My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 807 Useless Points?

The man in black's expression froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said delicately:

"Your Excellency, you haven't heard of the name of my Ice Extreme Sect, right? My Ice Extreme Sect's big brother is Togo, and I am also the one who has always been at the top of the leaderboard..."

"Even many masters of my Ice Sect have gathered together in the fantasy world. If you want to make friends with me, you will be friends with my Ice Sect. If you kill me, then..."

"Are you threatening me?" Chen Fan's eyes were cold, but he directly slashed out with his sword.


The sword light flickered, his face was terrified, but his body collapsed instantly.

Only the top-quality pills and a few spiritual weapons were left on the ground.

Then Chen Fan turned his head, looked down at the seemingly quiet city, and pointed to the pavilion where he was.

"This is the place where I retreat. If anyone trespasses, he will definitely be killed!"

Under the scope of his spiritual consciousness, the warriors hidden in the dark around him, whether high or low in strength, could not escape Chen Fan's sense.

Including Chen Fan himself, there are only three ten weights.

This is already a situation where the proportion of tenth-level fighters is extremely high!

Every move of Chen Fan, including the rupture of the golden Dao Domain of the man in black, and his being killed by Chen Fan's sword, were all seen by the surrounding warriors.

The majestic top ten masters lost their lives in such a way, which naturally made the surrounding warriors feel stunned and terrified!

Ordinary people naturally stay away from it.


At the same time, in a small alley a few miles away.

A ripple like water flashed by.

A warrior in black appeared intact.

He frowned tightly, his face full of helplessness: "I met a guy who is soft but not tough..."

He didn't lie, he was indeed a member of the Extreme Ice Sect.

The so-called No. 1 Togo is indeed a warrior of the Extreme Ice Sect, but the warriors of the Extreme Ice Sect did not gather together in the fantasy world. What he said was purely to scare Chen Fan.

"After a long time of hard work, half of it disappeared at once. It's unlucky."

With a sigh, the person also turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.


After casually killing the tenfold that was in the way, Chen Fan returned to the pavilion.

But he frowned and looked at the figure on the ground covered in blood.

"Thank you senior for saving your life!"

This is a young man with nine levels of peak strength.

Being able to withstand ten heavy attacks without dying, the strength is naturally not too bad.

In the fantasy world, as long as you don't die, your injuries will accumulate.

However, there are not only weapons in the fantasy world, but also things like herbs and elixir.

And when death drops points, random rebirth within ten kilometers, the status will also be refreshed.

Chen Fan waved his hand:

"I said that I didn't intend to get involved in your battles. It was only when that guy shot at me that I fought back. You don't need to thank me!"

The young man swallowed his saliva: "Senior, can I stay here for a while longer, when I recover from my injury... I will leave immediately!"

There are many people hidden in the dark places in the city.

He is seriously injured now, and if someone finds out, he will probably be killed once.

It is quite unacceptable for him to get half of the points at a time.

Chen Fan shook his head directly: "No."

Speaking of which, Chen Fan has already saved his life. Chen Fan has nothing to do with him, so there is no need to protect him all the time!

Advancement places are limited.

I have protected this person, if this person happens to be promoted because of this, it is unfair to others.

Chen Fan didn't recognize him and had no relationship with him, so there was no need to protect him.

If it was a girl who was more eye-catching, Chen Fan might still agree.

A look of sadness flashed across the young man's face when he heard the words, but he didn't dare to say anything, and immediately turned his head and rushed out of the pavilion that lost its dome.

Chen Fan continued to sit cross-legged.

But he took out the nameplate in his hand.

At this moment, the names on the list have changed quite a bit. The number one has become the "Togo" again, and his points have exceeded one billion.

To have such a high score, this person is definitely a master at the longevity level, and nine out of ten are not ordinary longevity!

"If what the kid said just now is true, there is a reason for Togo to score points!"

Chen Fan thought it was strange before.

Even if you are strong, is it necessary to score points so intensively to tire yourself?

Apart from making the top 100 names stand out in front of others, this level has no other effect.

Now, Chen Fan finally got the answer.

"This Ice Extreme Sect is not one of the top ten sects. It should be a hidden sect that can cultivate a master like Togo. I'm afraid there are 'immortals' in town!"

Shaking his head, Chen Fan looked down again.

Originally the third molten core, the points were still the same as two months ago, only 50 million, but now it has fallen out of the top 50 of the overall list.

"Is it because I 'killed' it once?" Chen Fan felt subtle.

The further back, the fiercer the competition, and the faster the points change.

If the nugget points haven't changed in the last half month, they may even fall out of the overall list.

"It seems that when I killed the molten core, it was not without any damage to him."

Chen Fan looked at his points, but it has already exceeded 3 million.

The tenth-level martial artist killed just now gave Chen Fan more than 1.5 million points.

"In other words, this guy, a warrior of the first level Dao domain, has more than three million points..."

The number of points is more than he imagined.

These days, Chen Fan has already tested it. Killing a monster with ten levels of initial stage can only get 50,000 points.

Purely by killing monsters, it is possible to kill sixty tenth-level monsters in a row. It takes almost every day to kill one tenth-level monster to accumulate so many points. For an ordinary tenth-level warrior, this difficulty Needless to say.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan put away the nameplate and continued to sit cross-legged.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed.

And suddenly, a loud shout sounded from far and near.

"Senior is not good—"

The vitality of the world was surging, and a warrior flew in from the hole in the pavilion. It was the young man in black that Chen Fan had rescued earlier.

Chen Fan frowned, a look of impatience flashed across his face, and the black sword beside him floated automatically:

"If you don't have a proper reason, you have to die once!"

The expression of the young man in black froze, "Senior, please be merciful, I have important information to report to you, senior!"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "Important information?"

The young man in black hurriedly said:

"Senior, you should have heard of the 'Seven Saints Alliance', they are eyeing this small town!"

"What the hell?" Chen Fan was taken aback.

The young man in black was also taken aback, and smiled wryly:

"This is a temporary battle alliance formed by seven masters of Dao and fruit in the fantasy world. They are all disciples of big forces or hidden world sects. The sound of their voices has attracted many masters to join ...They are extremely domineering, united to kill and control non-alliance warriors, and their power is growing..."

Chen Fan sneered:

"It's really boring. If you can squeeze into the top 50,000 points, you can advance. Are these people temporarily forming such an alliance?"

The youth in black shook his head:

"The purpose of these people is no longer to advance. It is meaningless for them to raise higher points, but they can weaken and control other people's points, exclude dissidents, or seek substantial benefits..."

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows, not quite understanding.

The youth in black continued:

"If you die in the fantasy world, although warriors will not be reborn in the same place, the range of rebirth is within ten miles of the place of death. This range is actually not too far for a real master..."

"If there are enough people and the strength is strong enough, it is absolutely possible to chase a warrior and kill them non-stop, and then control them so that this person cannot continue to collect points!"

"Points are useless. They are aimed at those who are rich in points and far beyond the promotion level. But for those who cannot advance, especially those who have the strength to advance but cannot meet the standard, it is more important than anything else!"

"You have to know that many people are close to fifty and have no chance to participate in the next Meihui. This time...these people are even willing to exchange their most precious treasures from the outside world!"

The words of the young man in black made Chen Fan's eyes brighten up, who was not interested at first.

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