all!"

Chen Fan took the token and raised his eyebrows, he couldn't help asking: "Restricting the age of the body, what about the age of the soul?"

Chen Qingru smiled and said:

"Junior brother, are you worried about some old monsters seizing low-level warriors? You can rest assured that there will be some terrifying masters watching at the Meihui, and some powerful warriors can indeed seize low-level people. , but if the body and soul do not match, it is easy to be seen by those masters..."

Chen Fan shook his head: "What if it is a reincarnated person?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qingru couldn't help being taken aback, "This..."

The reason why Chen Fan said this is because Chen Fan once got a very important piece of information from Lan Ruo, that Kunwu is the reincarnation of Primordial Demon God.

In other words, no matter how the "reincarnation and reconstruction" is performed, this process does exist.

At least it can show that some bigwigs can complete similar operations...

However, Chen Fan holds the supernatural power of the Demon Killing Eye, but he can use external materials to create a new body that fits perfectly with himself!

Both of these can show that there must be some omissions in the screening of the contestants in the Meihui this time...

There are definitely other ways to achieve the same effect.

It is even possible that this point is a small mistake allowed or even intentionally left by the Mei Club.

After all, those who can really reincarnate and recultivate, or those who can avoid the rules of the Meihui, must not be ordinary, and it is far easier to cultivate them than ordinary warriors!

Chen Fan shook his head, but he didn't think about it anymore, he controlled his body to squeeze out a drop of blood from his finger and dripped it on the nameplate.

Immediately, the nameplate began to shine.

Even with the extra few years in the Yuanshang Secret Realm, Chen Fan is actually not yet forty, and even if he has the opportunity to participate in the next Mei Hui, he will naturally successfully refine it.

And soon, a series of information was displayed on it, with his name and some basic information.

Next to his name there is this string of characters——

"Gui (gǔi) five nine eight seven six five".

It was not difficult for Chen Fan to guess that this should be his entry number.

He turned to look at Chen Qingru: "Dare to ask senior sister, do you know the specific rules of the qualifiers?"

Chen Qingru looked solemn:

"The pre-selection rules are quite special and extremely rough. In each round, two million people will be thrown into a place called 'Dream World'. The 'Dream World' will simulate the real environment, and there will be many monsters and monsters in it , kill the monsters in the 'Fantasy World', you can get points!"

"And the contestants can also fight each other. If they kill their opponents, they will get half of the opponent's points!"

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