My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 806: Follow Your Heart

Neutral zone, amidst chaotic battles.

A ripple flashed through the air.

A figure suddenly emerged.

The man was dressed in black, and his face was extremely ugly. It was Song Qingyun.

"That person didn't accept my invitation. It's not that he lacks drive and will to fight. The fundamental reason is...he doesn't like us!"

There was a deep regret in my heart.

He took a deep breath, put aside his miscellaneous thoughts, turned around and rushed into the chaotic crowd.

With his 8th level strength, although he can't have the absolute strength here like when he formed the joint battle formation, he can be regarded as a rare master in this neutral zone, and he should be able to kill many warriors. Can accumulate a lot of points.

at the same time.

outside the neutral zone.

Chen Fan Leng shook his head while his mind was rippling in the neutral zone.

Among the 20,000 to 30,000 warriors, although most of them are limited in strength, there are also some warriors whose strength far surpasses that of ordinary people...

Although not everyone frantically attacks the weak, there are always people who do.

Ordinary grandmasters are fine, but among these people, there are still three ten-weights!

After tenth-level masters expand their Dao Domain, among the vast majority of warriors who are only below the sixth level, they are like wolves who have entered the flock.

As the Dao Domain passed, a crop of warriors fell down like leeks!

And after some low-level warriors die, if they are unlucky and their respawn points are within the neutral zone, it means that they will die a few more times...

"A warrior of the sixth or seventh level has no resistance at all against a warrior of the tenth level..."

He raised his eyebrows.

The black sword in Shensense Yu's hand shot out instantly.

Although the scope of his spiritual consciousness has been suppressed, the strength of his own spiritual consciousness has not been reduced at all.

The flying sword shot out, instantly killing those unscrupulous tenfolds in the blink of an eye!

His points instantly rose to two million!

It's not that he wants to score points.

Otherwise, if the consciousness is swept away, these people will be counted one by one, and they will die in an instant, and tens of millions of points will be at their fingertips...

Although the fantasy world will not really cause people to die, since these low-level warriors have come to the neutral area, most of them have given up scoring points, just want to find a safe place, and don't want to be "killed" again...

If this is the case, they are all harvested as leeks at will, which is a bit too miserable.

In the final analysis, Chen Fan wanted to do this, so he did it.

Of course, even if Chen Fan kills these ten heavyweights, they can be revived within a radius of ten miles, and they will only lose half of the points, and they can still be killed later, so it has nothing to do with Chen Fan.

But when he turned to leave, he couldn't help but startled, and couldn't help but move in his heart:

"Thinking about it carefully, there is actually no essential difference between me and the nugget. We are both doing what we want to do, and we all rely on our strength to maintain it. It's just that I am not as extreme as the nuclei..."

He couldn't help but laugh, but his state of mind and will were more pure, and he turned into a phantom in the blink of an eye and disappeared in place.


Chen Fan's points far exceeded 10,000, so he could no longer go to other neutral zones.

He cannot commit suicide, nor can he voluntarily send himself to death.

After that, Chen Fan wandered around, but found the location of another city.

This city is located next to a swamp, but inside the swamp is a place full of ferocious beasts, and there are many warriors in it.

The city is quiet on the surface, and there are many warriors hiding in it, but the city is quite large, with many pavilions and palaces. Unless a warrior like Chen Fan has extremely strong spiritual sense, it is difficult for ordinary people to hide will be found.

Chen Fan found an unoccupied secret pavilion, came to the bottom floor, restrained his aura, and sat down cross-legged.

With his level of spiritual consciousness, in this fantasy world, only masters who have also reached the limitless level of spiritual consciousness can possibly discover him.

Even if the consumption of "Hiding the Void" is not too high all the time, he can even be a transparent person in this fantasy world.

Afterwards, Chen Fan also continued to painstakingly study "Nightmare Prayer" and "God's Walk"...


Time passed slowly, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the depths of the pavilion, Chen Fan sat cross-legged in it, with his eyes closed.

But his ghost floated out of his body, soared straight up, passed through the walls, and came outside the pavilion.

His spirit body moves with the wind, and shuttles quickly through the city.

At the same time, the consciousness unfolded, like a super-large radar, constantly detecting the surrounding situation.

In the fantasy world, his own spiritual consciousness can only detect the situation within five kilometers around him, but when the spirit can act, this range is naturally continuously enlarged.

His split spirit quickly opened another city, flocked to the nearby swamp, and kept going deeper.

But it doesn't care whether the body will be discovered or not.

Even if it is discovered, it doesn't matter if it is killed, anyway, the fantasy world can be resurrected infinitely.

At this time, warriors who dare to roam outside the neutral zone are generally strong.

It is rare to see below the master.

Ten levels are common, but in the area around the swamp, the strongest one is the strength of the Dao Fruit, and there is no second Dao Fruit.

After the daily patrol was over, Chen Fan's spirit also quickly moved towards his body.

But when his body just entered the range of his consciousness, he sensed a roaring sound near his body.

"The last half of the month is here and the fighting seems to be getting a lot more intense lately."

His spirit quickly entered the body.


The dome of the pavilion he was in exploded, and a blood-soaked figure crashed down from the sky, smashing the pavilion layer by layer, and fell heavily in front of Chen Fan, deeply embedded in the ground.

Chen Fan had sensed it a long time ago, but he was not surprised at all.

On the contrary, I was lucky to be discovered after hiding for two months.

He looked up.

A man in black was suspended in the air, and his body was surrounded by a layer of golden light, completely covering the area around him.

Obviously a ten-fold master!

It's just that it seems that he is just a beginner.

He looked down at the ground, and when he saw Chen Fan sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes flashed:

"Huh? There's still someone hiding here? I didn't even notice it. Isn't the hiding ability not bad!"

The man waved his hand, and a beam of golden light instantly shot towards Chen Fan.

call out!

But he just regarded Chen Fan as a weak warrior with good concealment ability, and wanted to solve it casually.



A golden spear-like weapon suddenly stopped in front of Chen Fan!


Chen Fan stood up and raised his hand to hold the spear in his hand.

He looked up at the man in black in the sky:

"I didn't want to get involved in the battle between the two of you..."

"Not good!" The expression of the man in black changed drastically in an instant.

To be able to block his own moves so easily, this person is definitely a master above the second level Dao domain.

"A master above the second level of the Dao Domain hides his breath and hides in such a corner?" He was also a little speechless.

But without even looking at the person he was chasing, he turned his head and turned into a streamer, rushing into the distance!

"Can I escape?" Chen Fan grabbed the golden spear and threw it forward.


The golden light flashed by.

Accompanied by a scream from a distance, the body of the fleeing ten-fold man burst into pieces, and his whole body was also pierced by the golden spear, knocking down several buildings in a row before he was nailed to a high tower!

A big mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the man in black, and a strong resentment flashed across his face.

And Chen Fan's figure slowly flew out from the pavilion that lost its dome, and came to the man in black with a flying sword in his hand.

"Brother, I have something to say, I am a member of the Ice Sect, please don't kill me!"

"In order to motivate my disciples, I, Ice Extreme Sect, the higher the points I get, the higher the rewards I can get. To you, points are just points, but to me, points are extremely important!"

"Besides, I'm just a first-level dao domain, and my points are limited. With your strength, you won't get much if you kill me. Why don't you give it to a friend..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and sneered:

"Being a friend, what benefits can you do me?"

In the fantasy world, whether it is weapons or pills, they are all nothingness. After leaving, everything is empty.

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