My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 793: The Holy Church

"Each round of preliminary selection lasts for three months, and everyone in the 'Dream World' will have unlimited chances to be resurrected... In addition, there are some special places in the 'Dream World', where there are also weapons and elixir Items are scattered everywhere..."

"At the end of the last three months, count the points. Among the two million fighters, the fifty thousand with the highest points can advance!"

"Fifty thousand? Senior Sister, are you not mistaken?" Chen Fan was startled, but also somewhat astonished.

Chen Qingru shook his head: "It is true that only 50,000 warriors can advance. The 150,000 warriors selected in the three rounds of preliminary selection, plus the more than 10,000 warriors directly recommended by the major sects, have a total of more than 160,000 warriors who can participate in the second round. the match of."

Chen Fan shook his head, speechless: "Two million warriors, only 50,000 advanced? The promotion rate is less than 3%, and so many people are recruited in the preliminaries! Yuhua Sect really has a lot of money!"

Needless to say, it is difficult to gather so many warriors.

Yuhuamen ran across the continent, I don’t know how many pre-screenings were held, and more than 6 million young warriors were assembled. As a result, more than 90% of them were eliminated in the first round. What are you playing!

Do not cost?

Chen Qingru had a subtle expression:

"If you don't call so many people, how can you select real geniuses? Moreover, the Yuhua Sect not only has strong financial resources, but also has their own methods of repaying their capital. Many large chambers of commerce in the entire mainland have also sponsored this Meihui... and I heard that Yuhua There are big figures and hidden sects supporting behind the door... Anyway, it’s not our money that’s being burned!”

Chen Fan also blinked his eyes and nodded.

With his strength, it is not difficult to pass the preliminaries, let alone 3%, even if it is 1% or 1/10,000, it is not a problem.

Naturally, there is no psychological burden.

Chen Fan also asked again: "After entering the fantasy world, should I generate a new body that is completely consistent and unified in cultivation, or will it simulate the body of the outside world?"

Chen Qingru replied: "In order to ensure a certain degree of 'fairness', the 'Dream Realm' will suppress the cultivation of all warriors to a unified standard, but other things will not be affected, including special secret techniques and special physiques, all of which can be preserved... ..."

"Oh, fair?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

There is no absolute fairness in the world.

He asked again: "Will the subsequent rounds of competition also be held in this 'Fantasy World'?"

Chen Qingru shook her head:

"It is said that the preliminaries are held in the 'Dream World' because there are too many people, and the 'Dream World' can afford so many people to enter it at the same time. In the subsequent competitions, when the number of people decreases, there will be more choices... ...It's just that there is basically no possibility of actual combat..."

Chen Fan nodded again, and then narrowed his eyes again: "I heard from the master that this Meihui is the first screening for the intensive cultivation of disciples in response to the catastrophe. Do you know the specific situation, senior sister?"

Chen Qingru nodded:

"Father said that after the May meeting, a special force called 'Holy Church' will be established, and the 'Holy Church' will be divided into 'Elite Sequence' and 'Ordinary Sequence'!"

"Normal Sequence is fine. The top 5,000 fighters can all enter the 'Elite Sequence'. And the 5,000 people in the Elite Sequence will be divided into nine Sequences according to their rankings!"

"Of course, as long as you perform well enough, you can continue to improve after entering the temple and enter a higher sequence..."

"Sacred Hall... the nine major sequences, the first five thousand..." Chen Fan knew that the Meihui held this time was a screening for the future catastrophe, and it was used to focus on cultivating talented warriors, but he did not expect the "Sacred Hall" There are so many people who are willing to train!

You know, this is only the so-called elite sequence of the Holy Church. It is not difficult to guess that under the elite sequence, there should also be ordinary sequences...

There are only 5,000 people in the elite sequence, how many people in the ordinary sequence?

Chen Qingru narrowed her eyes and sighed:

"From the revealed training specifications, there is a huge difference in the levels of different sequences among the elite sequences!"

"Among them, the sixth rank, the top 500 disciples, are already considered the specifications of longevity seeds... Within my sword sect, only the disciples of the top 500 can compare!"

Chen Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, he knew the superior treatment of the Jianzong Fengyunbang.

In the sixth rank of the holy hall, 500 people are equivalent to the treatment of the top 20 true masters of Jianzong, but it is a bit too outrageous.

Cultivating geniuses requires a lot of resources!

"How big a resource is this?" Chen Fan was also a little surprised.

You must know that Jianzong does not limit the age of true biography, and the wind and cloud list still limits 20 people.

As for Mei Hui, they are all geniuses under the age of fifty...

What's even more exaggerated is that the Meihui will be held in the future. This is not just one session. In the future, there will be a steady stream of geniuses who will enter the church...

Chen Qingru shook her head:

"The ones who really cultivate these geniuses are some 'demon god kings' and 'immortals' who have experienced more than one catastrophe, and even the blessings of the background of this world does not know how many eras! Even the Ascension Gate is only launched by those big bosses It's just representative..."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, and then his expression was subtle.

This does not mean that the Feather Gate is not good.

on the contrary.

Just that it can be elected as a representative can show that this sect is not bad.

He raised his eyebrows and asked again: "How many senior sisters do you think I can get through with my strength, and which sequence can I enter?"

As soon as Chen Fan said this, Chen Qingru was taken aback, pondered for a moment, and then said:

"With the strength of my junior, the top 100 is not a problem. It can be listed in the fourth training sequence. Even if you are lucky, you have a certain chance to reach the top 50 and sprint to the third sequence!"

"The first hundred, the first fifty? The third sequence?"

Chen Fan was stunned, his face full of astonishment: "Senior sister, are you sure you are right, with my strength, it is only possible to enter the top fifty?"

Although there are more than 6 million warriors participating in the Meihui, Chen Fan is also a master who can rival Daoguo on the surface!

Chen Qingru actually said that he just had a chance to enter the top 50?

This is too outrageous, right?

Chen Qingru also laughed and said:

"If you look at it according to the specifications of the Meihui in the past, don't say that you are in the top 50, junior brother, even the top three, or even the first!"

"But the problem is that with the great changes in the world, many hidden sects have begun to re-enter the world, and this time, the Meihui, the top ten demon sects, and some foreign races have also sent powerful young geniuses. There are too many masters... ..."

"Based on the known information so far, the number of masters above Daoguo has already exceeded 50!"

Chen Fan was taken aback:

"Under the age of fifty, there are more than fifty Daoguo masters?"

Although he had heard from Xuan Yingying that this Meihui seemed to have masters at the longevity level who were under fifty years old.

However, in his opinion, even if there are, there may be only one or two. Even if there are ten times as many geniuses as Daoguo, there are at most ten or twenty. Exceeding fifty is a bit exaggerated!

That's not Chinese cabbage!

Chen Qingru sighed:

"In fact, these are only people with Dao Fruit cultivation on the surface, and there may be more people who really have Dao Fruit combat power..."

"There are many special races, even those on the mountain and sea list, who are extremely young and have extremely terrifying strength...It is difficult for such alien races to measure their strength with cultivation."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help saying:

"Is the strength of the hidden sect and some special races really so exaggerated?"

Jianzong is also one of the most powerful sects in the central region, which can occupy the resources of a state, and the strongest is only himself. I have never heard of Daoguo under the age of 50...

Among the top ten sects, except for the Yuhua sect that exceeds the specification and is powerful, the other sects are probably better than Jianzong, but Chen Fan guesses that they may not be able to add up to one or two Dao fruits...

Chen Qingru smiled wryly and shook her head:

"Gathering the entire continent, I don't know how many epoch backgrounds can produce so many geniuses, how can it not be an exaggeration!"

"Many people are disciples of masters of the fifth and sixth levels of longevity, and there may even be descendants of masters of the 'immortal' level. Such an existence, let alone the Sword Sect, is simply incomparable to the Yuhua Sect!"

sorry for the wait

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