My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 797 Conditions

Lan Ruo is respected in Ziyue Secret Realm and knows a lot!

Chen Fan guessed that she might be a reincarnation.

He came here also to ask Lan Ruo about the Zizai League and Cangshenghua.

Zi Yan shook her head: "Xiaozu naturally won't bully the big with the small, she is still retreating in the Ziyue Secret Realm!"

"Using the small to bully the big?" Chen Fan's mouth twitched again.

He knew that, on the surface, there were more than ten immortals participating in the competition, and among them there were even triple immortals...

Without being able to use the White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian, judging by Chen Fan's current strength, it would be very difficult to break into the top three. Zi Yan actually said such a thing.

You know, Lan Ruo just broke through the tenth level...

Chen Fan also became more and more curious about Lan Ruo's true identity.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan also cleared his throat, and said, "I'm here, and I still have some questions to ask the Ziyan sect master."

If Lan Ruo wasn't there, Chen Fan could only settle for the next best thing.

Zi Yan waved her hand: "Brother Chen Fan, please speak—"

Chen Fan asked, "Has the master of the Ziyan sect heard of the Freedom League?"

Zi Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, nodded and said:

"Xiao Zu once said that this force is an evil force from the last era, and its strength is not considered strong."

The so-called last era refers to before the last catastrophe.

"Not strong?" Chen Fan squinted his eyes: "How can it be not strong? A force that can survive the catastrophe also needs to be protected by a master of the level of 'Purple Moon Immortal', right?"

Zi Yan shook her head: "It is not necessary to have the protection of a master of this level, but the protection of the power of a master of this level..."

Chen Fan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't realize the difference between the two.

It's just that he thought for a while, and his eyes flickered:

"It's not that there are masters of the 'Devil King' level in the Freedom League, but that they survived with the help of a certain 'Devil King' master?"

Zi Yan nodded:

"Xiaozu said that the Zizai League survived by occupying the cave of an 'immortal' who died in the catastrophe... In fact, among these surviving hermit sects, there have really been masters of the 'immortal' series There are only a very small number of forces..."

"However, these hidden sects may be able to survive one or two catastrophes, but without real 'immortals' sitting in charge, it is difficult for them to survive the second or third chance."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, and he also understood why he had to warn himself with a leader of the Fifth Level of Longevity when he killed the young man of the Zizai League.

It seems that the strongest master in this Zizai League is likely to be the leader.

He raised his eyebrows, his thoughts tumbling:

"With my current strength, I still can't stop the master of the fifth level of longevity, but he can't be born in a short time, but I may break through the longevity in a few years, so I won't be so afraid of him... "

If he can break through the Dao Fruit in Meihui, and he has the heaven-defying elixir of the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill, plus the visualization of the "Hongmeng Sword" in the sea of ​​consciousness, he is really confident that he will break through longevity in a few years.

When he arrived at Changsheng, he didn't dare to say that he would be able to match the master of the fifth level of Changsheng, but he also had a certain amount of confidence to deal with it!

Not to mention, when he comes out, he is already a genius that the "Holy Church" focuses on training, and the other party may not dare to provoke him.

Zi Yan also sighed:

"Even if you really have the power of a master 'immortal', there are only a few 'immortals' who can maintain a good state."

"Including our 'Ziyue Secret Realm', although we rely on the Ziyue Immortal to exist until now, the 'Ziyue Immortal' and many seniors in the sect have been 'sleeping' for a long time, otherwise my Ziyue Secret Realm would not have... ..."

In the middle of Ziyan's speech, she sighed and did not continue.

Chen Fan's heart skipped a beat.

Ziyan said that the Zizai League is not very good, but the leader of the Zizai League is the fifth level of longevity, and the seed player directly promoted is Daoguo; However, at the third level of longevity, the seeds directly pushed are just the fruit of the Tao...

Chen Fan also felt subtle.

The situation of "Purple Moon Secret Realm" is quite special, it seems that it has encountered some major blows in the past...

He shook his head, throwing away the miscellaneous thoughts in his heart.

The aura in his hand condensed and turned into the Cangsheng flower, and asked: "May I ask the master of the Ziyan sect, have you ever seen this flower?"

Zi Yan frowned, then shook her head:

"I haven't seen this thing before. But I can ask Sister Ziyun or Xiaozu for you."

Chen Fan also said helplessly: "Then trouble the master of the purple sect!"

In my heart, I didn't have too many expectations.


Not long after leaving Ziyuezong's residence.

Chen Fan received another summons from Chen Tianqian.

"The Cangshenghua has disappeared!"

Chen Fan immediately went to see Chen Tianqian.

Chen Tianqian said:

"I'll help you ask an old friend of Yuzhimen about the Cangsheng flower, but the Cangsheng flower of Yuzhimen has already been used up, but he knows the whereabouts of the other Cangsheng flower..."

"You should have heard of the Xingluo Pavilion in the Eastern Region, right? That is also one of the top ten sects in the mainland..."

"As the second largest domain in the entire continent, the Eastern Region is also the most prosperous in martial arts, but this Xingluo Pavilion is much stronger than my Sword Sect!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered: "Which Cangsheng flower is in this Xingluo Pavilion?"

When he was in Xiao Qingxu, he had dealt with warriors from the Eastern Region.

That woman named Lin Jiangxian is a warrior from Xingluo Pavilion.

In fact, he thought it was strange at the beginning. Xiaoqingxu was obviously located in the southeast region, but why did most of the people who went to Xiaoqingxu go to the middle region and the east region? It turned out that the strength of these two regions was the strongest...

Chen Tianqian nodded and said: "Because of the Meihui, the top forces in all major domains have sent representatives, and I immediately contacted the Xingluo Pavilion Master through that old friend. The Pavilion Master is willing to trade Cangshenghua, but... ...the price is high..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and took a deep breath: "What price?"

Chen Tianqian said: "They mentioned three conditions, first, three Taoist artifacts above the middle level..."

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he said directly: "The value of this Cangsheng flower may not be comparable to that of a middle-grade sword?"

Cangshenghua is an innate treasure, but it is a consumable after all. A flower may not be more valuable than a middle-level Taoist weapon...

Chen Tianqian shook his head helplessly: "Although the value determines the price, the higher the demand, the higher the premium will be. Xingluo Pavilion is obviously a lion's mouth... Maybe it's me, the suzerain, who is specifically looking for this thing, so that the Xingluo Pavilion owner can see it." Out of my urgency. But this condition should still have room to lower the price..."

Chen Fan took a deep breath helplessly, and narrowed his eyes: "What about the second condition?"

Chen Tianqian glanced at Chen Fan, and said, "The second condition is ten places to enter the Sword Realm."

"The sword realm records the nine swordsmanship of my sword sect. Even if they send their disciples into it, the effect will not be considered good?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Chen Tianqian shook his head: "You always know the word analogy, even if you don't practice the Nine Great Swordsmanship, as long as you practice swordsmanship, you will definitely be able to gain something!"

Chen Fan froze for a moment, then nodded.

In fact, even the trails under the same avenue are different.

There are always differences in the ordinary way that everyone walks out.

For example, there are so many treasures in Chen Fan's hands that contain Dao Yun, and they are also different from his own way, but the difference does not mean that it is useless!

The way of swordsmanship is more special, and the difference from the ordinary way is greater, but it can also be touched.

Chen Fan cleared his throat, and also looked at Chen Tianqian, "This condition... what do you think, Master?"

If the first condition is to lower the price a little, Chen Fan can come up with it by himself, but the second condition is something he has no way to decide.

Chen Tianqian said helplessly: "I will find a way to communicate with the people in Jiange, but these ten places can't be given away for free. I will count 10 million yuan crystals for each of you, and you will pay for the money!"

Chen Fan nodded decisively: "No problem!"

"Don't worry, there is a third condition—" Chen Tianqian gave Chen Fan a subtle look, and continued: "The owner of Xingluo Pavilion, please ask me for a Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill!"

The Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill is the unique holy medicine of Jianzong, and it is well-known throughout the Central Region!

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