My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 798 Anger and the Bottom Line

Holy grade pills are extremely rare.

As the unique elixir of Jianzong, Jinlonghua elixir is also well-known.

It's not the kind comparable to ordinary holy medicine pills.

It is a powerful panacea that can help break through longevity.

However, compared to the price that Chen Fan had to pay for the first two conditions, a mere holy-level elixir seemed nothing.

But the problem is, Chen Fan has extra Dao artifacts, such as Yuanjing, and it won't take long for the follow-up "theatre" to be divided into hands, so it won't be impossible to donate it to Jianzong!

But the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill is the key pill that affects whether he can advance to longevity faster.

He is absolutely impossible to let out!

He looked at Chen Tianqian again.

Chen Tianqian shook his head directly: "You don't need to look at me, Jianzong doesn't have any extra Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pills, you have to figure out a way for this condition."

Even Jianzong didn't have much in stock, and it was even more impossible for Chen Fan to take out his own Golden Dragon Transformation Pill.

He frowned deeply: "Master, please communicate with Pavilion Master Xingluo again to keep the price to the lowest...Let's see the follow-up..."

Although a blue sacred flower is rare, it may not be more valuable than any of these three conditions!

Xingluo Pavilion is a lion's big mouth, and there is still a lot of room for bargaining during the period.

Maybe there is no need for the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill.

Chen Tianqian nodded, but said helplessly:

"If it weren't for the fact that the May Club has already started, I will definitely let this guy hang out for a few years, and wait for him to wear down his patience before starting to lower the price... Go to him now, or you may still be slaughtered..."

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, shook his head and said, "If relying on a Cangsheng flower, I can jump forward another sequence, and it is not unacceptable to pay some extra price."

Although Chen Tianqian didn't expect that Chen Fan's target was the first sequence, but he also knew the difference, and nodded: "I'll go find him right now!"

Chen Fan took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Master, please."


After half a day.

Chen Fan received another summons from Chen Tianqian.

"The bottom line of Xingluo Pavilion... the three conditions have been reduced a lot. First, the original three Dao artifacts, now only one four-star Dao artifact is enough. Second, the number of ten sword realm places has been reduced to three. First, the third golden dragon transformation elixir can be exchanged for ten top-grade elixir of the Holy Void."

In fact, this condition is still exaggerated, and generally only the masters of the third level of longevity can get it.

Just a four-star Taoist artifact is worth a fortune.

But it is much better than before.

Chen Fan also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Master, please promise to come down for me, I'll collect all the things and go find you!"

Although these three conditions are still far beyond the value of Cangshenghua itself, they are all much better than the conditions proposed by Xingluo Pavilion at the beginning.

Flipping his hand, he took out a black mirror.

This thing is the Hunyuan Magic Mirror of the Seven Saint Devil Emperors. It is a four-star Taoist artifact, but it does not match Chen Fan at all. Things he kept were of little use.

As for the Void Sacred Elixir, Chen Fan has no shortage.

After all, he had killed more than one longevity. Although he failed to get the second holy-level pill except for the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill, there were a lot of virtual holy pills.

However, it has to be said that in order to collect these ten top-quality pills, he also took out a lot of good things.

Both Xuanmu Wanjin Pill and Taishen Pill were taken out...

"If you can break into the first rank, all these efforts will be worth it!"

He took a deep breath, put the things he had organized into a separate sumeru ring, and then went to see the master.

"Hunyuan Magic Mirror?!"

Chen Tianqian recognized the Taoist artifact brought by Chen Fan at a glance.

"I didn't expect you to hold this thing. No one from the Yuan Demon Sect came to look for you?"

Chen Fan was taken aback.

Chen Tianqian shook his head and said:

"Although this item is only a four-star Taoist artifact, it can't be regarded as just a four-star Taoist artifact. Rather than saying it is a treasure, it is better to say that it is a special iconic item of the Yuan Demon Sect. There are many treasures in it. Yuan Demon Sect's secrets, classics... it's too cheap for them to hand over to Xingluo Pavilion!"

Chen Fan was very helpless: "But I don't have any other suitable Taoist weapon, so I can't take out the Lengfeng sword..."

Leng Fengjian is a six-star Taoist artifact comparable to a seven-star Taoist artifact, and its value is much higher than the four-star Taoist artifact.

Chen Tianqian said: "I'll help you change a four-star Taoist artifact, and leave this Hunyuan magic mirror to me!"

Chen Fan nodded: "Yes."

Chen Tianqian also immediately took Chen Fan's Sumeru Ring and went to Star Luozong again.

Although Chen Fan is the real buyer of the transaction between the two big guys, he is buying in the name of the master after all, so it is not easy for him to go with the master.

Excited and anxiously waiting, Chen Fan finally waited for another communication from Chen Tianqian after half an hour.

But when he saw Chen Tianqian's unusually ugly face on the projection of the true order, Chen Fan realized that something was wrong.

"Is there something wrong with the transaction?"

Chen Tianqian nodded with an ugly face: "As soon as I passed by, Pavilion Master Xingluo said that there are other people who want to buy that Cangshenghua..."

Chen Fan's face turned cold:

"It's not too late, but at this time...I'm afraid Pavilion Master Xingluo wants to increase the price?"

Chen Tianqian nodded: "I think so too, I'm afraid it's because we got all the items together so quickly, and Pavilion Master Xingluo knows our urgency for the Cangshenghua, so..."

After all, the Meihui has already started, so Chen Fan naturally wants to get the Cangshenghua sooner.

"Obviously the price has been agreed before, but this Pavilion Master Xingluo is so shameless, he doesn't care about offending our Sword Sect for the benefit of the moment?" Chen Fan's heart was filled with anger.

Chen Tianqian sneered: "The Eastern Territory is far away from our Yuan Shenzhou, so Xingluo Pavilion doesn't care if it offends Jianzong!"

Chen Fan suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "I can give you one or two more low-star Dao artifacts, or a few more Void Sacred Pills, please ask Master Xingluo if he is willing..."

Chen Tianqian nodded, hung up the communication, and sent another text message not long after:

"They said that they don't need more Dao artifacts, and they don't need the Void Sage Pill, but they went back to the third condition at the beginning, which is to ask for a Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill."

Chen Fan exhaled deeply, shook his head, and sent a message:

"Master, please tell them it's impossible, I won't let the Golden Dragon Transformation Pill!"

Star Luo Pavilion resident.

In a secret room.

With a gentle and kind smile, the white-haired old man looked at Chen Tianqian, who was opposite him in a contemplative state:

"How? Headmaster Chen, have you thought about it? Are you willing to agree to our conditions?"

Chen Tianqian shook his head directly, "Split Sky Sword Sect does not have the Golden Dragon Transformation Pill in stock at this time, I cannot agree to this condition!"

As soon as this remark came out, the old man was also full of regret: "Then there is no other way. I, Xingluo Pavilion, have cultivated this Cangsheng flower for tens of thousands of years. I can't agree to exchange it for ordinary items!"


Chen Tianqian sneered, but got up directly: "Since you don't want to, then forget it, forgive me and leave now!"

Speaking of which, Chen Tianqian also turned his head and left.

And watching Chen Tianqian get up, the old man still had a subtle smile on his face, and it didn't completely dissipate until Chen Tianqian left the room.

"Master, this..."

Next to the old man, an old woman dressed in palace clothes saw Chen Tianqian leave, but couldn't help but said:

"The conditions that Chen Tianqian is willing to offer are already very good. We might as well agree to him. Although the Cangshenghua is rare, it has limited effect on us after all. It may not be comparable to a four-star Taoist artifact..."

"Don't worry."

The old man smiled slightly, with a confident look: "This Chen Tianqian wants the Cangshenghua to the extreme, I am afraid it is for a very urgent use, you look at it, in less than a month, this Chen Tianqian will take the initiative to find it." Came here."

The old woman was helpless: "But if he doesn't look for..."

The old man shook his head and said:

"If we don't look for us, we'll look for him. At worst, we can agree to his previous conditions! Could it be that Chen Tiangan can find a second Cangsheng flower in such a short time?"

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